如何发‘V’和‘W’的音 How to pronounce the V and W

Hey everyone, its Hadar and this is the Accent's Way. Today we're gonna talk about how to pronounce the 'V' as in 'vet' versus the 'W' as in 'wet'.

大家好,我是 Hadar,这里是 the Accent's Way 频道。今天我们要来讲讲如何发‘V’和‘W’的音,比如它们在单词‘vet’和‘wet’中的发音。

'VV' and 'Wha' - V versus W. Some speakers tend to confuse those two sounds and then use it 'W' when they need to use a 'V' and vice-versa.

‘VV’和‘Wha’——即 V 和 W。有些人会把这两个音弄混,会在本应说‘V’的时候说成‘W’或是相反。

And some people just struggle with pronouncing one of those sounds. So, today we're gonna learn how to pronounce each of them and also how not to confuse them, which is sometimes more important.


Because okay, I know how to pronounce it but how do I make sure that I don't mispronounce it when speaking, because in practice, it's all great. But then in real speech - totally different thing.


So, let's begin with the difference between those two sounds. Now, both sounds are formed with the lips. Okay?


The 'W' is produced as the lips go forward and the tongue pulls back a bit. 'W' - pushes down.


And the 'V' sound is created by bringing the bottom lip to touch the top teeth. You're releasing air with sound, so the vocal cords are vibrating and creating this friction sound which is the 'V' as of the word 'very', 'vicious' and 'seven'.


Now let's practice it in words. The 'V' sound first.


You want to feel vibrations. Notice that it's just like the 'F' sound.


Only that the voice is activated creating this new sound, the 'V' - "very". When you pronounce the 'W' sound, you want to make sure that nothing touches the lips.


The lips move closer. You need to use the muscles here.


So if you don't tend to round your lips a lot in your native tongue, you definitely want to do some lip push-ups, and. . . you know, strengthen the muscles here. So it's easier for you to pronounce this sound.


The lips don't touch anything. "why", "we" and "when".


And yes, when you have an 'H' after the 'W', it is pronounced with a regular 'W' sound. Some people add this H-sound. This H-sound when pronouncing the 'W' in 'WH' spelling patterns like 'when' and 'why'.


But I highly recommend you to keep it simple and just pronounce the 'W' sound. Unless you want to sound really really sophisticated.


Now, while this may be a little easier for you, so you know what to do for each word, it gets tricky when it comes to phrases. For example, the phrase 'very well'.

现在,这些可能对你来说有些简单,你知道每个单词该怎么发音,但说短语的时候就会有些困难。比如‘very well’。

Try saying it. 'Very well'.

试着说一说。‘Very well’。

Probably if you tend to confuse these two sounds, something like 'Wery vell' comes out, right? Right? Am I right?

可能你会把这两个发音弄混,然后就说成了‘Wery vell’,对吧?我说得没错吧?

'Wery well' or 'very vell'. Maybe two 'V's or two 'W's, or perhaps you're just mixing the two things and saying something like 'wery vell' instead of 'very well'.

‘Wery well’或者‘very vell’。可能会说成两个‘V’或两个‘W’的音,还可能就是把两个弄反了,说成‘wery vell’,而不是‘very well’。

So, start make sure that for the 'V' and usually when you have a 'V' in the spelling, it means that you do bring the bottom lip to touch the top teeth, usually - "Very". And then for the 'W', make sure nothing touches - "very well".

所以,这个词组的开头要确保是‘V’的音,且通常情况下,如果拼写里有‘V’,就意味着在发音的时候你的下嘴唇要碰到上齿——“Very”。然后是‘W’的音,要确保你的嘴唇什么都没碰到——“very well”。

So always use words in context, because when you use them separately, it's all bells and whistles and then -whistles, by the way, with a 'W' - and then when you need to use it in a sentence, you always go back to old habits. Unless you become hyper aware - "Aware" with a 'W' - hyper aware of the sound.

所以一定要在语境中使用单词,因为当你分开练习它们时,它们都不过是些花里胡哨的东西罢了,然后——顺便说一下,whistles 是“W”开头的单词——然后当你需要在句子中用到它时,你总是又会重拾以前的老的习惯。除非你变得很敏感——“Aware”里带有‘W’——对发音十分敏感。

Making sure that you don't mispronounce it. So again, 'I'm doing very well. Thank you. '

确保你不会发错音。所以我们再举例说一次,“I'm doing very well. Thank you.”

"Very Well". "White Windows" - round you lips, nothing touching.

“Very Well”。“White Windows”——嘴唇要嘟成圆形,什么都不要碰到。

"Vicious Wedding" - vibrations. Go slowly here. "Viking Warriors."

“Vicious Wedding”——声带要振动。这儿可以说慢一点。“Viking Warriors.”

Yeah, I know. I added a few 'R's in there, just for fun. "Save the world".

是的,我知道。我在这儿加了几个‘R’的音,更有意思一点。“Save the world.”

Right? We want to make sure that the bottom lip touches the top teeth, and then a 'TH' sound and then 'W' sound. Okay? So, practice it in words.


Then practice it in phrases. And then, to make sure that you're actually using it in real speech, when you actually speak.


Then either record yourself, okay? And listen to the recording and only focus on the things that we talked about the substitution of the 'W' and the 'V'. Or speak to yourself and make a point of using all the words that you practice. Okay?


Notice in particular words that have both 'W's and 'V's together, and even more specifically, 'V's and 'W's connected like "of which", right? When you need to shift from the 'V' to the 'W' - "of which" - this is where it blends in and then you usually drop one sound like. . . right?

尤其要注意既有‘W’又有‘V’的词,或者更特殊一些,那些‘V’和‘W’的音连在一起的表达,比如“of which”,对吧?当你需要从‘V’转换到‘W’的音时——“of which”——他们会连接在一起,然后你通常会发出一个像这样的音,对吧?

And then merging the two sounds. You have to make this distinction.


Now, let's practice it in minimal pairs. Words that are almost the same except this one sound and that one sound changes the meaning.


"while-vile", "west-vest", "wet-vet", "wine-vine". Okay, so go ahead and practice, make a list of words that you use on a regular basis with 'V's and 'W's and make sure that you don't mispronounce them.


It's all about being focused and knowing what you're doing. And also about being cool with making mistakes. Cuz' that's the only way to learn, you know that, okay?


That's it. I hope this was helpful. Let me know in the comments below - What is your struggle?


And if you have any other words that you struggle with or sounds, so I can make videos and help you pronounce them correctly. Thank you so much for watching.


Please share it with your non-natives friends and come over to my website. Check it out. Fun stuff there.


Take care, and I'll see you next week in the next video. Bye.


