


Photo credit: FTChinese.com


Silicon Valley’s connections to the global tech industry made Stanford’s Graduate School of Business attractive to Kimberley Manning.

硅谷與全球科技產業的聯繫使斯坦福大學商學院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)對金伯利•曼寧(Kimberley Manning,見文首照片)很有吸引力。

Yet the software engineer, whose family had moved to Australia from Zimbabwe, halted her application.


halt [hɔːlt] v. (使)停止,停下

例句:She walked towards him and then halted. 她向他走去,然後停下。

“I perceive the US to be increasingly hostile to immigrants and people from other cultures,” Ms Manning says.


The US is the birthplace of the MBA and home to 51 of the top 100 business schools in the FT’s global ranking list. But the market is five years into a fall off in demand, which has been spreading in recent years to even the most well-regarded institutions, including Stanford, Harvard Business School and Wharton.

美國是MBA的誕生地,在英國《金融時報》全球排名前100位的商學院中,有51所美國院校。但這一市場的需求五年來一直在下降,近年就連斯坦福、哈佛商學院(Harvard Business School)和沃頓(Wharton)等最受尊敬的名校也面臨需求下降。


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This year, applications are down at all but one of 10 of the highest ranked schools in the FT’s analysis. Chicago Booth School of Business was the exception, with applications up 3.4 per cent this year. But its numbers are still down from their level two years ago, as the school suffered an 8.2 per cent drop in 2018.

今年,在FT榜單上排名前10的商學院中,除一所外,其餘商學院的申請人數均有所下降。唯一的例外是芝加哥大學布斯商學院(University of Chicago Booth School of Business),該校今年的申請人數增長了3.4%。但這一數字仍低於兩年前的水平,因為該校2018年的申請人數下降8.2%。

The tightening of visa rules for overseas students and hostility to immigration under Donald Trump’s administration are seen as the biggest problem for MBA admissions teams.

針對海外留學生的簽證規則收緊,以及唐納德•特朗普(Donald Trump)政府對移民的敵意,被視為MBA招生團隊面臨的最大問題。

Ms Manning, who has worked in Brisbane-based fintech start-ups since she graduated from the University of Queensland five years ago, will be heading for France, not the US, this January to start her MBA at the Fontainebleau campus of Insead. “I actually don’t feel individually targeted and would be eligible for a privileged work visa,” she says. “But I don’t want to move to a country with such openly hostile policies.”

自5年前從昆士蘭大學(University of Queensland)畢業以來,曼寧一直在布里斯班的金融科技初創企業工作,明年1月,曼寧將前往法國,而不是美國,就讀法國楓丹白露歐洲工商管理學院(Insead)的MBA課程。“我其實並不覺得自己是打擊目標,我還有資格獲得工作簽證。”她說。“但我不想去一個實行如此公開敵意政策的國家。”

She is not alone in making such a decision. Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, as the FT reported last month, has suffered a 6 per cent fall in applications for its MBA. It cites immigration worries and the current US trade battle with China.



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A buoyant jobs market has also raised the opportunity cost for would-be applicants of leaving employment and going to business school full time; a situation not helped by above-inflation rises in tuition fees.



[ˈbɔɪənt] adj. 輕快的; 有浮力的; 上漲的

例句:Not all buoyant objects ride the surface, as the water pressure from above varies with water depth. 不是所有有浮力的物體都能露在水面外,因為來自上面的水壓隨著水深而變化。

However, there is also a growing perception that MBAs are no longer the most cost effective way to get on in a career and that other avenues now exist to gain what used to be exclusive benefits of a business education.


Gorick Ng is a research associate at Harvard Business School, where he completed his MBA last year, and is also a vocational counsellor for Harvard undergraduate students. One of the biggest challenges he sees to the MBA are the “unclear benefits” of the qualification to those who are considering taking one: these possible MBA students are precisely the kind of people who could build a network and find a job through other routes.

Gorick Ng是哈佛商學院的研究助理(去年他在該校完成了MBA課程),他也是哈佛大學本科生的職業顧問。在他看來,MBA面臨的最大挑戰之一,就是MBA資質對於那些考慮就讀該學位的人“好處並不明確”:這些潛在的MBA學員,正是那些能夠通過其他渠道搭建人脈網絡並找到工作的人。


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“I am not saying that a business school is worthless,” Mr Ng says. “I am grateful for the education, mentors and life-long friends I made at HBS,” he says. “But, by and large, most business school aspirants I’ve encountered have lukewarm motivations at best and question whether they made the right decision long after they graduate.”

