外域热议Rookie LPL2000杀:他或许是英雄联盟历史第二中单

外域热议Rookie LPL2000杀:他或许是英雄联盟历史第二中单


-If Rookie has million numbers of fan i am one of them. If Rookie has ten fans i am one of them. If Rookie have only one fan and that is me. If Rookie has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. If world against the Rookie, i am against the world.


-Quite unbelievable to get this on your birthday, congratz legend.


-Insane that Uzi has that many kills when he tends to always sit out spring split actually.


-This dude has been in the scene so long. Probably the 2nd best midlaner historically.


-I don’t see who really contests him for it, Dade and PawN lack longevity and Crown was never as good as Rookie


-Maybe now he can upgrade his name to Veteran?


