

看看有意思的故事,学学地道表达,分析长难句。先从A Short History of Nearly Everything《万物简史》开始。这本书从宇宙大爆炸开始讲现代科学史,穿插了很多科学家的生平故事,妙趣横生。本书作者Bill Bryson喜欢用口语化的语言叙述,因而里面的英语要比一般的原著通俗易懂。

今天读第4章物理学家亨利·卡文迪什的片段。卡文迪什是德文郡公爵的孙子,德文郡公爵的宅邸就是位于英格兰峰区(Peak District,离谢菲尔德不远)的Chatsworth House,中国学生叫“达西庄园”,因为《傲慢与偏见》里达西先生家的庄园就是这里,英国版电影《傲慢与偏见》也在这里取过景。亨利·卡文迪什没在达西庄园住过,但现在里面收藏有他的笔记和书本。家里有这般豪宅的公子哥儿,竟然是个极度害怕社交的科学家。我们来看看他到底有多怪。



His wealth and solitary inclinations allowed him to turn his house in Clapham into a large laboratory where he could range undisturbed through every corner of the physical sciences - electricity, heat, gravity, gases, anything to do with the composition of matter.



The second half of the 18th century was a time when people of a scientific bent grew intensely interested in the physical properties of fundamental things - gases and electricity in particular - and began seeing what they could do with them, often with more enthusiasm than sense.


In America, Benjamin Franklin famously risked his life by flying a kite in an electrical storm. In France, a chemist named Pilatre de Rozier tested the flammability of hydrogen by gulping a mouthful and blowing across an open flame, proving at a stroke that hydrogen is indeed explosively combustible and that eyebrows are not necessarily a permanent feature of one's face.



Cavendish, for his part, conducted experiments in which he subjected himself to graduated jolts of electrical currents, diligently noting the increasing levels of agony until he could keep hold of his quill, and sometimes his consciousness, no longer.




1. range over,包括,涉及;四处走动

The conversation had ranged over a variety of topics, from sport to current affairs. 谈话内容涉及各种各样的话题,从体育到时事。

Cattle ranged over the pastures in search of food. 牛群在牧场上来回走动寻找食物。

2. musical/artistic/literary etc bent,在音乐、艺术或者文学方面有天赋或者兴趣的

readers of a more literary bent 对文学更感兴趣的读者

3. at a/one stroke,一下子

At one stroke the country lost two outstanding leaders. 这个国家一下子失去了两位杰出的领导人。

4. eyebrow,[ˈaɪbraʊ],n. 眉毛。rasie sb's eyebrows,扬起眉毛,表示吃惊或者不赞同。

'Really?' she said, raising her eyebrows. “真的吗?”她扬起眉毛说。

5. conduct,[kənˈdʌkt],v. 执行;[ˈkɒn.dʌkt],n. 行为。

Is it really necessary to conduct experiments on animals? 真的有必要在动物身上做实验吗?

The Senator's conduct is being investigated by the Ethics Committee. 那位参议员的行为正在接受道德委员会的调查。

