
This is Echo陪你练口语,I'm 昊仔。今天我和Angel继续为大家带来美国五十州的风光介绍,本期第三弹我们将从第40位开始,Here we go!

40. Nebraska 内布拉斯加州

Sleep on Nebraska's subtle beauty if you want, but its big skies and rolling hills have a thoroughly pleasant and peaceful charm. As impressive as Toadstool Geologic Park (Nebraska's Badlands!) and Chimney Rock are, the Cornhusker State doesn't have the spectacular vistas of its neighbors to the west. What it does have is open spaces, the Platte River, and a complex and important ecosystem where literally millions of birds -- including 80% of the world's sandhill cranes -- visit every spring.

简称NE,是位于美国中部农业领先的一个州,州内大多数地区最多的是来自德国的后人。美国大部分农业州都以玉米为重点,Nebraska也不例外。不过幸好还有一个 Toadstool Geologic Park 毒蕈地质公园 位于内布拉斯加州西北角,它因其标志性的蘑菇状砂岩地层而得名。近距离地观察可以看见数百万年前在这里生活过的生物的化石遗迹,复杂而重要的生态系统也是其一大亮点。和大部分美村一样,Nebraska也是美国人最喜欢吐槽的一个州,《生活大爆炸》里的Penny就来自Nebraska的一个小农场,这个“平凡的出生“也是剧中一大吐槽点。

39. Georgia 乔治亚州

If you live in Florida, the most beautiful sight you'll ever see is when you cross the state line into Georgia and see gas prices drop a buck a gallon. Past that? There ain't much. Aside from the quaint Southernness of trees draped in Spanish moss in the southern part of the state, the scenic highlight is the "mountains" north of Atlanta. Which seem downright towering when you've been driving through Florida, but still don't measure up to the Smokies a few hours down the road.

简称GA,首府是美国第九大都市区Atlanta 亚特兰大,乔州也以桃子州或南方帝国之州的昵称闻名。位于乔州的佐治亚理工学院(Georgia Institute of Technology)是美国一所综合性公立大学,与麻省理工学院及加州理工学院并称为美国三大理工学院,有南方MIT之称。著名私立大学Emory University 埃默里大学 和著名女校Wesleyan College威斯里安女子学院(宋霭龄、宋庆龄都毕业于此)。乔治亚州的风景真是一言难尽,大概最让人眼前一亮的是从弗罗里达州进入乔州那一瞬间看到的价格差巨大的油价吧。

38. North Dakota 北达科他州

For some reason -- maybe some combination of fracking, the Coen brothers, and January -- the words "North Dakota" have become synonymous with "frozen wasteland." Which isn't completely inaccurate when discussing some parts of this state, but lest we forget it's also home to Theodore Roosevelt National Park, a breathtaking mix of prairies, mesas, and mountain views dotted with buffalo. And kind of like the cute girl with the smoke-show older sister, North Dakota doesn't get proper credit when compared to its beautiful sibling to the south.

简称北达州 ND,位于美国中西部,是大草原里最北的一州。北达州的Theodore Roosevelt National Park以西奥多·罗斯福总统名字命名,向这位伟大的总统和他身为自然资源保护主义者精神的致敬。从大约5500万年前的古新世(恐龙灭绝后)开始,在这里的大量被腐蚀的原木和树桩之间,就能看到石化树,是寻找远古冰冻森林的最好地方。

37. Delaware 特拉华州

You want to surprise someone? Send them a postcard from Delaware. "I never knew Delaware was that pretty," they'll say, looking at a silhouette of dune grasses framed by an ocean sunset. Actually, no one does, because Delaware's not large enough to hold more than three cars at a time. But if you're lucky enough to be in one of those three cars, you too can take in the rolling rural countrysides and the not-half-bad beach views and say, "Delaware. Hi. I'm in Delaware."


36. Nevada 内华达州

Most people know this as Las Vegas plus the let's-floor-it portion of a drive to California. And, yes, the bulk of this state is so dusty and unremarkable that the military used to test nukes here without anyone really caring. But the highlights range from staggering to obscure. Red Rock Canyon, a mere Uber ride from the Vegas Strip, is a jaw-dropping haven of striated limestone and sandstone. The Ruby Valley is a foxy little patch of mountains that'll break up any trip across I-80. The swirling cream-and-crimson rock formations of Valley of Fire State Park look like Dr. Seuss drew them. And of course there's Lake Tahoe. Most of which is in California, but, hey, bright side, you made it.

End of today. See you next time & Have a nice day!





封面图片 | 小鱼

审核校对 | 张津