China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

▲ 阿普杜•萊赫曼在課堂上學習

It is time; humans learn that natural calamities strike nations irrespective of their beliefs, race, color and do not recognize any distinction of size, wealth and civilization.


However, violence and ferocity of natural disasters notwithstanding, outbreak of epidemics is a challenge of very different nature. The world is aware of their malice from medieval times, when despite very limited interaction among people they had been causing havoc along trade routes across continents and threatening existence of human race.


Now in modern time, they spread very quickly and are even more deadly because millions of travelers rove all corners of the world. But even then people often tend to forget that, if an epidemic breaks out now, it is not a challenge to that country or region alone but to the entire humanity, battling which demands collective effort for preventing it spreading across borders and killing without impunity.在現代,由於世界各地大量的人員往來,流行病的傳播變得更加迅速和致命。但人們常常容易忘記,如果現在某種疫情爆發,影響的將不止是一個國家或地區,而是全人類。世界各國人民需要團結一致,共同努力,才能阻止疫情傳播,挽救生命。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

To forecast and estimate as to where a new epidemic will hit, applying any form of data or sample, China due to size of its population and vastness of territory seems their likely victim more than any other country.


While tracing origin of SARS and now CORONA viruses in China, western media houses are all out to locate their causes in Chinese love for exotic food, for a variety of reasons; ranging from sex to general wellbeing and curing some complex ailments.


Seeing the number of stories and the type of narratives being propagated it is evident that west wants to exploit the opportunity to defame China. That may not be wrong but more than any other argument mere size and geography of the country makes it more vulnerable in the future as well.


However, evidences also approve that if China is relatively more exposed, it is better equipped than any other nation to handle them as well. Their heroics in the past aside, during present crisis instantly putting a mechanism of preventing virus from spreading to other regions and beyond own borders has once again proven their ability of quick assessment and capacity of accurate decisions.現在有目共睹的是,在面對疫情爆發時,中國的應對舉措要比其它任何國家都更加有力。且不論中國過去的光輝歷史,就目前應對這場疫情來說,中國能夠快速評估、果斷決策,迅速建立阻止疫情在國內外蔓延的有效機制。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

In other parts of the world, no doubt transparent environment have appreciably improved governance, but at the same time, it has put leadership under lot of pressure.


Resultantly, majority out of them in the face of challenges fail to take timely and balanced decisions. Often, not only they fail in difficult situations like outbreak of an epidemic and indulge in finding a politically correct decision but also waste precious time.


On the other hand Chinese’ leadership approach, ranging from immediate measures of enforcing countrywide quarantine, during spring festival when the entire nation is on the move speaks volume about their farsightedness. 而反觀中國,在春運人口大遷徙時期,領導層就迅速採取了全國範圍內的居家隔離等各種措施,充分展示了遠見卓識。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

Because, when Chinese move, it simply means many billions and not millions crisscrossing the country. Now in OBOR era, they have started traversing the globe and every major destination of the world has a large number of Chinese travelers.


Construction of mega hospitals for thousands of patients in hours than days at break neck speed where close to a hundred thousand patients are being treated, with daily new admissions just recently dropped from figure of two thousand. 中國以堪稱神速的建設速度,在幾天內建成了擁有上千張床位的大型醫院,曾為近十萬患者提供醫療救助。目前,住院人數已經降至兩千人。

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▲ 中國速度建設中的雷神山醫院
However, despite such prompt response, news of neglect of patients suffering from other diseases are surfacing in international media and stories of government officials’ slow response are bouncing on social networks as the world has zoomed in on the epicenter.


On economic front, showing resolve to endure the losses by halting manufacturing sector is no less remarkable decision by China as well. As it is not only resulting losses in billions of dollars but Chinese adversaries instantly sprang into action as if they were waiting for the opportunity of running rumor mill at full capacity for propagating possible collapse of Chinese economy. They are churning loads of data for estimating possible delays and in some cases abandoning of projects under OBOR.在經濟領域,中國不惜代價暫停部分產業,彰顯其抗擊疫情的決心。但是,做出這個決定絕非易事,因為中國不僅要承受數十億美元的經濟損失,還要面對覬覦已久的敵對勢力的即刻反撲,他們伺機竭力散佈著中國經濟即將崩潰的謠言,通過炮製大量數據,預測“一帶一路”倡議相關項目將延期或失敗。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

Such reports are in wide circulation by western media.Google News, one out of many online news agencies highly active in Pakistan is uploading reports on impact of virus on CPEC after very short intervals;


Seeing the trend it is evident, other partner countries are subjected to similar Anti-China campaign. Estimates of losses are being published for month long closure of businesses, failing to even know that outbreak of virus was reported during Spring Festival when nationwide vacations start; 15 days before and after the Chinese New Year celebrations.


