



1. 學校有哪些社會實踐活動;

2. 你最喜歡哪一類活動;

3. 喜歡的原因。

注意: 1. 詞數不少於100;

2. 開頭和結尾已給出,不計入總詞數。


Dear Jim,

I’m happy to hear that you’re interested in the extracurricular activities(課外活動) organized by our school. Now, I’d like to give you more details.

A variety of activities have been organized, such as visiting Capital Museum, taking a field trip to Qufu, Shandong, home of Confucius, planting trees in Mangshan Park and learning to bake a cake in a pastry shop, just to name a few.

The activities mentioned above are quite popular with students. My favorite kind of activity is field trips. I went to Qufu in Senior One and Hangzhou in Senior Two. Both trips deeply impressed me. The reasons why I like field trips are as follows. First, field trips offer me a good chance to broaden my horizons. As the Chinese saying goes: “It is better to travel ten thousand miles than to read ten thousand books.” Not only can I learn from locals and my own experiences, but also I can see with my own eyes our beautiful country and splendid culture. Second, field trips improve my research skills. Before we take field trips, we are always asked to prepare by searching online or in the library for useful information. Third, field trips help strengthen friendships. Since many of the field trips last several days, it is a good opportunity to bond with classmates better outside the classroom.

I really hope that you can go on a field trip with us in the future.


Li Hua


