你一定要學會的20個英文短語 非常實用!



你一定要學會的20個英文短語 非常實用!

⭐ What do you mean? - used for asking someone to explain what they

have said

⭐ To be fed up with - to be tired of

⭐ To catch up with - to reach / to exchange life-updates

⭐ To come across as - to be seen in a certain way

⭐ To hang out with - to spend time with

⭐ To look forward to - to await something eagerly

⭐ To work on - to be focusing your attention on

⭐ To work out - to fix a problem / to do exercises

⭐ Up in the air - to be undecided

⭐ To stab in the back - to betray

⭐ To lose your touch - to get worse at something

⭐ To quit cold turkey - to quit something addictive suddenly

⭐ To be on the ball - paying attention, sharp and aware

⭐ To cut to the chase - get to the important information

⭐ The ball is in your court - your turn to do something

⭐ To be on the fence - you can't make a decision

⭐ Once in a blue moon - very rarely

⭐ Crunch time - time to work very hard

⭐To blow someone away - to impress someone

⭐ To be under the weather - to feel sick

