





口径:12.8cm 高:37.5cm 底径:13.3cm


该瓶敞口,短颈,瓶身圆润丰满,圈足 。底青花书「大清乾隆年制」篆书款。腹部绘喜上眉梢图为主题纹饰,繁花山石之间,八只喜鹊,神态毕现,寓意吉祥。梅花竞相绽放,花瓣轻透、娇嫩欲滴,繁盛中更显雅致,呈现一派春光明媚景象。腹上下以缠枝花一周做边饰。整体构图自然疏朗,画工精致自然而洒脱,整体气息富丽华贵夺人眼目,规整有神,生机盎然。是非常值得收藏瓷器珍品,极为少见。

Diameter: 12.8 cm high: 37.5 cm bottom diameter: 13.3 cm

Coral red glaze is a new low-temperature colored glaze created during the reign of Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty. It is painted by blowing glaze. Its color is as beautiful as coral and has become a valuable decoration technique in the future. Coral red was a kind of low-temperature iron red glaze created in the Qing Dynasty. It began in Yongzheng and flourished in Ganlong. Coral red glaze porcelain is made by blowing red glaze over white glaze. After firing, the glaze color is even and smooth, showing a bright yellow in red, which is comparable to natural coral. Therefore, it is called " Coral Red".

The bottle is open, short - necked, round and full, and full. The seal>






口径:22cm 底径:15cm 高:8.5cm



Diameter: 22 cm bottom diameter: 15cm height: 8.5 cm

Jun Kiln is one of the five famous kilns, which is most prosperous between Song and Yuan Dynasties. It is famous for its magnificent color and numerous changes, and for its gorgeous and unpredictable kiln changes. The beauty of Jun porcelain is superior to the glaze color. Purple Jun is the most elegant, the glaze color is gorgeous and shining like a sunset glow, and the enamel is fine and smooth like a lake. It is also better than the mystery and uncertainty of glaze color, three points of manpower and seven points of nature, and the color of finished products cannot be predicted before leaving the kiln. Wash the shallow abdomen, flat bottom and carry the cloud head and foot of three ruyi. At the bottom of the mouth and near the bottom, each ring is decorated with a drum nail for one week. The outer wall is covered with rose red glaze, with magnificent glaze color, blue thick glaze inside, thick and moist glaze layer, and a few earthworms appear like mud lines, which is extremely enjoyable.

This kind of utensil is the display porcelain of the court, which is both beautiful and practical. The beauty of Jun kiln wares not only broke through the monochromatic glaze, but also skillfully used the reduction of copper oxide to change the artistic effect of rose-red blending, and also showed aesthetic feeling in different shapes. The shape of this device is flat and short, and the bottom of the device is hung up with a cloud head and foot handle to achieve the visual effect. It is a rare and precious product with very high collection value.





口径:6.5cm 底径:12cm 高:35cm

此瓶小口描金、短颈、丰肩 、瘦底、圈足,线条流畅,丰腴,造型挺秀、俏丽,通体绘粉彩团花,色泽鲜艳,花卉繁多,富丽堂皇,宛若雍容华贵的名门闺秀。粉彩是釉上彩品种之一,也叫“软彩”。其借鉴了中国画中的用粉及渲染技法,色彩丰富,色调淡雅柔和。这种瓷器的色彩丰富、精美,很快获得了清代王公贵族们的青睐,其中以官窑粉彩瓷器最受藏家的青睐。


Diameter: 6.5 cm bottom diameter: 12 cm height: 35 cm

This bottle has small mouth, short neck, abundant shoulders, thin bottom and full circle, smooth lines, plump figure, beautiful and handsome shape, and full-bodied painted pastel flowers with bright color, various flowers and magnificence, like elegant noble family. Pink color is one of the varieties of overglaze color, also called " soft color". It uses the powder and rendering techniques in Chinese painting for reference. It is rich in color and elegant and soft in tone. This kind of porcelain was rich in color and exquisite, and soon won the favor of the nobles in the Qing Dynasty, among which the official kiln famille rose porcelain was the most popular among collectors.

And flowers don't fall to the ground, it is a combination of pastel and gold, and all kinds of flowers fill up the whole picture without showing the porcelain bottom or the branches of the flowers. Flowers float in the air like heavenly girls scattering flowers, so they are called " flowers don't fall to the ground". The picture of flowers not falling to the ground in plum bottles is very complicated and artful, showing off the elegance of the objects themselves and showing great aesthetic feeling with strong visual impact. As a famous product of pastel colors, if flowers don't fall to the ground, it will become a favorite in the world. It is very worth collecting porcelain treasures.






This article was written by the Marketing Department of Hong Kong Ji Bolun International Auction Group.

2018 is the ninth year of Ji Bolun International's establishment, laying out its future. Faced with more intense market competition and the ever-improving art auction industry, Ji Bolun has always adhered to the business philosophy of honesty and professionalism, and constantly sought the development direction of standardization and enterprise, trying to make Ji Bolun International Auction House a first-class platform for international art trading.

Ji Bolun International Auction Co., Ltd. was officially established in the UK on December 26, 2009 and announced that it will hold its first autumn auction of Chinese art in London on March 21 in conjunction with Bristol Auction, a well-known French art auction company. In 2014, it entered the Asian market, set up a branch in Hong Kong and set up Hong Kong Ji Bolun International Auction House. The Ji Bolun Spring Auction was held in 2015, when the mainland commissioned Shenzhen Jiali Auction House to collect Tibet. In 2018, it won the auction license in mainland China, set up the Shenzhen branch of Ji Bolun Auction Group, and fully integrated the Asian market.

At the same time, 2018 is the fourth year of Ji Bolun International Auction House's entry into Hong Kong, Asia. The successful holding of various auctions shows that Ji Bolun International Auction House has entered and remained firmly in the Hong Kong auction market, and will also push Hong Kong Ji Bolun International Auction House to a higher level of development. In 2018, Ji Bolun won the auction license in mainland China and set up the Shenzhen branch of Ji Bolun Auction Group, which will also be a new milestone for Hong Kong Ji Bolun International Auction House.









Gibberlain International auction house 2018 Hong Kong autumn Auction time Notice

Organizer: Hong Kong Gibberlain International Auction Co., Ltd.

2018 Hong Kong Gibberlain International Autumn Auction

Preview Time: December 18

Preview location: Shenzhen Futian District Fuhua Road Greater China Sheraton Hotel

Auction Time: December 22

Booking Location: Sheraton Hong Kong Tsim Sha Tsui Hotel

