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沪深300: 收于3769.18点,整周上涨1.51%
















Risk sentiment continues to improve as virus situations are beginning to peak in a number of countries, while central banks and governments continue to stimulate with massive monetary and fiscal packages. USD LIBOR dropped noticeably on Thursday to 1.21888 (-9bps), ending the week 17bps lower.

After hesitating in the previous week, gold prices soared in the last few days, with spot trading as high as $ 1690.23. Policymakers keep pumping money into the system, gold will be the most benefited

S&P500 rallied 10.4% post its best weekly gain in 45 years. VIX reset 5 points lower closing at 42. Given the elevated realized volatility and continued uncertainty about the future, the rate at which VIX is falling has slowed over the past week. At current spot level dealers are estimated to be slightly long gamma in S&P500, which is $0.5bn gamma / 1% move in SPX less long than historical averages (38th percentile since 2012).

S&P500 continued its recent momentum rallied 1.5% on Thursday, up 12% for the week and 25% from its march 23rd close. Fed announced it would purchase certain high yield bonds, the HY bond ETFs HYG/JNK rallied 6.5%+ on thursday. This looks like overreaction to the news.、

The OPEC+ partners has proposed a 10mil bpd oil output cut (or ~12% of worldwide production) for 2 months. This event came with a twist, that Mexico was originally committing only 100k bpd cut vs. 400k mandated; however that amount will be replenished by US therefore clearing the way for this deal, still pending finalisation. Although 10mil bpd doesn’t quite alleviate the demand problem in recent months, it’s a positive sign for international communities to step in to calm the waters. Once demand steps up post coronavirus, we should see a stabilised oil price.



在疫情影响下,广告市场供需双降,致2月全媒体广告刊例花费同比下降28.6%,降幅较1月扩大 23.0ppt,是2017年以来的最大降幅。




一和周四冲击两波,周二和周五显著回落,但整体脉冲上行,从侧面印证可能是real money 申购冲击带来的价值股回暖。

During the Qing Ming long weekend, the number of domestic tourist number reached 43m (-61% yoy) and domestic tourism revenue amounted to Rmb8.26bn (-81% yoy), according to China Tourism Academy. In selected regions, tourist number has recovered to over 50% of same period last year. Short-haul travel in nearby cities is the mainstream and ~50% of hotel orders are 4-star and 5-star hotels, according to the trip.com. The upcoming Labor Day Holiday will be the key to watch for both leisure travel and domestic consumption especially this year has 5-day holidays from 1-5 May (vs. 4 days in 2019).

There were relatively large short covers on Monday to Wednesday in Japan marekt which arrived roughly two weeks after overseas markets. On the real business front, many of the retail businesses with Feb year-end started to report their results and guidance which look to be bad but still optimistic. Emergency declarations/stay-at-home requests from the government is working only in the CBD but not local commercial districts. Head of the public health testing centre in Saitama (next to Tokyo) was on TV news and stated that he has been suppressing test requests from hospitals because he didn't want to see the infected number to go up and this might be true for Tokyo too where daily test cases has been around 300 to 450+ despite the population. Y108trn economic stimulus and subsidies now appear to be pretty much fake. Despite the ciriticism, the central government is asking local government not to implement stringent measures to close stores because the central govt seems to worry that shops and businesses might come back to them to ask for compensations. It is an interesting start of the state of emergency.





Recent supply chain check suggests many component makers are not yet seeing any change of orders. Demand for components remain strong. While component suppliers are aware of the virus situations and many countries are still in the lockdown, they suspect smartphone makers are more worry about supply chain disruptions than actual demand, so they rather stock up on components. It seems there could potentially be a mismatch between supply and demand. In the next 2-3 months, if the demand for smartphones do not have a V shape recovery, supply chain could see a sharp order cuts.