“我不是說就讀商學院沒用。”Gorick Ng說。“我十分感激在哈佛商學院接受的教育、結識的導師與終身摯友。”他說。“但總的來說,我遇到的大多數考慮就讀商學院的人最多具備不溫不火的動力,而且在畢業後很久還在懷疑自己是否做出了正確決定。”

lukewarm [ˌluːkˈwɔːm] adj. 冷淡的; 微溫的; 不夠熱心的

例句:So in view of the lukewarm reviews, the acquisition by Microsoft was unexpected. 所以從冷淡的評論來看,被微軟收購出於意料。

The most common reasons Harvard students give for taking an MBA include fear of missing out on what friends have done, the desire to leave a job they hate, the chance to find a husband or wife — and simply because they can, having taken the Graduate Management Admission Test exam and scored highly, according to Mr Ng.

據Gorick Ng介紹,哈佛學生給出的攻讀MBA的最常見理由有:擔心自己落後於朋友、渴望逃離自己討厭的工作、找到另一半的機會——或者只是因為他們參加了管理學研究生入學考試(GMAT)並拿到高分。


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But he cautions that these reasons are not sufficient when measured against the cost of studying for an MBA, which can run to $250,000 at schools like HBS, and the two years of full-time study required to complete the degree.


He says: “Like a spork, an ugly hybrid that is not pointy enough to be a fork or round enough to be spoon, business school is so many things to so many people that it ends up being not much of anything to anyone.”


The decline in MBA applications in the US is a concern but far from being a crisis for the highest ranked schools. This year, for example, Stanford received 7,342 applications, down from 7,797 in 2018, for only 417 places.


Lawrence Linker, a Singapore-based admissions consultant at MBA Link, which offers advice to potential students, sees the declining number of applications as an opportunity because they increase the odds of acceptance into top schools. “For those with the right test scores and the funds available there has never been a better time to apply to business school,” he says.

為潛在學員提供建議的MBA Link駐新加坡的招生顧問勞倫斯•林克(Lawrence Linker)認為,申請人數下降是個機會,因為這增加了入讀頂級商學院的幾率。“對於那些成績不錯又資金充足的人來說,申請商學院的時機從來沒有現在這麼好。”他說。


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There have been other changes in the business school applicants — an increasing number of women.


According to Elissa Sangster, chief executive of the Forté Foundation, which campaigns to raise the proportion of women in business education, there is a “slow but steady” rise in female enrolment on MBA courses globally.

復地基金會(Forté Foundation)的宗旨是提高商業教育中的女性比例。該組織的行政總裁埃利薩•桑斯特(Elissa Sangster)表示,全球就讀MBA課程的女性比例在“緩慢但穩步地”上升。

A third of 52 member schools had 40 per cent or more women enrolled for last year’s intake, up from just three schools in 2014, Ms Sangster notes. “We have seen a more intense focus on enhancing gender diversity in the last five years,” she says.


While Ms Manning may have decided against applying, this year, Stanford Graduate School of Business has its most gender balanced MBA intake, with women making up 47 per cent of the cohort, up 6 percentage points on 2018.



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This is the result of several years of expanding efforts to encourage female applicants, such as outreach events to groups of women outside the US and scholarship support for women, according to Kirsten Moss, assistant dean of MBA admissions and financial aid. “Diversity, equity and inclusion is a key priority for the GSB,” she says.

斯坦福大學商學院MBA招生與經濟援助副院長克里斯汀•摩斯(Kirsten Moss)表示,這是由於幾年來該院加大力度鼓勵女性申請者,例如面向美國以外的女性群體的外聯活動,以及給予女學員獎學金支持。“多樣性、公平與包容是斯坦福大學商學院優先考慮的問題。”她說。

Financial aid proved important for Ms Manning who has been helped with her MBA costs at Insead with a €20,000 Forté Fellowship grant. “The MBA makes sense to me because I want to get an international experience, hopefully to do something in the future to help my home country, Zimbabwe,” she says.


The biggest barrier to her peers applying to business school is not money but indifference to the MBA as a method of getting on in their careers, she says.


“In the tech industry, few people have an MBA.”


