
語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語



例句:According to one belief, if truth is to be known, it will make itself apparent, so one had better wait instead of searching for it. (2001 年第 3 題)

分析:該句是複合句,其中 had better+ do 意為“最好做某事”。


例句:Prof. White, my respected tutor, frequently reminds me to avail myself of every chance to improve my English. (1999 年第 35 題)

分析:該句是簡單句。avail oneself of...意為“利用(機會等)”。


例句:The house belongs to myself.(作介詞賓語)

You yourself did wrong to him.(作同位語)

語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語


相互代詞只有 each other 和 one another 兩種,通常前者表示兩者之間的相互關係,後者表示兩者以上的人或事物之間的相互關係。

例句:Language,culture,and personality may be considered independently of each other in thought, but they are inseparable in fact. (1996 年第 31 題)

分析:該句是由 but 引導的並列句。


例句:In Europe, as elsewhere, multi media groups have been increasingly successful groups which bring together television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses that work in relation to one another. (2005 年第 47 題)

分析: 該句是複合句。句子主幹為 multi media groups have been increasingly successful groups。定語從句 which bring together...修飾 groups,其中television, radio, newspapers, magazines and publishing houses 作 bring 的賓語,即bring...together, 另一個定語從句 that work in relation to one another 修飾其前面的幾個名詞。

譯文:在歐洲,像在其他地方一樣,傳媒集團擴張越來越成功,這些集團將相關的電視、 廣播、報紙、雜誌和出版社組合在一起。

注意:相互代詞的所有格形式為 each other's,one another's,其後接不可數名詞或可數名詞的複數形式,不能接單數可數名詞。

語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語


(一)this,that 和 these,those

指示代詞 this 和 that 的複數形式分別為 these 和 those,在句中可作主語、賓語、表語和定語,this 和 these 表示較近的空間或時間,that 和 those 表示較遠的空間和時間。

例句:In the past, most foresters have been men, but today, the number of women pursuing this field is climbing.



例句:We are obliged to them because some of these languages have since vanished, as the peoples who spoke them died out or became assimilated and lost their native languages. (2004 年第 62 題)

分析:該句是複合句,主句為 We are obliged to them。because 引導一個狀語從句,定語從句 who spoke them 修飾 the peoples,as 引導的句子可以看做插入語,補充說明 some of these languages have since vanished 的原因。



語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語

(二)指示代詞 that 和 those 也可用於比較結構,表示前面提到的東西,避免重複

例句:The number of registered participants in this year's marathon was half that of last year's. (1996 年第 7 題)

分析:該句是簡單句,本句的主語是單數名詞 number,因此後面指代它的代詞只能是單數 that,謂語用單數。


例句:His function is analogous to that of a judge, who must accept the obligation of revealing in as obvious a matter as possible the course of reasoning which led him to his decision. (2006 年第 47 題)

分析:該句是複合句,主句為 His function is analogous to that of a judge。定語從句 who must accept...修飾 a judge,介詞短語 in as obvious a matter as possible作狀語,用來說明 reveal 的方式,另一個定語從句 which led him to his decision修飾 the course of reasoning。

譯文:他的職責與法官相似,必須承擔這樣的責任: 用盡可能明瞭的方式來展示自己作出決定的推理過程。

例句: These bunches of flowers are more beautiful than those we bought yesterday.


語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語

(三)指示代詞 such 在句中作主語、表語和定語

例句: Such is what you want me to do.

Such are the meanings of authentic love.

(such 作表語時,往往置於句首)

注意:such 用作定語時和副詞 so 的區別在前面副詞一節中已提到。

(四)指示代詞 same 的用法

在句中作主語、賓語、表語和定語,其前與定冠詞 the 連用。

例句: Vitamins are similar because they are made of the same elements —usually carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sometimes nitrogen. (選自 1996 年 Cloze Test)



語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語


疑問代詞用來構成特殊疑問句,其中 who(whom/whose)指人,what 指物,which 指選擇對象。

例句:What's the difference between love and fondness or what is the nature of luck and coincidence? (選自 2007 年 Text 2)

分析:該句是由 or 連接的兩個簡單句(特殊疑問句)。



關係代詞包括 who(whom,whose),that 和 which。that 只能引導限制性定語從句,其他關係代詞既可引導限制性定語從句也可引導非限制性定語從句,具體用法詳見定語從句一節。

語法秘籍之代詞解析整理(二) | 考研英語

