






The Bible teaches that after Adam and Eve fell (by believing Satan’s lies and rebelling against God), everyone born after that was born into Satan’s kingdom. We are evil from birth. God sent His Only Son Jesus Christ to rescue us from Satan’s grasp. God is holy and righteous and just. He can’t bear to even look on sin. He has set out rules for the universe and when those rules are violated, He must, as a righteous judge, punish them. When Jesus Christ came to earth, he lived a perfect and sinless life, fully God, fully human. Only Jesus could pay the penalty for the sins of humankind because he was perfect and sinless and because he was both human and God. In the Bible, Jesus told us “No one is good but God.” He also said that we must be “born again from above” (spiritually) in order to be saved from Satan’s destruction. When someone is “born again from above”, it means they are given a “new spirit” which is the Spirit of God and of Jesus Christ. They become spiritually alive in the way that Adam and Eve were before they rebelled and fell. Without God’s Spirit, no one can be “good”. And even with God’s Spirit, while we are here on earth, we always still struggle with our “flesh” which is the sin nature that we were born into.




Adam and Eve:亞當和夏娃受了魔鬼撒旦的誘惑,偷吃了禁果,違反了上帝的道。

We are evil from birth:因為亞當和夏娃是人類的祖先,所以我們每個人出生時就有罪性,這是一種對罪的來源的解釋。

His Only Son Jesus Christ:上帝獨生子耶穌是被派來拯救人類脫離罪惡的。

Bear:(used with can/could in negative sentences and questions 在否定句和疑問句中與can / could連用) 承受;忍受

to be able to accept and deal with sth unpleasant

Sinless:without sin, innocent, 無罪

born again from above:從上而重生,就是用天堂而來的精神讓自己重生一次,這個above很難懂,必須在語境中才能理解。



具有博愛之心的孩子,心胸寬廣,長大後能夠容忍別人犯下的罪過,因為他們知道人的本質是“sinful nature(罪性)”。因此,他們能輕而易舉化解仇怨,贏得朋友,表現出一個人高尚的品德和非凡的處世智慧,這就是上帝之道。如果一個人終日生活在埋怨、責怪、憤怒當中,他就是生活在撒旦中,被魔鬼的惡所捆綁。他不僅得不到本應屬於他的快樂、幸福,甚至會讓自己變得冷漠、無情和殘酷,從而使自己處於孤獨、痛苦的境地。

