








1.加快疾病恢復 2.減少復發幾率 3.提高生活質量 4. 減輕醫療負擔



1 .心臟受損的程度 2. 個人的恢復能力 3 .以前是否進行過心臟手術 4 .患者其他的合併症情況 5.外部條件 ,包括醫生經驗、設備、環境等。



包括康復評估、心肺運動負荷試驗、心臟危險因素管理 、營養諮詢與指導、心理諮詢與指導。



1.住院康復期 。術後一月內保持心情舒暢愉快,保證睡眠,適當休息,避免乾重活,如恢復良好,可在醫生或康復師的指導下進行一些簡單的活動,如掃地,散步等,早期康復治療介入,如氣壓治療,呼吸功能訓練等。這時的鍛鍊必須要嚴密檢測,根據醫生的建議和心血管數據的變化調整鍛鍊量。



1.不穩定性心絞痛 2.剛做完臨床治療,病情還沒穩定的患者3.不穩定的嚴重心律失常4.嚴重的未控制的高血壓和低血壓5.未控制的心力衰竭和急性心功能障礙 6.未受過專業醫生或康復治療師指導的患者






Exercise prescription of five prescriptions for cardiac rehabilitation

Dear friends, nice to meet you!Now it is time for “health talk for three minutes every day”,My name is Guo Zhenhao, a doctor of Daojian Doctor Group of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation.Today, I'd like to talk about the exercise prescription of the five major prescriptions for cardiac rehabilitation.

Cardiac rehabilitation refers to the comprehensive and whole process management service and care provided by five core prescriptions (drug prescription, exercise prescription, nutrition prescription, psychological prescription and smoking cessation prescription) for patients with heart disease in acute stage, recovery period, maintenance period and the whole life process.

Complete cardiac rehabilitation includes physical rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, occupational rehabilitation, social adaptation and secondary prevention.

According to the survey, more than 80% of patients with heart disease do not understand the importance of cardiac rehabilitation, only 20% of doctors will guide patients to carry out cardiac rehabilitation. According to the report of the same period, only a few hospitals can provide cardiac rehabilitation services,but the quality is not ideal. Everyone's cardiac load capacity is different, so rehabilitation exercise training must be carried out under the guidance of regular hospitals or rehabilitation therapists.

Why do patients need cardiac rehabilitation.

1. Accelerate disease recovery.

2. Reduce the recurrence rate.

3. Improve the quality of life.

4. Reduce medical burden.

Factors affecting cardiac rehabilitation.

1. The degree of heart damage.

2. Individual resilience.

3. Have you ever had heart surgery before.

4. Other complications.

5. External conditions, including doctor's experience, equipment, environment, etc.

Contents of cardiac rehabilitation.

The contents of cardiac rehabilitation include rehabilitation assessment, cardiopulmonary exercise load test, management of cardiac risk factors, nutritional counseling and guidance, psychological counseling and guidance.

Exercise training under the guidance of physical activity consultation and cardiopulmonary reserve function

1. Convalescence in hospital.

During the first month after the operation, keep a good mood, sleep, rest properly and avoid heavy work. If the patient recovers well, some simple activities, such as sweeping the floor and walking, and early rehabilitation intervention, such as air pressure treatment and respiratory function training, can be carried out under the guidance of doctors or rehabilitation specialists.At this time, exercise must be closely monitored,and the amount of exercise should be adjusted according to the doctor's advice and cardiovascular data.

2. Out of hospital rehabilitation after discharge.

Consolidate the effect of the second stage of rehabilitation treatment, and gradually restore the life and work status before the onset of the disease, but in principle, it is not recommended to continue to maintain the previous life and work intensity, you should reduce the degree of physical activity. On the premise of no discomfort, light sports training such as fast walking, jogging, cycling, etc can be done.

Which patients are not suitable for exercise training.

1. Patients with unstable angina pectoris.

2. Patients who have just finished clinical treatment and whose condition is not stable.

3. Unstable patients with severe arrhythmia.

4. Severe uncontrolled hypertension and hypotension.

5. Patients with uncontrolled heart failure and acute cardiac dysfunction.

6. Patients who have not been instructed by professional doctors or rehabilitation therapists.

Contraindications of cardiac exercise rehabilitation.

1. Unstable angina pectoris, unstable condition after acute myocardial infarction, uncontrolled heart failure, severe atrial or ventricular arrhythmias (uncontrolled atrial fibrillation, supraventricular tachycardia, multi-source, frequent ventricular premature).

2.Confirmed or suspected pseudoaneurysm. Before the operation of artery dissection, septic shock and sepsis. Severe valve disease before surgery or myocardial heart disease, heart failure, the patients that exercise may lead to deterioration of their nervous system, motor system disease or rheumatic disease.

Finally, I wish you all a happy life and good health!To learn more about cardiovascular disease, please pay attention to us. See you next time.

