

由于新冠肺炎疫情的发生,国外学生也开始使用钉钉(DingTalk)软件进行在线学习,目前你的国外朋友 Tom 询问你如何使用其进行在线学习你学校开设的汉语课程。现在你给他回信,告诉他使用的方法及在线汉语课程的特色。

Dear Tom,

I have already received your letter and hope everything goes well with you.

As the outbreak of novel coronavirus, we have to stay at home instead of going to school. Fortunately, we are living in a high-tech era, an application called DingTalk acts as class temporarily. The using methods are simple and convenient. First of all, download this application, enter your class group, then click the button of ‘class online’, find the live telecast, then you can learn the class online.

The course of Chinese language online has many advantages. Not only can you play again and again, but also you can pause and go back at any time if you don’t understand what teachers say. Compared with the traditional class, it is the most important unique skills. Besides, the teacher could put more interesting examples without worrying about time of class because we can speed up the class or skip the chapter we don’t need. How about your ideas?

Looking forward to your reply and feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



1. 结合自己的经历归纳在线学习的不足;

2. 针对某类不足提出具体的改善意见。

Dear teacher,

I'm writing to tell you the feedback after learning online for a while.

During the outbreak of novel coronavirus, there is a growing awareness of the advantages and shortcomings of online learning. First, the learning atmosphere is a top concern. The online learning environment may be more comfortable at home. Therefore, it is easier for students to get distracted by snacks. Second, students are so confronted with the computers or cellphones all day that the more problems of short-sighted probably arise. Third, there are certain requirements for the environment. Online courses must be guaranteed to be conducted under a good network. If the network is not good, the course will be disturbed continuously, which will have impact on online learning effect and efficacy.

To address the problem of a high learning atmosphere, I make the following suggestions. On the one hand, we can make plans for students to follow the school schedule. On the other hand, parents should be appealed to monitor students' online learning and assignment. Only in this way can we make the best use of online learning to learn more and think more.



1. 归纳在线考试的优点;

2. 针对你列举的 1-2 个优点给出具体理由。

Dear Sir,

I'm Wang Hua, a senior student in MingQi middle school. I am writing to voice my own opinion in terms of the online second mock exam because of the outbreak of COVID- 19.

Although it is COVID-19 that prevents us from taking an offline exam, I think the online exam has many advantages including convenience, high efficiency and flexibility. On the one hand, online exams are more convenient and time-saving compared with traditional exams. Online exams break the limits of time and place and can be taken anytime and anywhere, which can solve the difficulty of gathering scattered students during the epidemic. Another feature of online testing is that it doesn't require manual marking like traditional testing which takes a lot of manpower and material resources. On the other hand, online exams can help students sort out the wrong questions so that they can review frequently and intently. Usually students can only sort out the wrong questions in their notebooks, and online exams can help them improve their review efficiency. Therefore, I think the online exam can be carried out in our school.

Look forward to your reply.


Li Hua



1. 表达对医护人员的真诚谢意;

2. 结合自己经历谈谈个人感受。

参考词汇:流行病 epidemic 疫情 epidemic situation 新冠肺炎 novel corona-virus pneumonia

Dear doctors:

I'm Wang Hua, a student in MingQi middle school. I am writing to convey sincere thanks to all of you fighting against novel corona-virus pneumonia.

These days, you are facing the virus without retraction and compromise. Tired and exhausted, but you have stuck to your posts responsibly. You are taking good care of your patients and your carefulness and responsibility, which is the best manifestation of your devotion to duty. Petitions bear your deep love for our country and people and your loyalty and commitment to your mission. When I heard of the medical material shortage like masks, protective suits and ventilators on the frontline, I burst into tears. I took out my lucky money and donated it. Moreover, following doctors’ suggestion we all stay at home and don't run around outside. We don't believe rumors and let alone them. I made my own contribution to the invisible war without smoke. I believe that as long as we are united, we will win.

I hope that you will have to pay attention to your own safety while fighting against COVID-19. Once again voice my sincere thanks and respect.


Li Hua


假定你是李华,你的美国朋友 Peter 想了解中医常识以提高自我护理习惯。请给他写一封信,推荐学习资源。你的信件内容需包括:

1. 学习资源类别:图书、网站、手机应用程序(APP)等;

2. 推荐某类资源理由;

3. 表达祝愿。

Dear Peter,

As you wish to learn about traditional Chinese medicine to raise the awareness of self-care, I am writing to you to propose some of my recommendations about the learning resources, aiming at helping you better understand traditional Chinese medicine.

