







解讀丨吳旭東 教授 (天津醫科大學)

點評丨張 毅 教授 (哈佛大學);

蔣華良 院士 (中科院上海藥物所)


, 在膠質母細胞瘤中長期抑制EZH2的表達甚至會導致細胞激活多能性調控網絡,增強細胞增殖和提高DNA損傷修復能力,反而促進腫瘤進展【3】。為了進一步擴大EZH2抑制劑在實體瘤的臨床應用,有必要深入瞭解腫瘤細胞對EZH2抑制劑不敏感的分子機制。

9月13日,中國科學院上海藥物研究所耿美玉丁健譚敏佳聯合研究團隊在Cell上發表了題為Targeting Epigenetic Crosstalk as a Therapeutic Strategy for EZH2-Aberrant Solid Tumors的研究成果,揭示了EZH2抑制劑對大部分實體瘤治療無效的分子機制並提供了可能的協同抑制表觀遺傳交互調控解決方案,並對當前腫瘤的靶向治療提出了示範性方案,對於當前EZH2抑制劑臨床研究的困境破局具有重要的指導意義。



為了系統探究H3K27me3逆轉成為H3K27ac導致腫瘤細胞對EZH2抑制劑耐藥的機制,作者對一株敏感細胞和兩株不敏感細胞進行了H3K27ac ChIP-seq、RNA-seq和蛋白質組學分析,發現在不敏感細胞中EZH2被抑制之後H3K27ac水平的增加導致了多種致癌信號通路的激活,體內成瘤模型甚至顯示某些腫瘤在EZH2抑制劑處理的情況下反而進展更快。為了干預H3K27ac水平升高導致的EZH2抑制劑耐藥,作者嘗試了聯用BRD4抑制劑(








1. Shen H, Laird PW. Interplay between the cancer genome and epigenome. Cell. 2013;153(1):38-55. 2. Helin K, Minucci S. The role of chromatin-associated proteins in cancer. Annu Rev Cancer Biol . 2017; 1: 355-77.

3. de Vries NA, Hulsman D, Akhtar W, de Jong J, Miles DC, Blom M, et al. Prolonged Ezh2 Depletion in Glioblastoma Causes a Robust Switch in Cell Fate Resulting in Tumor Progression. Cell Rep. 2015;10(3):383-97.

4. Kim K, Kim W, Howard T, Vazquez F, Tsherniak A, Wu J, et al. SWI/SNF-mutant cancers depend on catalytic and non-catalytic activity of EZH2. Nat Med. 2015; 21(12): 1491-96.

5. Peng D, Kryczek I, Nagarsheth N, Zhao L, Wei S, Wang W, et al. Epigenetic silencing of TH1-type chemokines shapes tumour immunity and immunotherapy. Nature. 2015;527(7577):249-53.

6. Bugide S, Green MR, Wajapeyee N. Inhibition of Enhancer of zeste homolog 2 (EZH2) induces natural killer cell-mediated eradication of hepatocellular carcinoma cells. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2018;115(15):E3509-E18.




Polycomb group (PcG) proteins have long been known to be part of the cellular memory system involved in maintaining the spatial patterns of homeotic box (Hox) gene expression during embryonic development (Francis and Kingston, 2001). The Polycomb genes were originally named based on genetic screens in which gene mutations cause the generation of multi-sexcomb in flies. Due to his pioneering work in identifying genes (including PcG genes) controlling body patterning, Edward B. Lewis received the 1995 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine ( Nevertheless, how PcG proteins maintaining the “off state” of Hox genes to control body patterning during embryonic development was not known till the discoveries that the two major PcG protein complexes PRC1 and PRC2 respectively possess histone H2A uniquitylation and histone H3 lysine 27 methylation (H3K27me3) activities to mediate Hox gene silencing (Cao et al., 2002; Wang et al., 2004). Around the same time, it was also found that the catalytic subunit of the PRC2, EZH2, is overexpressed in prostate cancer (Varambally et al., 2002). Subsequent studies indicated that overexpression of EZH2 is generally associated with various cancers (Comet et al., 2016) raising the possibility that EZH2 might be a promising target for cancer treatment. The biotech company Epizyme and the pharmaceutical company GSK were the first to develop small chemical inhibitors specifically targeting EZH2 with efficacy for hematological cancers (Knutson et al., 2012; McCabe et al., 2012). Despite the promising clinic results of these inhibitors in hematological cancers, whether these inhibitors are effective for solid tumors overexpressing EZH2 remains to be determined.

