
Closing coal factories leads to healthier babies: Areas that saw shutdowns have had a drop in preterm births and the rate of infant diseases, study reveals


Shutting down coal and oil-fired power stations leads to healthier babies, according to new research.


Closing the polluting power plants lowers the rate of premature births in neighboring communities as well as improving fertility.


Researchers compared preterm births and fertility before and after eight power stations in California closed between 2001 and 2011, including San Francisco's Hunters Point plant in 2006.


Overall, the percentage of preterm births - babies born before 37 weeks of gestation - dropped from seven percent during a year-long period before plant closure to 5.1 percent for the year after shutdown.


The 20 to 25 percent drop in premature birthrates was larger than expected, but consistent with other studies linking birth problems to air pollution around power plants, according to the findings published in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

根据发表在《美国流行病学杂志》上的研究,早产率下降20% - 25%,比预期的要大,但与其他的研究是一致的,这些研究都把出生问题与发电厂周围的空气污染联系起来。

Another paper, published in the journal Environmental Health, used similar data and found that fertility - the number of live births per 1,000 women - increased around coal and oil power plants after closure.


Lead author of the first study, postdoctoral fellow Dr Joan Casey, of University of California, Berkeley, said: 'We were excited to do a good news story in environmental health.

第一项研究的主要作者、加州大学伯克利分校的博士后研究员Joan Casey博士说:“我们很高兴能在环境健康方面做一个好的新闻报道。

'Most people look at air pollution and adverse health outcomes, but this is the flip side.


'We said, let's look at what happens when we have this external shock that removes air pollution from a community and see if we can see any improvements in health.'


She said the findings could help policy makers more strategically plan the decommissioning of power plants as they build more renewable sources of energy, in order to have the biggest health impact.


Co-author Professor Rachel Morello-Frosch, also of University of California, Berkeley, said: 'We believe that these papers have important implications for understanding the potential short-term community health benefits of climate and energy policy shifts and provide some very good news on that front.

合著者、加州大学伯克利分校的Rachel Morello-Frosch教授说:“我们认为这些文章有助于理解气候和能源政策转变对潜在的短期内改善社区健康的作用,并提供一些关于这方面非常好的消息。”

'These studies indicate short-term beneficial impacts on preterm birth rates overall and particularly for women of color.'


The researchers compared preterm birth rates in the first year following the closure date of each power station with the rate during the year starting two years before the plant's retirement, so as to eliminate seasonal effects on preterm births.


Dividing the surrounding region into three concentric rings three miles wide, Dr Casey delved into state birth records to determine the rate of preterm births in each ring.


Those living in the closest ring, within three miles of the plant, saw the largest improvement: a drop from seven to 5.1 percent.


But people living in the next nearest zone showed less improvement.


The researchers also considered the effects of winds on preterm birth rates, and though downwind areas seemed to exhibit greater improvements, the differences were not statistically significant.


As a control, they replicated their analysis around eight power stations that had not closed, and found no before-versus-after difference, which supported the results of their main analysis.


There did not appear to be any effect on births before 32 weeks, which Dr Casey said may reflect the fact that very early births are a result of problems, genetic or environmental, more serious than air pollution.


She added: 'It would be good to look at this relationship in other states and see if we can apply a similar rationale to retirement of power plants in other places.'


Dr Pauline Mendola, of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, said of the findings: 'Perhaps it's time for the health of our children to be the impetus behind reducing the common sources of ambient air pollution.

尤尼斯·肯尼迪·施莱弗国家儿童健康和人类发展研究所的Pauline Mendola博士说:“也许是时候为了我们孩子的健康,从各方面着手减少空气污染了。

'Their lives depend on it.'


