
薩拉·桑德斯(Sarah Sanders)




Sanders was born on August 13, 1982, in Hope, Arkansas, the youngest child and only daughter of Mike Huckabee, the former governor of Arkansas.

1982年8月13日,薩拉·桑德斯出生於美國阿肯色州霍普市,父親Mike Huckabee是阿肯色州前州長,她是家中的唯一的女兒,也是最小的孩子。


Huckabee announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination in the 2016 presidential election,in Hope, Arkansas, on May 5, 2015. It was his second run for the U.S. presidency. He suspended his campaign on February 1, 2016 and became one of Donald Trump's most ardent supporters.

2015年5月5日,Mike Huckabee在阿肯色州霍普市宣佈自己將代表共和黨參加2016美國大選,這是他第二次參與總統選舉(第一次是2008年)。2016年2月1日,Huckabee宣佈退選,轉而支持特朗普。

Following the 2016 U.S. presidential election, Huckabee met with president-elect of the United States Donald Trump. It was reported that Trump offered Huckabee the position of United States Ambassador to Israel.Huckabee denied the reports. He told Fox News that a possible cabinet appointment for himself was discussed but that he turned the offer down, saying, "I'm not sure it was the right fit.




Sanders's introduction to politics began as a child, when her father first ran for the United States Senate in 1992.


Sanders got her start in politics as a field coordinator for her father's 2002 re-election campaign for governor of Arkansas. She was a regional liaison for congressional affairs at the U.S. Department of Education under President George W. Bush. She also worked as a field coordinator for President Bush’s re-election campaign in Ohio in 2004.


桑德斯和剛剛離任的白宮通訊聯絡主任Hope Hicks


In 2016, after managing her father's presidential campaign, she signed on as a senior advisor for Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, handling the Trump campaign's communications for coalitions.



On July 21, 2017, following Spicer's announcement that he was going to resign, newly appointed White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci announced that Sanders would take the role of White House press secretary. Sanders is the third woman to hold the role of White House Press Secretary after Dee Dee Myers in 1993 and Dana Perino in 2007.

2017年7月,在肖恩·斯派塞宣佈辭職後,新上任的白宮通訊聯絡主任Anthony Scaramucci宣佈薩拉·桑德斯將升任白宮新聞發言人,她也是繼Dee Dee Myers(1993)和Dana Perino(2007)後第三個擔任此職位的女性。

桑德斯和前白宮通訊聯絡主任Anthony Scaramucci