

Grain ticket is a kind of shopping voucher issued in the special economic period of our country. It has a unique historical culture, a special status and high historical value. It has the title of "the first ticket of life" and "the second currency". It has circulated for nearly 40 years from 1955 to 1993. It not only reflects China The social and economic situation in the historical period has important research value and collection value.



Grain ticket has a wide range of topics, fine printing, with the characteristics of time and region. After years of erosion, more and more such non-reproducible cultural relics of the ticket are becoming scarce, treasures are emerging, very precious. This group of national general grain tickets is 29 pieces in half a kilo, mainly for 1965 and 1966 editions, with different specifications, complete quality, exquisite and meticulous side, bottom lines and back lines. These features are incomparable with other tickets, and are worth collecting. They have irreplaceable historical research value and collection value.



Grain stamps as a practical securities, used in China for more than 40 years, with the development of society, it has withdrawn from the stage of history and become a new favorite of collectors. After 1993, China has cancelled the use of food stamps, food stamps quickly entered the ranks of collections, the national collection of "food" lovers are also expanding. Over the past two years, Hong Kong, Macao SAR and some European and American countries have been competing for the collection of Chinese grain tickets at high prices.


  • [陶瓷] 高古瓷、元明清瓷器、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。
  • [玉石] 古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃石、雞血石。
  • [字畫] 歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。
  • [雜項] 古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。
  • [傢俱] 明清各種材質的硬木傢俱,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等名貴材料為主。

Collect project:

  • Ceramic ancient porcelain, yuan Ming porcelain, coating of the republic of China, master modern wool porcelain and fine China, are recommended.
  • Jade gao, the Ming and qing dynasties, modern jade, jade jade, tian, bloodstone.
  • Calligraphy and painting all previous dynasties celebrity virtuosi calligraphy and painting, modern and contemporary painting and calligraphy, factions virtuosi calligraphy and painting.
  • Miscellaneous ancient rare books, gold and silver, strange stone, bronze vessels, four articles, the Buddha.
  • Furniture all kinds of hardwood furniture in the Ming and qing dynasties, with red sandalwood, hainan chrysanthemum pear, gold-rimmed nanmu rare materials, etc.

