

走近百大冠軍161期Zoey(NPC/NGA Bikini):這篇文章,我有很多方向可以入手,但是我只想強調一些我從參加健美比賽的經歷中所學到的東西。There are so many directions I could take this post, but I just want to highlight a few things l've learned from my experience competing.


保持謙虛。這項運動可以在幾秒鐘之內讓你感受天堂和地獄,所以保持清醒的頭腦,永遠不要忘記你的道德。你會從每一個比賽中學到一些東西,無論你是新手還是職業選手,都有成長的空間!Stay humble. This sport can build you up or knock you down in a matter of seconds, so keep your head on straight and never forget your morals. You'll learn something from every show so whether you' re a novice or a pro there is still room to grow!


做一名天然的運動員意味著你的肌肉需要花費很長的時間來修煉。我花了5年多的訓練塑造成我現在的體格,老實說,你節食越多你的身體得不到滿足,你的肌肉塑造就越難成長和成熟。Being a natural athlete means putting on muscle takes a long time. It has taken me 5+ years of training to build the physique l have now and honestly the more you diet and put your body in a deficit, the harder it is grow and mature the mass you've built..


如果你真的想看到改進的話,在舞臺之外的時間是至關重要的。take significant time away from the stage if you truly want to see improvements!


不意味著這次的交換飲食你表現的不錯,下次備賽你就能一帆風順。Just because you reverse diet like a boss doesn't mean your next prep won't be a grind.


每次都不一樣的!生活狀況、壓力水平、年齡、所有因素都會影響你,就算你有過一場完美的比賽,你不可能從此就一成不變。Every prep is different!Life situations, stress levels, age, all play a factor so you can't always set yourself up for a perfect prep.


我不能強調姿勢是多麼的重要!儘可能多地練習,建立自信,在舞臺表演中起作用,有時甚至先於你的體格,讓你先聲奪人!I can't stress how important POSING is! Practicing as much as possible, building confidence and working on stage presence will make you stand out against a line up of other women sometimes more than your physique wil


顯然,我從競爭中學到了很多東西,但是這篇文章已經足夠長了。如果你對備賽的貼士與技巧感興趣,請在下面留言!Obviously I've learned a million more things from competing, but this is already a long enough post..Leave a comment below if you're interested in prep life: tips and hacks!

