




1. You serious? 你是認真的麼

2. You're welling up. 你快哭出來了

3. That's why we bought the ticket. 這是我們買票的原因

4. She has issues. 她有麻煩事

5. Is this a bad time? 這個時間你是不是不方便

6. You look great. 你看起來棒極了

7. What's new? 有什麼新鮮事嗎

8. How's the family? 家裡都好嗎

9. Why are you here? 你來這裡有什麼事?

10. Are you through with that? 你喝完了嗎?

11. Now I wish I was dead. 我希望我已經死了

12. You're scaring me. 你這樣好嚇人

13. You're like all chaotic and twirly. 你驚慌失措的

14. Ross can do no wrong. Ross怎麼可能犯錯

15. Don't touch that. 別碰那個

16. Don't be mad. 別生氣

17. I give you one job. 我只讓你做了這一件事

18. We are going in. 讓我們來

19. How do you fit into the whole thing? 你要如何參與這件事

20. It's entirely up to me. 完全由我決定

21. What are you gonna do? 你打算怎麼辦

22. I have no idea. 我不知道

23. I think they are great. 我覺得它很棒

24. She is pregnant with my child. 她懷了我的孩子

25. So what's going on with you? 你最近怎麼樣,有什麼新鮮事兒嗎

26. Sorry I'm late, I was stuck at work. 抱歉我遲到了,工作上有點事情耽擱

27. Got any advice? 有什麼好建議麼

28. These people are pros. They know what they're doing. 人家是專業的,肯定能辦好

29. What have you been up to? 你最近忙什麼了

30. Why are you so tanned? 你怎麼曬得這麼黑了

31. This may hurt. 這可能會很傷人

32. We're kind of a thing now. 我們是認真的了

33. You've got plugs! 你戴了隱形眼鏡

34. That borders on child abuse. 涉嫌虐待兒童​

35. She's very supportive. 她很支持呢

36. Be back in a sec. 馬上就回來

37. Be right there. 我馬上過來

38. I dumped him. 我甩了他

39. How's this gonna work? 這能行的通麼

40. Give me a "for instance".給我舉個栗子唄

41. Things change. 世道變了

42. She gets a credit, 她佔了便宜

43. He gets his way! 他得逞了

44. I wanted to hurt you. 我想要傷害你

45. Knock knock! (敲門)有人在嗎

46. You're gonna be an aunt. 你要當姑姑了

47. I know this is going to sound unbelievably selfish, 我知道這聽起來很自私

48. Were you planning on bringing up...? 你打算提xx的事嗎

49. What does she mean by ...? 你這是什麼意思

50. Word of advice, ... 一點建議

51. What you guys don't understand is, ...你們男生不懂的是

52. You're not actually suggesting...你不是在建議xx吧

53. ..is as important as... xx和xx一樣重要

54. It't not that...it's that...不是xx而是xx

55. The problem is..no matter how.. 問題是, xx無論怎樣

56. Just try to stay awake 儘量保持不睡著

57. as far as my parents are concerned 據我父母所知

58. In front of your entire family..在你全家面前

59. She wants to be sth in...她想從事xx

60. ... had a thing for you xx對你有意思


