

Ray Gordon, studied Economics at Michigan State UniversityAnswered 7h agoIt is possible to the same extent but not at the same speed.China had some of the fastest industrialization on Earth in times of speed and scale due to a combination of:Rapid and effective government policiesA relatively favorable environment for export based industrialization (Globalization, free trade, Western countries willing to absorb large job losses through trade deficits, etc…)Huge FDI from Greater China (Taiwan, HK) that enabled thisGreat infrastructure that was the backbone of all these factorsLack of competition from other industrial leviathans like ChinaI’ve already explained here the reasons why export-based industrialization is starting to fade: Ray Gordon's answer to What is the economic future of Pakistan?What I’ve often heard is: India is a big country that has a lot of cheap labor, all we need to do is make our politics more pro-Business and everything will magically resolve itself.This type of thinking is naive, simply put, India does not have the required political environment, infrastructural capacity, favorable global environment, nor the required government efficiency to sustain rapid industrialization. The same favorable global trends (globalization, free trade, booming Western economies willing to absorb trade deficits, lack of feasible automation) are not here anymore, and India will need at least a decade or two of heavy infrastructure buildup to be competitive beyond extremely low wage low valued added goods. India doesn’t have the resources to do these things.It is possible that India will achieve a similar level of industrialization but I simply don’t see it happening as quickly as China did.269 Views · View Upvoters

是有可能的,但是速度沒中國那麼快。中國的工業化在速度和規模上可謂世界第一,原因如下:快速和有效的政府政策建立在出口基礎上的工業化擁有有利的環境(全球化,自由貿易,西方國家願意通過貿易逆差吸收大量的就業損失等等)來自大中華區的外國直接投資(臺灣,香港)良好的基建沒有其他工業強國的競爭。我經常聽人們說:印度是一個擁有大量廉價勞動力的大國,我們需要做的就是建立良好的商業環境,屆時一切問題都會迎刃而解。這樣的想法是很幼稚的,簡單來說,印度不具備所需要的政治環境,基建設施,有利的全球環境,政府效率也不高,無法維持快速的工業化。同樣的有利條件(全球化,自由貿易, 繁榮的西方經濟願意吸收貿易赤字,可行的自動化的缺乏)已經不再,除了低工資和低附加值產品外,印度至少還需要一二十年時間建造基建,這樣才具備競爭力。但是印度沒有資源這麼做。印度是有可能取得類似的工業化水平,但是在實現速度上應該沒中國那麼快。

Nilesh Kamath, Film Producer at Los Angeles (1993-present)Answered Apr 12, 2017CHINA could industrialize rapidly because it had a willing & hungry customer called US to gobble up whatever it could produce. Given that US has turned more circumspect & inward looking, who will don the mantle of the US were India to go on industrialization spree? Secondly, even after feeding the US, China has unused excess capacity to cater to the rest of the World, which obviously gives China the edge both production wise & price wise.So if India is purely going to ramp up just to cater to its domestic markets, then there is very little incentive for the business’s to ramp up their capex unless, the GoI steps in & offers big subsidies. But that means we will be turning back the clock and revisiting the old license Raj days.So unless the Demographic projections of the experts holds true, there is very little India can benefit by rapidly industrializing. India’s best bet is to think out of the box, and instead of emulating China’s success, create openings where China is at its weakest, by creating a world class service & knowledge based economy. India needs to learn from Singapore not China.678 Views · View Upvoters


Jeffery ZhangWedIndia will not get rich off of service/knowledge jobs because by definition the moat for these jobs are low. Whatever competitive advantage you have in these fields are limited to what you can accumulate over one working life, whereas the advantages in manufacturing and capital intensive industries can be accumulated over multiple generations.India can only compete in service jobs as long as its labor costs are cheap. There is no way of improving service productivity and competitiveness at the same rate as for manufacturing by investing in better machinery. Pursuing a service oriented economic development strategy will guarantee that India falls into the Middle Income Trap.


Jeffery ZhangAnswered WedNo, the earliest countries to industrialize reaped the greatest profits. Each subsequent round has to compete with the already industrialized countries so the profits are lower than the previous round.Before China industrialized, only 1/5th of the world lived in industrialized countries. China’s industrialization brought that up to 2/5th. China has so much spare industrial capacity the profit margins in many industrial sectors are close to 0 or even negative. This makes industrialization basically unprofitable for anyone else. Countries that try to industrialize after China would find themselves poorer rather than richer by industrializing because they would not be able to pay for the cost of industrialization with the profits.



