2020高考備考指導 2019高考真題北京卷試卷閱讀理解講評(1)

#不一樣的開學季# #在家開學# #我們一起學英語#

Want to explore new cultures, meet new people and do something worthwhile at the same time? You can do all the three with Global Development Association(GDA). Whatever stage of life you’re at, wherever you go and whatever project you do in GDA, you’ll create positive changes in a poor and remote community(社區).
We work with volunteers of all ages and backgrounds. 【Most of our volunteers are aged 17-24.】【 Now we need volunteer managers aged 25-75. They are extremely important in the safe and effective running of our programmes. We have such roles as project managers, mountain leaders, and communication officers.】
31. What is the main responsibility of volunteer managers?
A. To seek local partners.
B. To take in young volunteers.
C. To carry out programmes.
D. To foster cultural awareness.
1.這是一篇日常應用文,主旨是公益組織Global Development Association(GDA)介紹,限於篇幅本講節選其一、二段。
2.第一段講GDA的性質,歡迎志願者加入。第二段講對志願者的要求。根據題幹關鍵詞volunteer managers,也知道31題是就第二段相關內容命題。

2020高考備考指導  2019高考真題北京卷試卷閱讀理解講評(1)

3.這是道事實細節題,the main responsibility of volunteer managers就是”項目經理的主要職責“。
我們都明白are extremely important in和have such roles都是responsibility的同現重現詞彙,關鍵是
in the safe and effective running of our programmes和mountain leaders, and communication officers兩句的內容和哪個選項的意思最接近。
4.A,D容易排除,A.To seek local partners. “”尋找本地夥伴“, D. To foster cultural awareness.“培養文化意識”,屬於"無是生有"的干擾項。
5.錯選B的考生缺乏段落層次意識。第二段的主題句是第1句:我們有不同年齡和工作背景的志願者,支持句分為兩個層次,第一層次是第2句,講young volunteers,第二層次是後面的句子,講volunteer managers。B屬於"張冠李戴"的干擾項,把第一層次的信息放在第二層次選項中造成干擾。
6.還要知道take in和carry out兩個短語的意思。take in是“吸收;領會;接待”的意思,carry out是“執行;進行;完成”的意思。所以,選C. To carry out programmes. 就是“項目經理的主要職責是維持項目的實施”,符合題意。

