
1. express sincere gratitude to 對…表示衷心的感謝

2. the lack of equipment 缺乏設備

3. the potential of infection 感染的可能性

4. strive for life 為生活/生存奮鬥

5. shed new light on 對……有新的認識;進一步揭示

6. build up one’s confidence 樹立信心

7. can never express our thankfulness too much 感激之情怎麼表達都不為過

8. joint efforts 共同努力

9. stay well 保重;一切安好

10. have something to do with 與……有關

11. be endangered 瀕臨滅絕

12. worse still 更糟糕的是

13. cause the imbalance of nature 導致了大自然的不平衡

14. be supposed to do 應該做……

15. so as to do 為了……

16. raise people’s awareness 增強人們的意識

17. build a harmonious society 建立和諧社會

18. ensure a sustainable development 確保可持續發展

19. get the championship of 獲得……的冠軍

20. set up a national record 創立了一項國家記錄

21. take an active part in 積極參與

22. be stopped in its track ……得到抑制/控制

23. convey one’s concern 傳達某人的關心

24. on behalf of 代表

25. word comes that... 有消息說……

26. there’s no sense doing sth 做……沒有意義

27. around the corner 即將到來

28. as scheduled 如期;按照預定時間

29. have access to 可以使用;可以接近

30. make a quick recovery 迅速恢復

最近,中國馳援海外醫療物資上的詩句和名言刷屏了,今天就和雙語君一起感受一下這滿滿的詩意和情誼。China has been offering helping hands to other countries in the global fight against the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak, sometimes in a quite poetic way. Here are some of the touching poems sent along with Chinese donations to epidemic-hit areas.

1. 贈非洲:When people are determined they can overcome anything.


人心齊,泰山移。 ——中國諺語,出自《古今賢文》

2. 贈法國:United we shall overcome. ——法國文豪雨果

千里同好,堅於金石。 ——摘自三國蜀國學者譙周《譙子·齊交》 ,原文為:


A partnership forged with the right approach defies geographical distance; it is thicker

than glue and stronger than metal and stone.

3. 贈意大利:We are waves of the same sea, leaves of the same tree, flowers of the

same garden.

我們是同海之浪,同樹之葉,同園之花。 ——古羅馬哲學家塞涅卡

4. 贈德國:Mountains and valleys don't meet, but people do.

山和山不相遇,人和人要相逢。 ——德國諺語

5. 贈比利時:Unity is strength. 團結就是力量。 ——比利時民族格言

6. 贈日本:青山一道,同擔風雨。

Like the mountain range that stretches before you and me, let's share the

same trials and hardships together.



7. 增韓國:道不遠人,人無異國。

Great distance cannot separate us;We all live in a united world.


8. 贈伊朗:The sons of Adam are limbs of each other, having been created of one essence.

亞當子孫皆兄弟,兄弟猶如手足親。 ——古波斯詩人薩迪

9. 贈印度:尼蓮正東流,西樹幾千秋。

By the Holy Lotus River

Where pure gold flows east,

Look back to the western shore

At Buddha's sacred grove

For many thousands of autumns.




