未知設計事務所丨Mostly Cafe

未知設計事務所丨Mostly Cafe

項目位置在禪城南莊的一個老式自建房樓下,Unkonwn將空置的街區邊角改頭換面成為Mostly Cafe,一個街角咖啡館。由一個灰色的圓拱洞穴體塊打破原本平凡的社區,創造出引人駐足的寧靜空間。

The project is located downstairs from an old-fashioned self-built house in Nanzhuang, Chancheng. Unkonwn changed the corner of the vacant block into Mostly Cafe, a corner cafe. A gray circular arch cavern breaks the original mundane neighbourhood, creating a tranquil space to attract people.

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

項目區位,Project location

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

景觀概覽,Landscape Overview


The exterior of the building uses the same gray texture paint to create a “grey box”, which breaks the new and old boundaries of the self-built house and construct a unified and independent facade. The

façade makes use of the height advantage of space to create a huge circular arch. The arc‘s vault softens the narrow defects of the high-rise corridor, combined with the floor-to-ceiling glass to form a unique landscape position. The top of the building retains its original appearance, contrasting with the gray box.

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe


店面外立面的LOGO儘可能亮化處理,吸引客戶人流視線。讓外部人流的視線聚焦到室內,並且激發好奇心。入口改到右側一方面的通過打開入口讓光線進入,其次是起到“打開窄道”的作用。門洞造型也配合我們空間另一個concept– “hole”。往外做兩級梯級,擴充店面的體量,同時作為休閒停留的區域增加顧客的停留時間。

The LOGO on the store’s facade is brightened as much as possible to attract customers‘ attention. Focus outsiders’ eyes on the interior and stimulate curiosity. The entrance is changed to the right. On one hand, the light enters by entrance, on the other hand, it is to “open the narrow lane”. The shape of the door also matches another concept of our space-“hole”. Make two steps outside to expand the store‘s mass, and at the same time increase the customer’s stay time as a leisure stay area.

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

室內概覽,Indoor overview


The space layout is divided into a bar operation area, a card seat area, a viewing card seat area, and a bathroom according to functional divisions. After adjusting the functional layout, to optimize the smoothness of the customer‘s line of movement, the scattered areas are mainly arranged around the operating area. Highlight the centripetality, and narrow the distance between hand-coffee and consumers.

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe


未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

橢圓形窗口,Oval window

入戶沒有采用大入口,通過利用增大觀景的窗口區域,放大光線進入的面積。採用摺疊式窗口的設計增加室內活動空間的統一性。橢圓形窗口的設置,拉近室內外的距離感,不放過宅道上的行人分享店內的氛圍,同時也是一幅“流動的畫”,室 外的人也可駐足感受。

There is no large entrance to the home, and the area where the light enters is enlarged by using the enlarged window area for viewing. The design of the folding window increases the uniformity of the indoor activity space. The setting of the window brings closer the sense of distance between indoor and outdoor. It does not let the pedestrians share the atmosphere inside the shop, but it is also a “flowing picture”. People outside can also stop and feel.

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

洗手盆區域,Washbasin area

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

卡座區域,Deck area


To create a more comfortable atmosphere, we placed the hand washing area outside. Highlight area requirements with custom brass mirrors. Break the obstacle of the coordination of the bathroom and the overall space area, so that the mirror also becomes a framing frame. The card holder integrates the function of storage and cooperates to solve the problem, which is lack of storage due to limited space .

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

外立面總覽,overview of facade

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

區域細部,Area detail


The whole store’s overall tone is mainly light gray, with simple and soft arch lines running through the space. The interior space is mainly matched with gray walls and gray bricks as the background material, and the color tone is more stable and uniform. The lines are softer and more emotionally rational. Soft color tone is green with low saturation, soft linen linen pattern and brass dining chair. With a bit of experimental LED lighting.

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe
未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

空間細部,Space details


未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

爆炸圖 Explosion

未知设计事务所丨Mostly Cafe

平面圖 Plan


項目名稱:Mostly Cafe



設計單位:Unknown Design Studio未知設計事務所




項目攝影:Muji photographic


Project information——

Project Name:Mostly Cafe

Project Location:Nanzhuang,Foshan

Design company :Unknown Design Studio

Design area:30 sqm

Completion time:june 2019 – October 2019

Designed time:Oct.2019


Main material:Stainless steel、Cement paint、Marble

