

Four criteria life


Person's life, experience elegant is not easy, to understand the truth and acted not easy.


First: Do not plan too much, to go with the flow


Do not plan to make a person too much, as long as enough of their own efforts, do not hard to ask for help, and sometimes think the more the more urgent the more the heart not return; so when you do not want, it will belong to you unexpectedly. Some of the unspoken rules and can not grasp things, or go with the flow. The progress and development of people is relative, that is your thing, after all, is you, do not insist.



Second: no need to suppress their own, flattery flattery to moderate


Do not suppress their own, and do not curry favor with others. The countryside and the city, under and boss, rich and poor is not possible so depressed that he is totally unnecessary. Relative to the airs of the people, no matter how you respect him, he would not equal to you. Therefore, flattery, flattery to moderate - he'll never be sympathetic to the charity you. Regardless of humble origin, or difficult situation, do not hope courtesy to others, only to maintain proper personality, face life, when that time said, as the time to do, do not be timid, and timid, they will not easily make people look down on will also win more equal opportunities and respect for human beings.



Third: Do not who is especially good, and do not arrogance to anyone, unworthy of a care


Workaholic worthy of recognition, but to master the heat, because there is a basic reality is that most people do not want to see your progress. No matter how you do eventually escape the seniority, the fate of tick and circle. The more you progress to progress to more difficult, more they want to do things more often impossible to do things, and one reason is self-evident, we do not complain about who the key is to learn to be instinctive. Do not work, who are particularly good, and who do not particularly bad, not on who is not good, not public outrage as the public is not happy objects. "Like attracts like, people in groups." Any unit, any group, relationship structure are inseparable from the "three-three" system that is specific to the individual one-third of the people in your general, one third of the people you do not "cold", one-third of the Hello one person. This we have often said, "one third of the people in the dry, one-third of people are looking at a third of people in the mischief-making" empathy. Therefore, we must vary to maintain a good, neutral to fight, hostility to tolerance. Never use a small number of people.



Fourth: I believe its important than relying on others


A human being, there must be thinking, social responsibility, believe in yourself than rely on others important. Things to different people certainly do not like your boss will usually see out of. As long as their best work, will not be buried, unless you have doubts about their ability. The key is to put right state of mind, when the opportunity arises to do something for the community, no opportunities to remember "to work for themselves", the accumulation of more tangible and intangible assets, to do more things for themselves is not excessive, regardless of how fortunate in life to give, timely efforts are wrong. Yes, no matter how exhausted efforts, do not do things such as meditation. Particular, do more things that reflect their own values, which makes us a lifetime.



茫茫網絡中,有這樣一條圍脖,前幾年,百度搜索“簡單四句話讓你受益終身”相關新聞約8,430篇,網頁搜索相關結果約1,050,000個,僅在任志強微博中就有人轉發(324)、評論(180) ,很多網友認可為經典語錄廣為傳播。 這四句話就是:1、不要盤算太多,要順其自然。該是你的終會得到。2、壓抑自己沒必要,奉承巴結也沒必要。保持應有的人格力量將贏得更多機會和尊重。3、不要對誰特別好,也不要對誰特別不好。永遠不要被少數人所利用。4、相信自己比依賴別人重要。用盡心機不如靜心做事。 對這樣四句話,你可能並不陌生,但不一定知道它是怎麼來的,它的真正原創作者是誰,背後又有著怎樣的故事?這就是筆者今天要與網友講述的話題。 筆者年輕時曾漂在一個邊遠鄉鎮,那種苦熬苦幹、總不如人的陰影揮之不去。在默默前行十多年之後,幸運遭遇了生命中的貴人,他舉薦我進了城。此間,他多次推心置腹地跟我說了一些大實話,比如“做一個人不要盤算太多,該是你的東西終歸是你的,不要強求”、“人在社會,既要平視他人,也要正視自己”等等。這些話我都牢記於心,並隨著命運變遷,逐而領悟,走出了陰影,離開了怯弱,步入了正軌。 後來,結合自己的人生經歷和體會,我思考撰寫了《潛哲學:人生要明白這幾個道理不容易》一文,文章以老領導之口講述了語重心長的四句話,可算是這條圍脖的雛形。當時,互聯網發展方興未艾,這篇文章一上傳論壇,就在網絡廣為流傳,累計點擊率超過200萬人次,至此,儘管很多網友喜歡,但一直沒能登上紙媒大雅之堂,最多隻能算是流落民間的寵兒。 大約是在2005年,不知哪位有心的編輯,把它縮寫成了1100多字的短文,予以正式發表,且無私地保留了湘竹原創署名。接下來,《廣州日報》、《雜文月刊》、《文化博覽》、《37度女人》等數十家報刊雜誌,分別以《生活中的“潛規則”》、《實用的四句話》、《實用“潛規則》等不同文本予以轉載發表,多數署名為“湘竹”,也偶見佚名、未署名和撰改盜用的情況。杭州雅思培訓學校用中英文雙語轉載了拙作,題目為《做人四個準則》,略有改動。名利之外,一度被喻為潛哲學的幾個人生道理,再次受到眾多讀者朋友的關注。




