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【單詞】EAGERNESS 原型:eagerness 名詞 ['iːgənɪs] n. 渴望;熱心
【單詞】HELP 原型:help 動詞 [help] v. 幫助
【單詞】OTHERS 原型:others 代詞 ['ʌðə(r)z] pron. 其他(人或物)

Joseph was taken down to Egypt, and Potiphar, an Egyptian, one of Pharaoh's officers, the captain of the guard, bought him from the Ishmaelites.
【單詞】officers 原型:officer 名詞複數形式 ['ɔːfɪsər] n. 軍官;官員
【單詞】captain 名詞 ['kæptɪn] n. 首領;隊長
【單詞】guard 名詞 [ɡɑːd] n. 護衛隊;警衛
【單詞】bought 原型:buy 動詞過去式 [baɪ] v. 買
【專有名詞】Egypt 地名 ['iːdʒɪpt] n. 埃及
【專有名詞】Potiphar n. 波提乏(基督教《聖經·創世記》中埃及法老之護衛長)
【專有名詞】Egyptian 名詞 [i'dʒɪpʃn] n. 埃及人
【專有名詞】Pharaoh 名詞 ['feərəʊ] n. 法老
【專有名詞】Ishmaelites 原型:Ishmaelite 名詞複數形式 n. [聖經]以實瑪利人

Now Jehovah was with Joseph, so that he prospered; and he was in the house of his master, the Egyptian.
【固定用法】so that既可以引導目的狀語從句,也可以引導結果狀語從句。在引導目的狀語從句時,可以由in order that代替。在目的狀語從句中,so that之前不用逗號,而在結果狀語從句中,so that之前則往往要用逗號;另外,目的狀語從句中的so that一般不可省去that,而結果狀語從句中的so that則可省去that而意義不變。如:1) We arrived early so that we could get good seats.為了得到好座位我們很早就到了。(so that在此引導一個目的狀語從句,請注意目的狀語從句常用can/could,may/might,will/would,should等助動詞和情態動詞)2) We arrived early, so (that) we got good seats.為了得到好座位我們很早就到了。(so [that]在此引導一個結果狀語從句。請注意結果狀語從句往往不用目的狀語從句所常用的助動詞和情態動詞)
【單詞】prospered 原型:prosper 動詞過去式 ['prɒspə] v. 繁盛;成功;興旺
【單詞】master 名詞 ['mɑːstə] n. 主人
【專有名詞】Jehovah [dʒɪ'həʊvə] n. [聖經]耶和華(指上帝)

When his master saw that Jehovah was with him and made everything succeed that he undertook, he trusted him and made him his own servant.
【單詞】succeed 動詞 [sək'siːd] v. 成功

【單詞】undertook 原型:undertake 動詞過去式 [ˌʌndə'teɪk] v. 承擔;從事
【單詞】trusted 原型:trust 動詞過去式 [trʌst] v. 信任;相信
【單詞】servant 名詞 ['sɜːvənt] n. 僕人

He also made him overseer of his household and placed all that he had in his care.
【單詞】overseer 名詞 ['əʊvəsɪə] n. 監督人;工頭
【單詞】household 名詞 ['haʊshəʊld] n. 家庭;全家

From the time that he made him overseer in his house and over all that he had, Jehovah blessed the Egyptian's household for Joseph's sake, and the blessing of Jehovah was upon all that he had in the house and in the field.
【短語】for Joseph's sake 原型:for one's sake 為 ... 起見,為了 ... 好;例句:There is nothing that I will not brave for your sake. 為了你,我什麼風險都願冒。
【單詞】blessed 原型:bless 動詞過去式 [bles] v. 保佑;祝福;賜福
【單詞】sake 名詞 [seɪk] n. 理由;緣故;利益
【單詞】blessing 名詞 ['blesɪŋ] n. 祝福;禱告
【單詞】field 名詞 [fiːld] n. 田地;田野

Potiphar left all that he had in Joseph's charge, and he knew nothing about his affairs except about the food which he ate.
【單詞】charge 名詞 [tʃɑːrdʒ] n. 掌管
【單詞】affairs 原型:affair 名詞複數形式 [ə'feə] n. 事件;事務;事情
【單詞】except 介詞 [ɪk'sept] prep. 除了 ... 之外
【單詞】ate 原型:eat 動詞過去式 [iːt] v. 吃

And Joseph was handsome and attractive.
【單詞】handsome 形容詞 ['hænsəm] adj. 英俊的
【單詞】attractive 形容詞 [ə'træktɪv] adj. 有吸引力的;有魅力的

After these honors had come to Joseph, his master's wife tried to tempt him to be unfaithful to his trust.
【語法】try to do sth. 設法做某事,盡力做某事;例句:He tried to finish the work ahead of time.他設法提前完成這件工作。try doing sth. 試著做某事;例句:Why not try going there by boat? 為什麼不試著乘船去那兒呢?
【單詞】honors 原型:honor 名詞複數形式 ['ɒnə] n. 榮譽;榮幸

