
Fish says to Water: I am crying all the time, but you never know, because I'm in the water.魚對水說:我整天哭泣,不過你看不見我的眼淚,因為我在水中。

Water says: I know, because you are in my heart all the time.水對魚說;我能感覺到你的眼淚,因為你在我心中。

Fish says to Water: I will never leave you, because I can't live without you.魚對水說:我永遠不會離開你,因為離開你,我無法生存。

Water says: I know, but if your heart is missing?水對魚說:我知道,可是如果你的心不在呢?
魚和水的故事~Fish says to Water: Im so lonely, because I only can live in the water.魚對水說:我很寂寞,因為我只能待在水中。

Water says: I know, because your loneliness is in my heart.水對魚說:我知道,因為我的心裡裝著你的寂寞。

Fish says to Water: If there is not the fish in the water, then what is else left here?魚對水說:如果沒有魚,那水裡還會剩下什麼?

Water says: If you were not here, then how I was?水對魚說:如果沒有你,那又怎麼會有我?

I'm not the fish, you are not the water. I will still living very well without your love.我不是魚,你也不是水。沒有你的愛,我依然會好好的活。

But, living very well does not mean forget.可是,好好的活並不代表我可以把你忘記。

​Fish says to Water: I cant go outside to see the world is the biggest regret in my life.魚對水說:一輩子不能出去看看外面的世界,是我最大的遺憾。

Water says: I can't let you give up this idea is my biggest defeat in my life.水對魚說:一輩子不能打消你的這個念頭,是我最大的失敗。

I'm not the fish, you are not the water. Now I just want a promise for a whole life.我不是魚,你也不是水。現在的我只想要一個一輩子的承諾。But, can you burden it?可是,你負擔得起嗎?

Fish says to Water: Am I the first fish in your whole life?魚對水說:在你的一生中,我是第幾條魚?Water says: you are not the first fish in the water, but you are the first fish in my heart.水對魚說:你不是在水中的第一條魚,但卻是在我心中的第一條。

Fish says to Water: Can you belive fall in love at first sight?魚對水說:你相信一見鍾情嗎?Water says: The moment when I wake up to you are a fish, I already knew you will swim to my heart.水對魚說:當我意識到你是魚的那一刻,就知道你會游到我的心裡。

Fish says to Water: Why do I ask and you answer every time?魚對水說:為什麼每次都是我問你答?

Water says: Because I like that you understand my heart during the interlocution.水對魚說:因為我喜歡在問答中讓你瞭解我的心。

I'm not the fish, you are not the water. Why you always let me wait?我不是魚,你也不是水。為什麼你總是讓我等待?

魚和水的故事~Don't you know, Wait=Lost belief=Give up?難道你不知道,等待=失去信心=放棄。

If I'm the fish, you are the water, how nice that is?如果我是魚,而你是水,那該多好!

The water always know the fish's idea, because the fish in the heart of the water.水永遠都知道魚的想法,因為魚在水心裡。

But I'm not the fish, you are not the water.但是我不是魚,你也不是水。

You never know my love, maybe I'm not in your heart at all.你永遠都不知道我的愛,因為我也許根本就不在你的心裡……

If I'm the fish, you are the water.如果我是魚,你就是水。

Can I swim to your heart......我可以遊進你的心裡嗎……


