斐濟疫情介紹Introduction of disease of new


斐濟疫情介紹Introduction of disease of new/novel pneumonia


How do you do/how are you ,i heard/got a message/new/information about new/novel coronovirus in Fiji,it is that Fiji has found a positive virus sick/ill/clinical case already at Laotuoka area ,until now ,it is only confirmed/positive case in local/native residence,whose came from airport plane/flight attendant of Fiji,but he did not behave obvious/manifest symptom ,it means he is asymptomatic case,it seems like fever cough breath inhalation and so on cinical symptoms they are very mild symptoms,he looks like a heathy/fit person generally.and even more he is absolutely asymptomatic patient, for the virus hidden/potential incubation is so long and its epidemic/infectivity is very strong/pandemic/prevalent so that it has caused a big terribility/scar/obstacle in local area for the native residents,citizens buy/purchase shopping ,conserve/reserve substances and food even fresh/portable water ,of course these items are necessary and vital/essential/imperative for meeting/surffice the requirment of daily lives in normal usages.but mostly worst is that there are many companies /enterprises coporation that big institutes located over there.for instance our company,so that positive case brings a massive/considerable affaction,one side/stage/aspect is vireu itself,another side is cases with asymptomatic patient ,in case asymptomatic cases go into cite.they will transfer virus to others/infect others without any kind of warning or alter,once it happens in company,it will be lethal/catastrophic/disastrous in deed ,we can not image/envisage the views/outlooks/futures/prospects in the forward,pray god bless us /bestow power/energy to us ,escort us in the adventous couse of virus,of course including people and company/corporations/enterprises.

斐濟疫情介紹Introduction of disease of new/novel pneumonia



Now that the disease has happened/occurred silently already,for company normal safe production/operation/enterprise has taken embodied/specific/particular/concrete prevention/praparation/measures/methods to be fullfilled/brought out/excuted/complied with/came true/realized/reconised/achieved/actualized,and meantime,theses items have been issued/promugated.these like face shields mouth masks washing agencies sanitary solutions hygeian/hygnic agencies and so on .they are very throughout/comprehensive/full-scale. Insulmultaniously,ban/stop/enjoin/inhibit/prohibit/forbid chinese go out casually/randomly without regular alowance/admottion/permission/authrization actually,especially for the strange environment ,like school big public places parks supermarkets and so on .because these places are very crowded and plenty of people coming from everywhere that you know or not ,so it is easily infected by virus ,and people density is concentrate,so you should avoid go there,keep shunning away from that places.keep in your home .insumultaniously ,company has set/managed/prepared quarantine room/chamber/sanctuary/shelter for negative/positive/susected cases.and at the same time ,enterprise has formulated emergency plan/contingency plan and preventions and procedures/programes ;and also I heard company lunched for cintingent substances against lethal novel virus.for using when virus happens in sectional/limited areas.


Since the local/residenital virus disease outbreaks suddenly,that day the local employee konck off work ahead of formal regular standard knocking time/in front of koncking time of work ,go back to/come to market /street market/bazaar to deprive/despoil/snatch/strip the dailys in time ,or face noting if they are too late,because the fiji government has made a decision/determient through express conference online through video ,it speaks that fiji offcial health department will take/fullfill adopt a series of preventions against current condition/situation,any body and and vehicles will not allowed to pass through the checkpoint casually except get authorization until the get contained of virus or protential/suspected cases isolated by public health department or the disease disappears or is contained or unlockdown,for containing the spread/disemination of virus ,and cut off the path of spread or disemination ,kill /homside/murder/annihilate it in its bud or cradle.and inhibit/restrict/constrict/defind it in stable limitation or finite as well take effective/valid /positive/portent methods to cure the patients ,make sure/guarrente/pledge the laotuoka down safe.hope/wish the local government take portent/compusory/obligatory preventions to resist the spread of novel pnuemonia virus in order to put nomal to the orbit of people living


Although the government has taken effcient measures against the new/novel pnuemonia,and even lockdown the down,but we still feel little/trivial worry/anxious/concious for their measures named/called,still feel unbelievable/unconfident/unsafe/unstable as local people conciousness/knowledge is very poor/feeble/shallow/superfacial/weak/scarce/destitute about individual safety.causing their free unfettered living style increasing negtive effects in preventions ,and plus less/short of/lack of/scarce of communication in media ,so they might not know well the fatality/poderance/mortality of virus,so they might ignore/neglect/derelict the response to the government instruction/recall,increase/promote the affaction or shadow in mind and spirits ,feel nervious/sensitive in nerve. So generally,guard/protect yourself ,keep a certain away from others .

斐濟疫情介紹Introduction of disease of new/novel pneumonia