【單詞】tempt 動詞 [tempt] v. 誘惑;引誘
【單詞】unfaithful 形容詞 [ʌn'feɪθfl] adj. 不誠實的;不忠實的

But he refused, saying to her, "See, my master knows nothing about what I do in the house, and he has put all that he has in my charge.
【語法】what 常用來引導名詞性從句,即主語從句,賓語從句,表語從句和同位語從句。what在引導名詞性從句時有兩個重要的特點: 一是它在相應的名詞性從句中一定有含義,常表示“什麼”,“所...的”,“...的樣子”等; 二是它在相應的名詞性從句中一定做成分,而且常做主語,賓語或表語。例如:做句子的主語:What you have done might do harm to other people. 你所做的事情可能對其他人有害。 作句子的表語:He is not what he used to be. 他已不是從前的他了。
【單詞】refused 原型:refuse 動詞過去式 [rɪ'fjuːz] v. 拒絕

How then can I do this great wrong and sin against God?" Day after day she tempted Joseph, but he did not listen to her.
【短語】day after day 日復一日地;例句:The sun has been shining brightly day after day. 太陽日復一日地照耀著。

【單詞】sin 名詞 [sɪn] n. 罪惡;罪孽

One day, however, when he went into the house to do his work and when none of the men of the household were at home, she caught hold of his garment and again tried to tempt him, but he left his garment in her hand and fled out of the house.
【短語】caught hold of 原型:catch hold of 抓住,捉住;例句:Catch hold of this rope when I throw it to you.我把繩子扔給你時,抓住它。
【單詞】however 副詞 [haʊ'evər] adv. 然而
【單詞】garment 名詞 ['ɡɑːmənt] n. 衣服
【單詞】fled 原型:flee 動詞過去式 [fliː] v. 逃走;逃離

She kept his garment by her until his master came home; then she said to him, "The Hebrew slave whom you have brought to us came to me to insult me; and when I cried aloud, he left his garment with me and fled."
【時態】have(has) + 動詞的過去分詞 是動詞的“現在完成時”,這種時態主要用於表示 1.從過去某一事件發生到現在或將繼續持續下去;2.過去發生的事對現在造成的影響;3.表示現在已經完成的動作;例句:I have used this pen only three times. It is still good.這支鋼筆我只用過三次。它仍然是好的。

【單詞】slave 名詞 [sleɪv] n. 奴隸
【單詞】insult 動詞 [ɪn'sʌlt] v. 侮辱;辱罵;凌辱
【單詞】cried 原型:cry 動詞過去式 [kraɪ] v. 哭;喊叫
【單詞】aloud 副詞 [ə'laʊd] adv. 出聲地;大聲地
【專有名詞】Hebrew ['hiːbruː] adj. 希伯來人的

When Joseph's master heard what his wife said to him, he was very angry; and he took Joseph and put him into the prison, in the place where the king's prisoners were kept.
【單詞】angry 形容詞 ['æŋɡri] adj. 生氣的;憤怒的
【單詞】prison 名詞 ['prɪzn] n. 監獄
【單詞】prisoners 原型:prisoner 名詞複數形式 ['prɪznə] n. 囚犯

So he was left there in prison.

But Jehovah was with Joseph and showed kindness to him and helped him to win the friendship of the keeper of the prison, so that he placed all the prisoners in Joseph's charge and made him responsible for whatever they did there.

【短語】be responsible for 對 ... 負責,對 ... 有責任;例句:She is my child, and I am responsible for her. 她是我的孩子,我要對她負責。
【短語】help sb. to do sth. 或者 help sb. do sth. 幫助某人做某事;注意帶不帶to都可以;例句:He helped me (to) find my watch. 他幫我找到了手錶。
【單詞】kindness 名詞 ['kaɪndnəs] n. 仁慈
【單詞】friendship 名詞 ['frendʃɪp] n. 友誼;友好
【單詞】keeper 名詞 ['kiːpə] n. 看守人;管理者
【單詞】whatever 介詞 [wət'evər] prep. 無論什麼;任何事物

After these things the butler of the king of Egypt and his baker offended their master the king of Egypt, and Pharaoh was so angry with these two officers that he put them in the same prison where Joseph was.
【短語】so…that… 如此……以至於……;例句:She is so young that she can't look after herself 她太小了,不能照顧自己
【單詞】butler 名詞 ['bʌtlə] n. 男管家;僕役長
【單詞】baker 名詞 ['beɪkə] n. 麵包師
【單詞】offended 原型:offend 動詞過去式 [ə'fend] v. 冒犯

And the captain of the guard appointed Joseph to wait on them; and they stayed in prison for some time.

【單詞】appointed 原型:appoint 動詞過去式 [ə'pɔɪnt] v. 任命;委派;指定

And the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt, who were in the prison, both had dreams the same night, each with a different meaning.
【語法】sb., who ...,是定語從句,who後面的從句用來修飾前面的人物;
【單詞】dreams 原型:dream 名詞複數形式 [driːm] n. 夢
【單詞】different 形容詞 ['dɪfrənt] adj. 不同的

When Joseph came in to them in the morning, he saw plainly that they were sad.
【單詞】plainly 副詞 ['pleɪnli] adv. 清晰地;明顯地
【單詞】sad 形容詞 [sæd] adj. 悲哀的;憂愁的;傷心的

So he asked Pharaoh's officers, "Why do you look so sad to-day?" They answered, "We have had a dream, and there is no one who can tell what it means." Then Joseph said to them, "Is not God the one who knows what dreams mean?

