
Trump's weight-loss regimen: fish and half a bun


Washington (CNN)Dietitians have been consulted in the White House kitchens. Steak has been swapped out for Dover sole, his favored fish. And hamburger buns have been discarded -- or at least the tops have.

华盛顿(美国有线电视新闻网) 营养师已在白宫厨房咨询过。牛排已经被换成了他最喜欢的鱼类多佛鳎鱼。汉堡上的面包胚已经被丢弃了——至少是不要汉堡上面的圆面包了。

President Donald Trump, who embarked upon a mission to shed 10 to 15 pounds in January, has acknowledged in private that he needs to lose weight. Prodded along by his White House physician and the knowledge he is approaching obesity, Trump agreed earlier this year to alter his diet and begin a new exercise plan. Five months into his regimen, people close to him say they've detected small changes, mostly in how he eats, that reflect a desire to follow doctor's orders.

今年1月,美国总统唐纳德•特朗普(Donald Trump)开始了一项10到15磅的减肥任务,他私下承认,他需要减肥。今年初,特朗普在白宫医生的督促下得知自己接近肥胖。他于是同意改变饮食习惯,开始新的锻炼计划。在他养生减肥的五个月里,接近他的人说他们发现了川普一些小的变化,主要是他的饮食方式的改变,这反映了他想听从医生的命令的愿望。

But they haven't identified a discernible exercise routine beyond the weekend rounds of golf the President enjoys with the help of a cart. Trump himself has continued to downplay the importance of exercise, even questioning whether it presents more risk than reward.


On Wednesday, Trump will publicly tout the importance of physical fitness during an event on the White House South Lawn, accompanied by his daughter Ivanka and major sports figures such as legendary New York Yankees relief pitcher Mariano Rivera and Misty May-Treanor, a three-time Olympic gold medal winning beach volleyball player.

周三,特朗普将在白宫南草坪的一项活动中公开宣扬健身的重要性,陪同他的是女儿伊万卡(Ivanka),和体育明星如纽约洋基队的传奇救援投手马里亚诺·里维拉(Mariano Rivera)和三度获得沙滩排球奥运会金牌的米斯蒂·梅·特雷诺尔(Misty May-Treanor)。

Their goal is to reverse the trend of declining participation in youth sports through initiatives and research that reinforces the importance of staying active. Whether Trump will hold himself up as a model remains to be seen.


When Ivanka Trump was questioned about Trump's fitness routine during a briefing call on Tuesday, a White House press aide told reporters she'd left for another meeting. And the White House did not respond to questions about the President's personal fitness plan.

In January, Dr. Ronny Jackson, the White House doctor, acknowledged to a room full of reporters that Trump didn't exercise regularly.

"Some people exercise, some people don't," Jackson said. "Some people just haven't done that as part of their routine. And I would say that's the category he falls in right now."


He described a joint effort with Ivanka Trump and first lady Melania Trump to improve the President's diet and introduce him to a workout plan, all with the goal of pulling him back from borderline obesity. At his physical exam in January, the 6-foot-3-inch Trump weighed 239 pounds, according to his doctor.

他描述了与伊万卡•特朗普(Ivanka Trump)和第一夫人梅拉尼娅•特朗普(Melania Trump)共同努力改善总统的饮食,并向他介绍一项锻炼计划,所有这些计划都是为了让他摆脱肥胖的困扰。据川普的医生说,在1月份的体检中,特朗普的身高约为1.86米,体重约为107公斤。

Among the steps Jackson detailed: enlisting a nutritionist to meet with White House chefs to advise on cutting calories; renovating the gym adjacent to the Lincoln Bedroom in the White House residence to Trump's specifications; and crafting an aerobic exercise schedule that "spares his joints and is healthy for him."

杰克逊详细列出特朗普健身步骤: 请一位营养学家与白宫厨师会面,就减少卡路里的问题提供建议; 对白宫住宅里的健身房进行整修,并制定有氧运动时间表。

"He's more enthusiastic about the diet part than the exercise part, but we're going to do both," Jackson had said determinedly.


