
句子成分(Members of a Sentence) 句子是按照一定的語法規律組成的,表達一個完整的意義。什麼 叫句子成分呢?句子的組成成分叫句子成分。英語的基本成分有七種: 主語(subject)、謂語/系、賓語/表語(object)、定語(attribute)、 狀語(adverbial) 、補語(complement)和同位語。

一個句子一般由兩部分構成,即主語部分和謂語部分,這兩個部分也叫做句子的主要成分。(Lily says: 有主有謂就是一個句子。



1、主語:是一句的主體,是全句述說的對象,是動作的發出者,一 般位於句首。(Lily says: 特殊情況是倒裝句。)

充當主語的形式:代詞;名詞;名詞短語;名詞從句;V 不定式;V-ing 形式;it 形式主語

I like English.

English is interesting.

To see is to believe.

Seeing is believing.

What you said is totally right.

It is easy to learn English.



I have a dream.

If you want the rainbow, you have to put up with rain.

3、賓語:動作的承受者,放在及物動詞或者介詞之後 充當賓語形式:代詞;名詞;名詞短語;名詞從句;V 不定式;V-ing 形式;it 形式賓語

I have a pen.

I find it not hard to learn English.

He could give her whatever she want.

4、表語:用來說明主語的性質或狀態,跟在系動詞之後 充當表語形式:形容詞,名詞,名詞從句,V 不定式,V-ing,介詞短語

Time is money.

To see is to believe.

Seeing is believing.

She is in danger/ out of danger.

The trouble is that she has forgotten his name.


5、定語:修飾限定名詞,用來說明名詞的成分、特性;常用形容詞 或者相當於形容詞的短語或從句擔任,形容詞放在名詞之前,相當於 形容詞的短語或從句放在名詞的後面。(Lily says: 後置定語& 定語 從句

充當定語形式:形容詞,名詞,V 不定式,V-ing,介詞短語,關 系從句

an apple tree

a beautiful girl/ a handsome boy

the boiling water/ the boiled water

the bird in the tree/ the map on the wall

The man who is standing under the tree is Mr. Li.

6、狀語:用來說明動詞、形容詞、副詞或整個句子的成分;常由副 詞擔任。

常見狀語種類:時間、地點、原因、條件、目的、讓步、比較、 方式、結果

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

Frankly speaking, the food is not very good.


主語補語:Tom was made monitor.

賓語補語:We made Tom monitor. I find English easy.

表語補語:I am sure to succeed.

8、同位語:對被修飾對象進行補充說明或進一步解釋(解釋說明) We Chinese people are brave and hard-working.

Our English teacher, Lily, is very kind to us.

The news that our team has won the match is true.



