
It's yours, that's yours Not yours. Don't insist Efforts cherish a clear conscience Leave the rest to fate 是你的 就是你的 不是你的 不必強求 努力了 珍惜了 問心無愧 其他的 交給命運。


l like the early spring trees, the summer wind, autumn rain, winter solstice, snow and everyday you. 我喜歡春天的樹 盛夏的風 深秋的雨 冬至的雪 和每天的你。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

Find a heart that will love at your worst and arms that will hold you at your weakest. 找一顆心,會在你最糟糕的時候還愛你,尋一雙手,會在你最脆弱的時候擁抱你。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

May you have a mature love, that can let you don't have to bite a tooth try to be brave, suppress tears, stubborn people 願你遇到一個成熟的愛人,那個能讓你不用在咬著牙逞強,憋著淚倔強的人。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

If you believe in life, then everything is doomed by chance, if you do not believe in life, then everything is doomed by chance.如果你相信命,那麼一切偶然都是註定,如果你不相信命,那麼一切註定都是偶然。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

any a time prefer to be misunderstood And I don't want to explain Between faith and unbelief is between you Understand me why bother to explain 很多 時候寧願被誤會也不想去解釋信與不信就 在你一念之間懂我的人何必解釋。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

See you next time, laughing and not feeling mad.下次見你,談笑風生不動情。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

If you want,I will love you forever. If you don't, I will always love you.你要是願意,我就永遠愛你,你要是不願意,我就永遠相思。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

There is always a person who lives in the bottom of the heart but disappears in life.總有一個人一直住在心底,卻消失在生活裡。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

Not the best of times that there you in there,but you are here,and I have the best time.不是最好的時光裡有你在,而是有你在,我才有了最好的時光。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

Some People ten words will not hurt you,and some people a word on the pain of your heart.有些人十句話也傷不到你,有些人一句話就戳痛你的心。治癒系英文美句別有一番滋味!