In March, Trump nominated Jackson to serve as secretary of Veterans Affairs. A month later, the nomination was withdrawn after allegations Jackson had mismanaged the White House Medical Unit. The administration said he would return to the medical unit but not as the President's physician.


How that affected the implementation of Trump's weight-loss routine isn't clear. Trump himself has told confidants that rounds of golf and smaller portions of food will help him shed the dozen or so pounds he'd hoped to lose by the start of next year but has downplayed the role exercise can play in improving his health.




Inside the White House kitchens, chefs have been instructed to find ways to limit fat and calories in the dishes they prepare for Trump's meals, including the lunches and dinners he convenes almost daily with members of his Cabinet, lawmakers, outside advisers or visiting foreign dignitaries.


One swap repeat diners at the White House have noticed: Dover sole has replaced well-done steak, which Trump famously slathers with ketchup as his favorite meal.


Earlier this year, a registered dietitian was dispatched from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center to consult with White House kitchen staff on reducing calories and fat in Trump's meals, according to a person familiar with the matter. Vegetables have begun appearing on his plate, though it's not clear how much of them he is eating.

据一位知情人士透露,今年早些时候,沃尔特·里德国家军事医疗中心(Walter Reed National Milal Medical Center)派出了一名注册营养师,与白宫厨房工作人员就减少特朗普膳食中的卡路里和脂肪进行磋商。蔬菜已经开始出现在他的盘子里,虽然还不清楚他吃了多少。

Outside the White House, Trump is largely left to his own devices for meals. Visiting the Trump International Hotel for dinner, Trump has typically asked for his favorite steak. But on one recent visit he chose the Dover sole instead (it sells for $64 dollars a plate and comes laden with soy brown butter and capers).

在白宫之外,特朗普基本上只能靠自己的后勤吃饭。在特朗普国际酒店(Trump International Hotel)用餐时,特朗普通常会要他最喜欢的牛排。但是最近他选择了多佛鳎鱼(每盘售价64美元,里面装满了大豆、棕色黄油和木薯)。

At Mar-a-Lago, Trump is often seen filling his own plate on the buffet line, which is full of calorie-rich options such as mashed potatoes and roast beef. At his golf clubs in Florida and outside Washington, Trump is known to eat a cheeseburger inside the clubhouse after a round.

在Mar-a-Lago(位于美国南部 佛罗里达州棕榈滩的海湖庄园,是美国总统特朗普名下一处产业),特朗普经常在自助餐柜上堆满自己的盘子,里面装满了热量丰富的食物,比如土豆泥和烤牛肉。在佛罗里达和华盛顿郊外的高尔夫俱乐部里,特朗普在一场比赛后就会在俱乐部会所内吃一个干酪汉堡包。

One modification a recent lunch companion noticed: Trump's burger came with only half of the bun.


"I do that, too, sometimes," Rudy Giuliani, the President's private lawyer, told The Washington Post. "It's a good way to do it."

“我有时也这么做,”总统的私人律师鲁迪·朱利安尼(Rudy Giuliani)对《华盛顿邮报》说。“这是一个很好的方法。”

Nutrition experts say a realistic weight-loss plan would begin with cutting 500 calories from Trump's diet every day -- which, if sustained, could help him shed one pound per week. Although an imperfect calculation, such a modification would present an attainable goal, said Lisa Drayer, a nutritionist and author.


"You really have to start slowly. It's not realistic to just revamp your diet overnight," said Drayer, who suggested adding more fruit and cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli or Brussels sprouts, would make the President feel full even as he consumed fewer calories. "It wouldn't take much for him to just make a few key changes, like that steak or the burger. That could be the deficit right there."

