

原文刊登於《Scientific American》(2018.05.04)


To parse this problem, the research team, which included psychologist Steven Pinker, collected data on a person’s current age, language proficiency and time studying English. The investigatorscalculated they needed more than half a million people to make a fair estimate of when the “critical period” for achieving the highest levels of grammatical fluency ends. So they turned to the world’s greatestexperimental subject pool: the internet.

They created a short online grammar quiz called Which English? that tested noun–verb agreement, pronouns, prepositionsand relative clauses, among other linguistic elements. From the responses, an algorithm predicted the tester’s native language and which dialect of English (that is, Canadian, Irish, Australian) they spoke. ⑥For example, some of the questions included phrases aChicagoan would deem grammatically incorrect but a Manitobanwould think is perfectly acceptable English.


investigator 調查者

experimental 實驗的

proposition 介詞

relative clause 關係從句

algorithm 算法,規則系統

deem 認為

Chicagoan 芝加哥人

Manitoban 馬尼托巴人(加拿大省)


parse 本意是“分析句子”,這裡表示“解決”;

subject 常見意思是“主語,主題,遭受,符合”;這裡作名詞,意思是“調查對象”;

pool 本意是“池塘”,這裡意為“一群,集合”;


1.To parse this problem, the research team, which included psychologist Steven Pinker, collected data on a person’s current age, language proficiency and time studying English.

此句主幹是“the research team collected data”;前面的“To parse this problem”是介詞短語作目的狀語;“which included psychologist Steven Pinker”是定語從句作插入語;最後面的“on a person’s…”是介詞短語作定語修飾前面的data;

2.The investigators calculated they needed more than half a million people to make a fair estimate of when the “critical period” for achieving the highest levels of grammatical fluency ends.

此句主幹為“The investigators calculated + 賓語從句”;“they needed more than half a million people”是賓語從句,裡面的“to make a fair estimate”是不定式作目的狀語;後面的“when the…”從句是estimate的邏輯賓語從句。該賓語從句主幹是“when the‘critical period’ ends”,中間的for achieving …作定語。


為了解決這個問題,包括心理學家Steven Pinker在內的研究團隊蒐集了每個人的年齡、語言熟練度與學英語的時間。調查者們推算,要想得出可靠的估算,需要測算至少五十萬人的“關鍵期”是何時結束,並達到他們語法的最高水平的。所以他們求助於世上最大的調查對象聚集地——網絡。



1.But the study also showed that it is best to start by age 10 if you want to achieve the grammatical fluency of a native speaker.

本句主幹是“the study showed that…”;that引導的賓語從句中,it是形式賓語,真正賓語是不定式“to start by age 10”後面的“if you want to…”是條件狀語從句。