【單詞】means 原型:mean 動詞一般現在時(第三人稱單數) [miːn] v. 意味著;意思是

Tell them to me, if you will."

Then the chief butler told his dream to Joseph and said to him, "In my dream I saw a vine before me, and on the vine were three branches, and the buds put out blossoms, and its clusters brought forth ripe grapes.
【短語】put out 長出,發出;例句:The freighter has put out to sea. 貨輪已經出海。
【短語】brought forth 原型:bring forth 產生;例句:These efforts will surely bring forth good fruit. 這些努力必將產生好的結果。
【單詞】vine 名詞 [vaɪn] n. 藤;蔓;葡萄樹
【單詞】branches 原型:branch 名詞複數形式 [brɑːntʃ] n. 分支;樹枝
【單詞】buds 原型:bud 名詞複數形式 [bʌd] n. 芽;花蕾
【單詞】blossoms 原型:blossom 名詞複數形式 ['blɒsəm] n. 花
【單詞】clusters 原型:cluster 名詞複數形式 ['klʌstə] n. 群;簇;叢;串
【單詞】ripe 形容詞 [raɪp] adj. 成熟的;熟的
【單詞】grapes 原型:grape 名詞複數形式 [ɡreɪp] n. 葡萄

Pharaoh's cup was in my hand, and I took the grapes and squeezed the juice into his cup and gave the cup to Pharaoh."
【單詞】squeezed 原型:squeeze 動詞過去式 [skwiːz] v. 擠壓;壓榨
【單詞】juice 名詞 [dʒuːs] n. 果汁

Then Joseph said to him, "This is what it means: the three branches are three days.

Within three days Pharaoh will let you out of prison and restore you to your office, and you will give Pharaoh's cup into his hand as you used to do when you were his butler.
【單詞】Within 原型:within 介詞 [wɪ'ðɪn] prep. 在(某段時間、距離或範圍)內;在…裡面
【單詞】restore 動詞 [rɪ'stɔː] v. 恢復;復原

But when all goes well with you, remember me, show kindness to me and speak for me to Pharaoh and bring me out of this prison; for I was unjustly stolen from the land of the Hebrews, and here also I have done nothing that they should put me in the dungeon."
【單詞】remember 動詞 [rɪ'membər] v. 記得
【單詞】unjustly 副詞 [ˌʌn'dʒʌstli] adv. 不公正;不法地
【單詞】stolen 原型:steal 動詞過去分詞 [stiːl] v. 偷;竊取
【單詞】dungeon 名詞 ['dʌndʒən] n. 地牢;土牢

When the chief baker saw that the meaning of the butler's dream was good, he said to Joseph, "I also saw something in my dream: there were three baskets of white bread on my head, and in the upper basket there were all kinds of baked food for Pharaoh, and the birds were eating them out of the basket on my head." Joseph answered, "This is what it means: the three baskets are three days; within three days Pharaoh will take off your head and hang you on a tree, and the birds shall eat your flesh."
【短語】take off 拿下,去除;例句:His leg had to be taken off above the knee. 他的一條腿從膝蓋以上截去了。
【單詞】baskets 原型:basket 名詞複數形式 ['bɑːskɪt] n. 籃;簍;筐
【單詞】upper 形容詞 ['ʌpə] adj. 較高的;上面的;上部的

【單詞】basket 名詞 ['bɑːskɪt] n. 籃;簍;筐;[籃]球籃;投籃得分
【單詞】baked 形容詞 [beɪk] adj. 烤的;烘焙的
【單詞】hang 動詞 [hæŋ] v. 懸掛
【單詞】flesh 名詞 [fleʃ] n. 肉;肉體

Now on the third day, which was Pharaoh's birthday, he made a feast for all his servants.
【語法】sth., which ...,是定語從句,which後面的從句用來修飾前面的事物
【單詞】birthday 名詞 ['bɜːθdeɪ] n. 生日
【單詞】feast 名詞 [fiːst] n. 宴會;酒席
【單詞】servants 原型:servant 名詞複數形式 ['sɜːvənt] n. 僕人

Then he set free the chief butler and the chief baker.
【短語】set free 釋放;例句:The prisoner had hopes that he might be set free. 這個囚犯希望能獲得釋放。

He restored the chief butler to his office, so that he again gave the cup to Pharaoh; but the chief baker he hanged, as Joseph had told them.

【單詞】restored 原型:restore 動詞過去式 [rɪ'stɔː] v. 恢復;復原

Yet the chief butler did not remember Joseph, but forgot him.
【單詞】forgot 原型:forget 動詞過去式 [fə'ɡet] v. 忘記