“你真的必须慢慢开始减肥了。” 德雷耶说,他建议增加更多的水果和十字花科蔬菜,如花椰菜或球芽甘蓝,这将使总统先生即使摄入更少的卡路里也会感到饱。他只需要做一些关键的改变,比如不吃牛排或汉堡,就没什么大不了的。这可能就是不足之处。

"He really needs someone to sit down with him and give him a personalized approach so that it will stick with the long term," Drayer said. "I think it's never too late to change, but your metabolism does slow down with age."




Since Jackson revealed his diet and exercise aspirations for Trump, the President has downplayed the prospects of incorporating a new workout plan.


"See, a lot of people go to the gym and they'll work out for two hours and all," he told Reuters in late January. "Then they get their new knees when they're 55 years old and they get their new hips and they do all those things. I don't have those problems."


Instead, Trump said he could burn calories playing golf -- which he does nearly every weekend with the assistance of a cart.


"Like people get on a treadmill, I go play golf," he said.


Trump's most recent predecessors were exercise fiends, a trait Trump has not continued. President Barack Obama played basketball until his knees began troubling him, switching later to cardio work on machines in the White House residence.

特朗普最近的前面几任总统都是“运动能手”,但特朗普没有延续这种特质。巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)总统一直打篮球,直到他的膝盖问题开始困扰他,后来他转而在白宫住宅的机器上做有氧运动。

President George W. Bush asked for workout equipment, including an elliptical machine and dumbbells, to be installed in a poolside cabana steps from the Oval Office, and a fold-up treadmill to be placed aboard Air Force One -- tasks carried out by Ted Vickey, who ran the White House Athletic Center for 11 years.

美国总统乔治·W·布什(George W.Bush)要求将健身设备,包括椭圆机器(心肺适能运动训练工具)和哑铃,安装在距离椭圆形办公室(Oval Office)的泳池边的休息小屋的台阶上,并要求安装一台折叠式跑步机,该任务由管理白宫体育中心11年的泰德·维基(Ted Vickey)执行。

"(Trump) doesn't see exercise as much as a value as probably the last 5 presidents have," Vickey said, noting that President Bill Clinton took jogs through the streets of Washington and that President Dwight Eisenhower -- a golfer -- established the President's Council on Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, which is the group organizing Wednesday's event on the South Lawn.

“(特朗普)并不像前五任总统那样注重运动”, 维基说。他指出,比尔·克林顿(Bill Clinton)总统带着慢跑穿过华盛顿的街道,高尔夫球手德怀特·艾森豪威尔(Dwight Eisenhower)总统——成立了总统体育、健身与营养委员会,该委员会就是周三在南草坪组织活动的组织机构。

Described by the White House as a "field day," the gathering will feature stations focused on different sports, including soccer, track, flag football -- and the President's favored activity, golf.

由白宫举行的 “野外活动日”,将集中在不同的体育项目上,包括足球、田径、(美式)夺旗橄榄球以及总统喜欢的活动——高尔夫球。

"This is the President's Council of Sports, Fitness & Nutrition, so the President's definitely going to be there to make remarks and uplift this collaboration," said Holli Richmond, director of the council, who laid out a multi-pronged approach of research and initiatives meant to culminate before the 2020 Olympics.

该委员会主任霍尔利·里士满(Holli Richmond)表示:“这是总统的体育、健身和营养委员会,所以总统肯定会出席会议,发表讲话,积极推动这种合作。”他提出了一种多管齐下的研究方法,旨在2020年奥运会之前将该委员会的活动推向顶峰。

If he were advising Trump on a fitness regime today, Vickey proposed a golf-centric program that incorporated cardiovascular exercise on an elliptical machine, strength training, and stretching -- including yoga, if Trump was game.


"You've got to find something they love doing. I would say 'Mr. President, work with me for four months and I'll drop your handicap 4 strokes," said Vickey, now a professor of kinesiology at Point Loma University in San Diego. "He's been like this for 70 years. We're not going to change him overnight."


"Unfortunately," Vickey said, "you have to trick him into exercise."

维基说,“不幸的是,” “你必须连哄带骗地让他锻炼。”