I’d like to recommend online access to traditional Chinese medicine on the website,

which is called “Chinese Medicine Network”. The principle reason why I recommend the website is that it classifies different symptoms into sorts of groups, which is beneficial for acquiring accurate way of treatment in time. Additionally, the website provides quantities of medical news, enabling you to catch on the most cutting edge of traditional Chinese medicine. What’s more, there are many electronic books on the website. It likes Basic Knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Which is on the premise of essential knowledge about traditional Chinese medicine, the book mainly illustrates a great many applicable evidences to carry out individual practice in aspect of self-care. More importantly, it is not obscure for general group to catch on.

Based on the recommendation above, I believe you’ll be capable of forming general image of traditional Chinese medicine. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



With the popularity of short video in the routine life, it has tremendously altered our habits to some extent as well as bringing quantities of enlightenment to our daily life. Consequently, I would like to recommend one of the most popular applications called “Tik Tok”.

To begin with, it is of great significance to note that this application is capable of making customized recommendations in accordance with each individual interest, which helps relieve the academic stress for us. What’s more, with amounts of enjoyable music, the application provides creative space for each individual, enabling us to enhance the capacity of innovation as well as knowledge processing. Additionally, loads of learning techniques are illustrated concerning different subjects in the application, through which we can better cope with the obstacles confronted.

However, with the advantage proposed above, it is high time that we should make every effort to strike a better balance between leisure activities and learning. Only on the premise of self-consciousness can we benefit from modern technologies rather than being a slave of such new technologies.


假设你是明启中学的高三学生李华,将在主题为“Washing Hands Frequently”的班会上发言。请撰写一篇演讲稿,内容需包括:

1. 勤洗手的好处;

2. 勤洗手的正确方式。

Hello everyone, I am a senior in high school and my name is Li Hua. It’s my great honor to make a speech about washing hands frequently.

We have been taught to wash our hands frequently since childhood. Washing your hands frequently benefits our growth. First, it can remove bacteria to avoid getting sick and spreading bacteria to others. Second, people can prevent the spread of diseases and infections by washing their hands properly. For example, in hospitals, good hand hygiene slows the spread of resistant bacteria. Third, when people wash their hands in the right ways at the right times, it can be more effective than medication and vaccine. Washing hands well takes only about 20 seconds, costs next to nothing, and yet it can prevent serious diseases.

There are simple steps for good hand hygiene and better health: first of all, wet hands under running water, then lather hands with soap, rub all surfaces of the hands for about 15-20 seconds, rinse hands thoroughly under running water. Finally, dry your hands with a clean towel.

Wash hands frequently, save lives colorfully. Only in this way can we ensure our health in the daily life.



3. 你所做的主要事情;

4. 你经历的主要感受。

Dear Wang Ming,

Since I served as a volunteer in the service center during winter vacation, it’s of great pleasure for me to write to share the experience with you, from which I hope you’ll be capable of acquiring something significant.

To begin with, on account of the serious occasion as well as lack of freight transportation, I participated in the goods delivery process without any hesitation, from which I grasped the importance of mutual understanding and personnel communication skills. What’s more, I made every endeavor to help the researchers to acquire exact number of patients infected by the new disease. From my personal perspective, it was information disclosure that enabled the whole society to make preparations to defeat the disease. Furthermore, guided by a sophisticated propagandist, I put up quantities of relevant posters on the board, which I thought was the most fundamental activities of anti-virus.

Hadn’t I participated in this voluntary activity, I would never have felt my attachment to voluntary work. I think it is high time that you should give it a try. I’m looking forward to hearing from you.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua



1. 对分享行为表示理解;

2. 阐述过度分享的危害;

3. 提出具体改善建议。

参考词汇: 微信朋友圈 WeChat circle; 过度分享 oversharing

Dear Wang Ming,

Having known that you were obsessed with Vlog during learning at home based on the fact that you share every detail of your life through WeChat circle as well as short videos, I would like to illustrate some of my humble opinions on the issue.

To begin with, undeniably, WeChat makes communication convenient and leisure time colorful. You can share what you experience with your friends in real time. However, there exists tremendously potential risks we are likely to confront if we overshare our life. On the one hand, private information is on the hazard of leaking, which might result in economic losses. For some may steal your bank card number and pay for what they purchase. On the other hand, it is of great possibility for us to make our friends accidentally who may hold the view that we are showing off.

As a consequence, never should we post our personal information, nor should we rashly add strangers to the list of friends. Furthermore, it’s wiser to set aside some time to accompany parents or do something more meaningful.

Best wishes.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