In this study, Huang et al. tested the EZH2 inhibitors (EZH2is) in a panel of 83 cancer cell lines that include both hematological and solid tumors and found that hematological tumor cell lines are relatively more sensitive to the inhibitors compared to the solid tumor cell lines. To determine why solid tumor cell lines are less sensitive to EZH2i, the authors analyzed 111 histone marks of EZH2i sensitive and insensitive cells and observed that the insensitive cells have a much higher H3K27 acetylation (H3K27ac) levels compared to those of the sensitive cells. Interestingly, the EZH2i sensitivity and drug-induced change in H3K27ac exhibited a reciprocal relationship suggesting that increased H3K27ac might contribute to cell’s resistance to EZH2 inhibition. Consistent with this notion, the authors found that the EZH2i insensitive cell lines express multiple oncogenes at a higher level which correlates with high levels of H3K27ac. Given previous studies demonstrating that H3K27ac is “write” by p300/CBP and “read” by the Bromodomain protein BRD4, the authors used a BRD4 inhibitor to block the H3K27ac function so that the EZH2i insensitive cells can be sensitized. Indeed, this combinational treatment significantly improved the efficacy of EZH2i in both cell culture and mouse xenograft models, supporting the author’s hypothesis as well as extending EZH2i’s therapeutic potential. Despite the use of BRD4 inhibitor improved the efficacy of EZH2i, a subset of cancer cells still escape the combinational treatment. To find out why this combined approach does not work for these cancer cells, the authors performed comparative ChIP-seq, RNA-seq, and proteomic analysis which identified a few oncogenic pathways, including the MAPK pathway, that escape the combined treatment. This observation prompted the authors to interfere the oncogenic MAPK pathway to further expand the therapeutic potential to a number of tumor models, including pancreatic and lung cancers.

In summary, using a comprehensive approaches, the authors demonstrate the existence of a complex network of cross talks of epigenetic modifications that regulate cancer cells’ response to EZH2i treatment. In addition, the study provides a strategy for patient stratification and therapeutic intervention. Specifically, for EZH2+/MLL- patients, EZH2i alone might be effective. However, for EZH2+/MLL+ patients, a combined EZH2i and BRD4i regiment might be needed. If this is still not effective, a triple combination that include the MAPK inhibitor might be considered. Given the generally encouraging xenograft results, clinic trial might be expected. Thus, this study provides a strong scientific bases for expanding the efficacy of EZH2i through combinational therapies.


Cao, R., Wang, L., Wang, H., Xia, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Tempst, P., Jones, R.S., and Zhang, Y. (2002). Role of histone H3 lysine 27 methylation in Polycomb-group silencing. Science 298, 1039-1043.

Comet, I., Riising, E.M., Leblanc, B., and Helin, K. (2016). Maintaining cell identity: PRC2-mediated regulation of transcription and cancer. Nat Rev Cancer 16, 803-810.

Francis, N.J., and Kingston, R.E. (2001). Mechanisms of transcriptional memory. Nature reviews Molecular cell biology 2, 409-421.

Knutson, S.K., Wigle, T.J., Warholic, N.M., Sneeringer, C.J., Allain, C.J., Klaus, C.R., Sacks, J.D., Raimondi, A., Majer, C.R., Song, J., et al. (2012). A selective inhibitor of EZH2 blocks H3K27 methylation and kills mutant lymphoma cells. Nature chemical biology 8, 890-896.

McCabe, M.T., Ott, H.M., Ganji, G., Korenchuk, S., Thompson, C., Van Aller, G.S., Liu, Y., Graves, A.P., Della Pietra, A., 3rd, Diaz, E., et al. (2012). EZH2 inhibition as a therapeutic strategy for lymphoma with EZH2-activating mutations. Nature 492, 108-112.

Varambally, S., Dhanasekaran, S.M., Zhou, M., Barrette, T.R., Kumar-Sinha, C., Sanda, M.G., Ghosh, D., Pienta, K.J., Sewalt, R.G., Otte, A.P., et al. (2002). The polycomb group protein EZH2 is involved in progression of prostate cancer. Nature 419.

Wang, H., Wang, L., Erdjument-Bromage, H., Vidal, M., Tempst, P., Jones, R.S., and Zhang, Y. (2004). Role of histone H2A ubiquitination in Polycomb silencing. Nature 431, 873-878.




