「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 16-中國業務繼續關注

「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 16-中國業務繼續關注


DAY 16 原文



Matthew DiFrisco: Thank you. I just had a couple of follow-ups. With respect to China, thank you for sharing that about the 10% of global revenue. Is it correct then I guess to also assume in your past Analyst Days you've obviously shown how strong of a market and the opportunity and the returns there? That also would then by default have a higher contribution to the income, I suspect? And then if you could comment also, is this the travel restrictions, are they having any sort of impact also on the ability to meet those growth targets? I know you have 600 stores planned for that country. Is that something also that's sort of been halted during this timeframe as well?


Patrick J. Grismer: Yeah. Matthew, this is Pat. With respect to the first question, China's operating income as a percentage of business unit operating income globally is slightly higher than the 10% that it represents of revenue. And over to John for the second piece.


John Culver: Yeah. Matthew. on the store side of it, I think it's too early to tell. We're committed to the numbers that we previously communicated around store growth in China, and we'll continue to build beautiful stores and accelerate the growth of the brand. Suffice it to say new stores contribute 80% of our revenue growth in the market, and it's an important component and one that we'll continue to focus on with the team there.



1. Operating income:營業利潤。企業在某一會計期間的營業收入和為實現這些營業收入所發生的費用、成本比較計算的結果。它是企業通過自身的生產經營活動所取得的業務成果,包括主營業業務利潤和其他業務利潤,是企業利潤的主要組成部分。



「財報聽力訓練營|第十二期」DAY 16-中國業務繼續關注

