Doesn’t that mean anything to you难道那对你一点意义都没有

1."The next morning, Gabrielle returned the engagement ring to her former lover, a gesture that was met with... measured enthusiasm.."


retrun sb. sth.=return sth. to sb. 把东西归还某人

engagement ring: 订婚戒指 former: 以前的 lover: 爱人,情人 gesture: 姿势,手势

measured : 适度的 enthusiasm: 热情

2."Please, calm down!"

拜托, 冷静下来

3.: "It just doesn’t make any sense. Okay, you love me, I know you love me!"

根本不可能, 对吧? 你爱我, 我知道你爱我。

4. "Love is not enough. Where would we live, here with your roommates? The only decoration in the bathroom is a bong!"

光有爱是不够的。我们住哪儿 --这儿, 和你的室友们吗?卫生间里唯一的装饰是一个水管。

5. "We could get our own place!"


6. "How? You’re barely making minimum wage!"

怎么找? 你甚至连最低工资都赚不到

barely: 几乎不; 几乎没有 minimum: 最低的,最小的 wage: 薪水,工资

7."Okay, sure. We’d be poor at first, but we’d be happy."

好吧, 我们一开始会穷一些,但我们会很开心。

8. "I’ve tried poor but happy. Guess what. It wasn’t that happy."

我已经试过穷但是很开心的生活。结果你猜呢 -- 那根本就不开心。

9. "Mr. Solis is going to jail. You want to stick around for that?"



10."I don’t know. You know, every once in a while, even I want to do the right thing."

我不知道。有时候即使是我, 也想做正确的事。

11. "Mrs. Solis, I love you so much! Doesn’t that mean anything to you?"


12.: "Honestly, no. John, you’re a toy. A sweet, dumb toy, so you might as well go to college, because you and me, no future!"

说实话, 没有!John, 你是个玩物--一个可爱的又傻傻的玩具,所以你最好去读大学,因为你和我 --


