
Learning from mistakes is the best education - if you can afford the tuition.


Much cheaper and safer is to learn from mistakes of others.


So what can we learn from a multi-billion mistake of putting Marissa Mayer in charge of Yahoo, the company I always admired?

那麼,我們能從瑪麗莎•梅耶爾(Marissa Mayer)執掌的,我一直欽佩的雅虎(Yahoo),這個數十億美元的錯誤中,學到什麼呢?


1. Experience 經驗

I would not trust a brillian trocket scientist to do a heart transplant on me. Why anyone thought that a highly intelligent person with no turn around experience, no experience in running large enterprises, and no real management experience is the right person to run Yahoo ?



2. Compatibility 兼容性

Marissa's Google experience was not applicable. If you do a heart transplant, you need to make sure that the new healthy heart is compatible with the body.


What works in one company does not work in another. I have seen all too often new leaders come in and try to instill aforeign culture, strategy and methods - and fail.



3. Humility 謙遜

And then there is thing called arrogance. A brilliant book "Why smart executives fail" by Sydney Finkelstein names arrogance as one of the most common reasons for executive failure.

還有一種叫傲慢。悉尼•芬克爾斯坦(Sydney Finkelstein)的著作《為什麼聰明的高管會失敗》(Why smart executives fail)將傲慢列為高管失敗的最常見原因之一。

We need to stay humble, no matter what achievements we had and what successful companies we have worked for previously, and what fancy university we graduated from.


4. Leadership 領導能力

Leaders do not ask people to do what they would not do themselves.


Much was made in the beginning of Mayer's data-driven approach. As leaders, before we become data-driven, we need to become people-driven.


People first, data second!


"I have to walk fast to follow my people because I am their leader". I wish they would teach this quote at Stanford University.


If Marissa Mayer read this excellent article by Dr. Marla Gottschalk -- Managing Others? 8 Research-Backed Strategies to Help You Excel things may have been different.



5. Strategy 戰略

Marissa's strategy was Video, Mobile,Native and Social. On the surface it sounds common sense. It is so common sense that a college graduate can come up with this. And that is precisely the problem - the strategy is too broad.


The hard part about a strategy is deciding what not to do. Steve Jobs did not turn around Apple with broad platitudes trategies, but with brilliant new products.

戰略中最難的部分是決定不做什麼。史蒂夫•喬布斯(Steve Jobs)並不是用陳詞濫調來扭轉蘋果的頹勢,而是用出色的新產品。

IBM CEO Louis Gerstner decided to pivot the company into Services.

IBM首席執行官郭士納(Louis Gerstner)決定將公司的重心轉向服務領域。

Saying we will do social, video, mobile and native is saying we will do everything everyone else is doing.


I feel bad for all those people who worked So hard at Yahoo all these years, nights and weekends. What a monumental waste of efforts by so many smart and dedicated employees. What was the number one Internet Company becomes a division of a telephone giant.



Do not ditch your Yahoo email accounts! Yahoois a great site, and always will be.


Finally,you will enjoy values of experienced leadership.


