


People are voting in Sweden's general election where an anti-immigration party is __1__ win a pivotal role in a country long seen as a bastion of liberal values. The populist Sweden Democrats are __2__ to win at least 1/5 of the vote and become the second biggest party. The support for the centre-left and centre-right __3__. The BBC's Gavin Lee who's in Stockholm says political debate during the election has been dominated by migration. "Look back to 2015, 163,000 migrants entering the country, more per capita than any other EU state. By November that year, the government put temporary __4__ in place. Those temporary measures are still there in a supposedly Schengen passport-free zone of Europe. And the other parties talk about the Sweden Democrats, this __5__ about the immigration conflating with a spiking crime this year. But ultimately a lot of the conversation, the newspapers, you talk to people on the street, you know migration is the real central theme here."




著名評書藝術家單田芳11日下午3點30分因病去逝,享年84歲。單田芳1934年12月17日出生於營口市的一個曲藝世家,是中國評書表演藝術家、作家,與劉蘭芳、田連元、袁闊成並稱為“當今評書四大家”。——評書大師單田芳11日下午在北京病逝 享年84歲,騰訊新聞,2018年9月11日

參考譯文: Shan Tianfang, celebrated Chinese master of pingshu - a traditional Chinese art form of storytelling - died following an illness in Beijing at about 3:30 pm on Tuesday. He was 84. Mr. Shan was a famous performing artist and writer, born in Yingkou in Northeast China's Liaoning province on Dec 17, 1934. He is well known as one of Big Four Pingshu Artists with other three of Mrs Liu Langfang, Mr. Tian Lianyuan, Mr. Yuan Kuocheng.——Pingshu Master Shan Died at 84, QQ News, Sept.11, 2018

解析:用英文表述中國特色文化事物,尤其是在英語世界裡沒有參照及對應的事物,通常的手法是用拼音,之後再解釋性描述。“評書”可謂是中國古代社會里孕育出的獨特文學形式,而在英語世界裡並沒有類似的文學形態。在譯成英文時,可以保持“異化”(novelty),讓英語讀者感受到中文的獨特之處。而對於pingshu的解釋:a traditional Chinese art form of storytelling,則講得有點籠統,不是很明確,無法滿足英文讀者對於這種“講故事形式”的藝術的瞭解。建議改為:a traditional Chinese entertaining form of storytelling,因為entertaining 指的是一種“娛樂”形式,更深層次則是一種低層大眾的娛樂形式。art form在一定程度上是“高雅藝術”,與“大眾文化”對立。