It is evident that their target is Chinese nation’s morale and partner countries confidence and hopes. President Trump’s appreciation of Xi Jinping’s efforts to control CORONA virus is visibly an effort to repair damages done by Commerce Secretary Wlibur Ross statement about epidemic’s positive impact on American economy speaks volume about their hostility.


Over the years, highly efficient system of near instant response to the peoples’ needs has established credibility due to which there is no panic and mistrust among the nation.


Therefore, with confidence in leadership, despite knowing that the virus so far has no cure and can kill anyone effected, not only common people are volunteering for medical services, the entire nation is willingly following the guidelines issued by the central government. 儘管目前人類尚無特效治療手段,病毒也人人易感,中國人民仍積極參與醫療志願者工作,並嚴格遵循中央政府發佈的防疫指導方針。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

▲ 社區建立疫情防控監測點
Leadership has also not indulged in giving false hopes; instead, people are being marshalled for fighting the epidemic in Chinese way. With leadership’s resolve and determination despite western propaganda nation is showing usual Chinese character and resolve.西方觀察員曾發表評論,預測中國計劃生育政策實施後成長起來的獨生子女會缺乏激情,行為冷漠。但事實證明,與前輩相比,他們的抗壓品質和擔當能力毫不遜色。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

▲ 軍隊增派支援武漢的醫護人員
Some western observers were rather quick in predicting indifferent behavior of one child policy generation, but they too have proven no less resilient than their ancestors have been.中國領導層沒有辜負人民的期望,他們腳踏實地,實事求是,帶領全國人民以中國特有的方式抗擊著疫情。頂著西方輿論的壓力,他們秉承一貫的果斷作風,表明了抗擊疫情的堅決態度。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

Analyzing different nations’ response while fighting epidemics, it is nightmarish to imagine the extent of damages if CORONA virus had struck someone other than Chinese.


Outbreak of N1H1 in 2009 is just a decade old story and the way it was managed left many question on the capacity of USA, the most developed nation in the world. About 60 million people were affected, with close to 20 thousands deaths from a virus not as fatal as SARS and CORONA.

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▲ H1N1流感病毒電子顯微鏡下照片
These statistics cited by a Wisconsin study published in Journal of The American Medical Association in September 2010. Whereas, western analyst, government officials and policy makers are exploiting outbreak of epidemic, which is being managed very professionally, as an opportunity to satisfy xenophobia.


They are criticizing Chinese leadership and political system even though World Health Organization has been compelled to praise their handling of a very complex situation, which could have risked the entire world. 中國很好的應對了此次本可能危及全球的困難局面,世衛組織也對其加以稱讚,可還是有人伺機批評中國的領導人和政治制度。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

▲ 世界衛生組織流行病學專家布魯斯·艾爾沃德稱讚中國對疫情的“積極”反應
If prejudice can be put aside, rather than criticism world can learn loads of lessons from Chinese response and approach, which can be valuable for any such situation in the future.


After the news of outbreak of a killer virus became public, I talked to government officials, some friends and got an opportunity to speak to a youngster. It was simply amazing to know their resolve, seriousness and confidence in the leadership. 關於致命病毒爆發的消息公開之後,我與中國的政府官員以及一些朋友進行了交談,並有機會與一位年輕人聊了聊。他們的堅定決心、認真態度和對領導的信心讓我倍感驚奇。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

▲ 右一為阿普杜•萊赫曼
None talked about any conspiracy theory, neither there was a hint of charging anyone for a possible slackness. Despite some news surfacing here and there about possibility of a covert biological attack by some adversary, as the outbreak coincided with spring festival during which it would be simply impossible to implement control measures.


In some circles, you can hear also the echo of the timing of the outbreak, as it coincides with China becoming world biggest economy overtaking USA.


However, the Chinese people have made mature and calm response, focusing their attention on controlling the epidemic, rather than on spreading the conspiracy theories.然而,中國採取了成熟而冷靜的應對方式,把重心放在抗擊疫情上,而不是渲染陰謀論。

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▲ 中國醫療隊抵達意大利
But, with near perfect response to CORONA threat once again Chinese have not been able to pay due attention to perception management and have left the field open to usual exploitation by the adversaries.


Therefore, in an environment totally dominated by western media, the world has no option but to listen them. No wonder, there are abundant possibilities of mixing conspiracy theories for pursuing their Anti-China agendas.


However, if Chinese have been able to read the>


Through this path, possibly present crisis will become opportunity to exhibit and showcase their resolve and determination. Enhanced interaction with the world will also enable China to recognize countries who have shown solidarity and are offering them unconditional support. 通過這種方式,使當前危機成為展示中國意志和決心的機會。加強與世界的互動,中國就會看清真正對中國友好、並提供無條件支持的國家。

China Guards 抗擊疫情的中國防線

Though, in prevailing environment winning worldwide trust may not be easy but highly responsible approach will help China earn confidence of a greater part of the world.雖然在當今國際環境下,一國想贏得全球信任並不容易,但中國高度負責任的處事方式能夠幫助中國贏得更多國家的信任。

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