巴菲特研习社|2013年巴菲特致股东的信 Day15


巴菲特研习社|2013年巴菲特致股东的信 Day15

Part 5 Regulated, Capital-Intensive Businesses

巴菲特研习社|2013年巴菲特致股东的信 Day15

Part 5 – Day 15


Day 15思考:



1. GAAP -一般公认会计原则 (Generally Accepted Accounting Principle):是指适用于各个不同行业的企业的,包括从会计的基本概念、基本假设等基本原理到具体会计计量和编制财务报表的程序及方法的规定。

2. balance sheet -资产负债表:表示企业在一定日期(通常为各会计期末)的财务状况(即资产、负债和所有者权益的状况)的主要会计报表。其报表功用除了企业内部除错、经营方向、防止弊端外,也可让所有阅读者于最短时间了解企业经营状况。

3. income statement -损益表(或利润表):是用以反映公司在一定期间利润实现(或发生亏损)的财务报表。它是一张动态报表。损益表可以为报表的阅读者提供做出合理的经济决策所需要的有关资料, 可用来分析利润增减变化的原因, 公司的经营成本, 做出投资价值评价等。

4. interest coverage -利息偿付率:指企业某一时期的利息费用、纳税前利润之和与利息支出额的比率。

5. EBITD -息税折旧摊销前利润 (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization):是扣除利息、所得税、折旧、摊销之前的利润。


1. commitment n.投资,投入

2. split out 拆分

3. guarantee v.担保,保证

4. resistant adj. 有抵抗力的,抵抗的

5. supplement n.增补


“Though there are many regulatory restraints in the utility industry, it’s possible that we will make additional commitments in the field. If we do, the amounts involved could be large.”— 1999 Annual Report



We have two major operations, BNSF and MidAmerican Energy, that share important characteristics distinguishing them from our other businesses. Consequently, we assign them their own section in this letter and split out their combined financial statistics in our GAAP balance sheet and income statement.

有两家企业具有使其区别于我们的其他企业的共同特征,它们是伯灵顿北方圣塔菲铁路公司(BNSF)和中美能源公司(MidAmerican Energy)。因此,在本报告中我们将它们作为一个单独的部分,并且在我们按照公认会计准则编制的资产平衡表和损益表中合并列示它们的财务数据。

A key characteristic of both companies is their huge investment in very long-lived, regulated assets, with these partially funded by large amounts of long-term debt that is not guaranteed by Berkshire. Our credit is in fact not needed because each company has earning power that even under terrible economic conditions will far exceed its interest requirements. Last year, for example, BNSF’s interest coverage was 9:1. (Our definition of coverage is pre-tax earnings/interest, not EBITDA/interest, a commonly-used measure we view as seriously flawed.)


At MidAmerican, meanwhile, two factors ensure the company’s ability to service its debt under all circumstances. The first is common to all utilities: recession-resistant earnings, which result from these companies exclusively offering an essential service. The second is enjoyed by few other utilities: a great diversity of earnings streams, which shield us from being seriously harmed by any single regulatory body. Now, with the acquisition of NV Energy, MidAmerican’s earnings base has further broadened. This particular strength, supplemented by Berkshire’s ownership, has enabled MidAmerican and its utility subsidiaries to significantly lower their cost of debt. This advantage benefits both us and our customers.

与此同时,有两个因素为MidAmerican公司在所有的境况下具备偿债能力提供了保证:第一个因素是所有公用事业公司的共性,即公司的收入不受经济衰退影响,因为这种公司是独家提供必需品服务的;第二个因素则仅有少数共用事业公司享有,即公司有多种收入来源,从而使其免遭来自任何单一监管机构的严重损害。现在,随着对内华达州能源公司(NV Energy)的收购,MidAmerican公司的收入来源得以进一步扩大。这一因归属于伯克希尔而得到的特别优势,使MidAmerican公司及其公用事业类子公司的债务成本非常低。这一优势也使我们和我们的顾客都能受益。

Day 15思考答案:

1. 第一个因素是所有公用事业公司的共性,即公司的收入不受经济衰退影响,因为这种公司是独家提供必需品服务的;第二个因素则仅有少数共用事业公司享有,即公司有多种收入来源,从而使其免遭来自任何单一监管机构的严重损害。

巴菲特研习社|2013年巴菲特致股东的信 Day15