表觀遺傳領域是腫瘤治療研究的前沿陣地,特別組蛋白甲基轉移酶EZH2,因其在多種血液系統腫瘤和實體瘤中廣泛存在基因擴增、激活突變或過表達,並與腫瘤發生發展密切相關,一直是腫瘤學基礎研究及各大藥廠新藥研發追逐的熱點(Kim and Roberts, 2016)。然而,在腫瘤學研究及抑制劑發現齊頭並進的同時,對於EZH2抑制劑的療效響應機制和敏感群體的認識卻大大滯後,成為EZH2抑制劑臨床轉化的瓶頸。2018年8月,當前臨床研究進展最快的EZH2抑制劑Tazemetostat(Epizyme公司研發)單藥治療EZH2突變的瀰漫性大B細胞淋巴瘤(Diffuse large B cell lymphoma)宣佈失敗(NCT01897571),更加凸顯深入系統認識EZH2抑制劑臨床治療背後的生物學機制的重要性與緊迫性。

中科院上海藥物研究所耿美玉研究員、丁健院士和譚敏佳研究員的團隊長期從事抗腫瘤藥物敏感群和耐藥機制研究。團隊研究人員通過梳理以往關於敏感群體的研究發現,腫瘤中EZH2自身突變、EZH2功能相對的表觀遺傳調控複合物功能(或其底物的)異常,如SWI-SNF成員失活突變(Kim et al., 2015)和H3K27突變(Mohammad et al., 2017)會導致該群體對EZH2抑制敏感。已有認識將上述群體中EZH2抑制劑的治療效應發揮歸結於其底物組蛋白H3的27位賴氨酸甲基化(H3K27me)水平狀態的變化。但是,一個顯而易見的矛盾點是,EZH2抑制劑能普遍降低所有腫瘤的H3K27me水平,而治療響應迥異。

對近百株腫瘤細胞EZH2抑制劑的敏感性和表觀遺傳動態修飾變化進行系統篩查,結合組蛋白修飾全景的檢測分析方法,團隊研究人員發現EZH2抑制劑可改變數十種組蛋白修飾狀態、重塑腫瘤細胞內蛋白修飾格局。尤為值得關注的是,EZH2被抑制後,可導致H3K27位甲基化與乙酰化(H3K27ac)修飾的轉換,且恰是這種修飾模式的轉換決定了EZH2抑制劑治療的不敏感。有關抑制EZH2可介導H3K27ac上調這一現象早在2010年就被報道(Pasini et al., 2010),但是,由於該研究及後繼相關研究主要將該現象歸結為蛋白修飾佔位效應的體現,屬繼發效應,故並未引起領域的重視。研究團隊通過組蛋白修飾譜系統分析揭示,H3K27me與H3K27ac的轉換具顯著有特異性;且在EZH2抑制劑引發的數十種組蛋白修飾改變中,只有H3K27ac變化與藥物敏感性相關。H3K27me與H3K27ac作為基因轉錄開關的兩個重要標誌,其在轉錄調調控中的對立關係深為領域所知。這一關聯性的存在提示,


接下來的問題是,為什麼EZH2抑制劑引起的H3K27me與H3K27ac轉換主要在大部分的實體瘤中發生?團隊研究人員發現,TrxG(Trithorax group)家族成員MLL1的表達水平是核心制約因素。在大多數實體瘤中,EZH2和MLL1均高表達,抑制EZH2的同時,MLL1招募p300和CBP形成複合物並催化H3K27ac修飾上調。反之,在MLL1低表達細胞中,抑制EZH2導致 H3K27me下調,卻難以觸發H3K27ac發生。這一發現提出了基於MLL1的H3K27me與H3K27ac的相互牽制決定EZH2抑制劑生物學效應的工作模型,揭開了PRC2和TrxG兩大轉錄開關家族之間高度依存關係的新篇章。因此,EZH2抑制劑、MLL抑制劑以及p300和BRD4抑制劑,這些原本看似功能相悖的抑制劑,以MLL1募集功能為紐帶,有了聯合使用的可能。進一步研究證實EZH2和BRD4抑制劑聯合用藥在大多數EZH2高表達的腫瘤中療效顯著,為上述機制模式提供了有力的支持。





Kim, K.H., Kim, W., Howard, T.P., Vazquez, F., Tsherniak, A., Wu, J.N., Wang, W., Haswell, J.R., Walensky, L.D., Hahn, W.C., et al. (2015). SWI/SNF-mutant cancers depend on catalytic and non-catalytic activity of EZH2. Nature medicine 21, 1491-1496.

Kim, K.H., and Roberts, C.W. (2016). Targeting EZH2 in cancer. Nature medicine 22, 128-134.

Mohammad, F., Weissmann, S., Leblanc, B., Pandey, D.P., Hojfeldt, J.W., Comet, I., Zheng, C., Johansen, J.V., Rapin, N., Porse, B.T.

, et al. (2017). EZH2 is a potential therapeutic target for H3K27M-mutant pediatric gliomas. Nature medicine 23, 483-492.

Pasini, D., Malatesta, M., Jung, H.R., Walfridsson, J., Willer, A., Olsson, L., Skotte, J., Wutz, A., Porse, B., Jensen, O.N., et al. (2010). Characterization of an antagonistic switch between histone H3 lysine 27 methylation and acetylation in the transcriptional regulation of Polycomb group target genes. Nucleic acids research 38, 4958-4969.



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