




●中國醫師協會第二屆循證醫學眼科學組委員,首屆全國乾眼專業委員會委員,非公醫療機構眼科專業角膜病專委會主任委員,中華眼科學會第八屆青年委員及全 國白內障學組委員,第九屆山東省眼科學分會委員,第七屆遼寧省眼科學分會常委,中華眼科雜誌審稿人,《眼科》雜誌編委。

●主要專注於角膜病、白內障等的臨床和基礎研究工作。完成各類疑難白內障手術4萬餘例,角膜移植手術5千餘例,致力於白內障防盲手術的推廣和培訓。改進了角膜內皮移植的手術方法,創造性地提出了上皮瓣下膠原交聯技術,首創了晶體前囊膜保護角膜內皮的白內障手 術技術,在國內率先開展了飛秒激光角膜移植手 術等。

●在國內外發表論文100餘篇,主編參編專著5部,承擔國 家省級部級等課題21項,並獲各級獎勵13項。

●Shaowei Li, M.D.,Ph.D.,

●Prf. and tutor of Postgraduate student,

●Aier School of Ophthalmology, Central South University

●CEO, Beijing Aier Intech Eye Hospital

●Director, Aier Corneal Institue

●Vice chairmen of scholarship committee, Aier eye hospital group

●Chairmen, Aier Eye Bank

●Chairmen, Corneal diseases group of Aier eye hospital group

●Director, Aier Cornea Institute

●Chairmen, Corneal group of Chinese non-government medical instituteions association

●8th council member of Chinese Ophthalmological Society(COS)

●8th council member of COS cataract subspecialty group

●member of standing committee of 7th Liaoning provincial ophthalmological society

●Major in clinical and basic study on corneal diseases, cataract, refractive surgery. Dedicated to improving treatment results by creating and modifying techniques, rising social benefits by trainning, acting charity. Is the first people doing femtosecond laser assisted corneal transplantation in China, and created non DSAEK procedure, subepithelial CXL and anterior capsule endothelial protecting techniques in the world. During past 30 years, have performed more than 40,000 cases of cataract surgeries, and 5,000 cases of corneal transplantation. Published more than 100 papers.



