Spring flowers in full bloom

"Spring flowers in full bloom | 瓊花開 春光美

3月26日,長沙市紫風公園,市民在瓊花樹邊賞花拍照。該園種植有瓊花8個品種共300餘株,其中包括聚八仙、天目瓊花、木繡球、蝴蝶花、歐洲莢蒾等品種,是我省瓊花品種最齊全的主題公園。目前園內瓊花已陸續進入盛花期,花期預計將持續20天左右,喜歡賞花的市民可以前往觀賞。 湖南日報記者 田超 攝

On March 26, people take photos at guelder rose in Zifeng park in Changsha. The flowers have 8 varieties and more than 300 strains. At present, guelder rose in the park has been in full bloom, the flowering period is expected to last about 20 days, the public can enjoy the flowers in the park. Hunan daily reporter Tian chao

Translated by Tian Mengyao

Spring flowers in full bloom | 琼花开 春光美

