

1 願歲月可回首,且以深情共白頭。

May the years look back, and with the love of the total white head.

2 我是你擦肩而過的人,而你是我遙不可及的夢。

I am the person that you pass by, and you are my distant dream.


3 你許了我一米陽光,卻給了我一世滄桑。

You promised me the sun , but gave me a life of Cangshan .

4 人走茶涼,也許你只是一個名字;時過境遷,也許情只是一段回憶。

The person goes tea cool, perhaps you are just a name; the time changes, perhaps the feeling is just a memory.


5 多少情深埋葬在欲言又止的流沙歲月,多少解釋藏匿在躊躇不前的遲暮昭雪。

How much love is buried in the quicksand years to speak and stop, how many explanations lie hidden in the lingering twilight.

6 男人哭了為了什麼 因為他真的愛了,女人哭了因為什麼 因為她離開了。

The man cried for what because he really loved, the woman cried because she left.


7 風吹散的情話終究沙啞,已經走遠的人不會回家。

The wind blows away the love words after all hoarse, has already gone far people will not go home.

8 我寧可我們不曾相濡以沫,也不願我們從此相忘江湖。

I would rather we never know each other than forget the rivers and lakes.


9 我從未放棄過愛你,只是從濃烈變的悄無聲息。

I have never given up loving you, but from thick to silent.

10 願世界化為滄海,願你我歸於初見。

May the world turn into the sea, and may you and me see you for the first time.

