陳啓富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞

陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞

陳啟富藝名南林山人 號山牛,男,漢族,大專文化,副研究館員,1950年:月10日生,雲南省普洱縣人,現為中國建築家學會壁畫專委會會員雲南省中國美術家協會雲南省分會會員,:,中國書畫家聯誼會會員,中國藝術研究院榮譽書畫師,獲廖靜文簽發中國國畫家稱號,國家機關書畫家協會會員,國家一級美術師。

藝術格言:藝術生命源獨到 作品價值貴創新,獨闢蹊徑不覆轍 刻苦探索苦作舟


陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


筆畫個展三次,雲南省電視臺、《雲南畫報》等新聞媒體紛紛發表專題、評論員文章、報道十多篇,給予高度民主評價。代表作歷時六年時間創作完成的巨幅國畫長卷《普洱府秋集圖》,長18米,高1.4米,再現清代普洱古府府城內外,茶馬集散地一派繁榮興旺景象的歷史,人物3000餘人、民族、動物、植物、店鋪、中國傳統手工藝、民俗民風、長寬尺寸八個方面數量遠遠超過“清明上河圖” ,被“中國經濟網”、稱為茶馬古道上的“清明上河圖” ,數百家網站轉載報道。受到廣大觀眾及有關專家看過後深感震撼。作品民族及地方風情特色濃郁,技藝嫻熟,獨具風範。作品多次參加全國大展並獲獎。2014年受臺灣海基會、中華收藏家協會、海鮮兩岸藝術交流協會邀請赴臺進行藝術交流,海基會收藏了一幅巨幅國畫長卷《普洱府秋集圖》高仿真。 陳啟富美術作品以表現雲南民族風情、風貌,思普革命老區歷史英雄人物,熱帶雨林,普洱茶文化、茶馬古道濃郁的地域特色文化為主。 出版有《普洱府秋集圖》摺頁畫冊、高仿真,作品先後被收編入《世界知識畫報》、《美術大觀》、 紀念毛澤東誕辰110週年書畫名家邀請展名人畫冊、《藝術之巔》、《大道傳薪》等畫冊名錄30多本。 近年來陳啟富美術作品越來越受到國內外書畫藝術收藏家和廣大藝術愛好者們的關注和喜愛,現約一百多幅作品被國內外博物館、收藏家、單位等收藏。 巨幅國畫長卷《普洱府秋集圖》授權給雲南瀾滄江湄公河文化旅遊公司製作動畫。 陳啟富除精通專注繪畫外,還涉足房屋、古建築、園林規劃電腦設計、施工、石雕、浮雕設計,戶內外廣告設計製作,茶模雕刻、木板刻字、民族服裝設計等等均有涉足,被人們譽為“全才”、“鬼才”、“怪才” 。

陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


Chen Qifu art name Nanlin mountain man mountain cattle, male, Han, college culture, deputy research librarian, 1950: 10 days of life, Yunnan province Puer County people, is a member of the Chinese Artists Association of Yunnan Province, China Artists Association of Yunnan Province, member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, Chinese Academy of calligraphy and Painting Association, China Academy of Art Yu Shu painter was awarded the title of Chinese painting artist by Liao Jingwen, member of the National Association of calligraphers and calligraphers and national first class artist.

Artistic motto: the source of artistic life is unique, and its value is expensive and innovative.To explore a path without a new way

陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


He was very fond of painting since his childhood. He worked in the army for eleven years, and later worked in Puer County Cultural Center for fine arts. He studied at the Chinese Department of Yunnan University and the Department of fine arts of Yunnan Arts University, and graduated from Chinese painting and calligraphy University in three. In Kunming and other places in Kunming, and other places to hold the creation of the oil painting without a pen painting exhibition three times, Yunnan TV station, "Yunnan pictorial" and other news media have published special topics, commentators articles, reports more than 10, giving a high degree of democratic evaluation. The grand picture of the huge Chinese painting "Pu'er autumn collection", which has been completed for six years, is 18 meters long and 1.4 meters high. It reproduces the history of a flourishing scene in the Qing Dynasty Pu'er Gu Fu city. There are more than 3000 people, people, animals, plants, shops, traditional Chinese handicraft, folk custom and long style. The number of eight wide dimensions is far more than the "Qingming River map". It is called "China economic network", called "Qingming River map" on the tea horse road, and hundreds of websites reprint reports. It was deeply shocked by the audience and experts. The works are characterized by strong ethnic and local customs, skillful and unique demeanor. The works have participated in the National Exhibition and won the prize many times. In 2014, the Taiwan sea base Committee, the Chinese collectors association and the seafood cross-strait Association for artistic exchange invited the art exchange to Taiwan. The sea base collection has a huge collection of Chinese painting scroll "Pu'er mansion autumn collection chart" high simulation. Chen Qifu's art works show the national style and style of Yunnan, the heroes of the history of the old region, the tropical rain forest, the Pu'er tea culture and the strong local culture of the tea horse road. The book has been published in the book of "Pu'er Fu Qiu collection" and high simulation. The works have been compiled into more than 30 books, such as the world knowledge pictorial, the Grand View of art, the 110th Anniversary books and paintings of the famous artists of Mao Zedong's birthday, the book of famous paintings, the top of the art, the pay of the Boulevard. In recent years, Chen Qifu's art works have attracted more and more attention and love of Chinese and foreign art collectors and art lovers. About more than 100 works have been collected by museums, collectors and units at home and abroad. A large volume of traditional Chinese painting, "Pu er Fu Qiu Ji Tu", is authorized to produce animation for Mekong River Cultural Tourism Company of Lancang River, Yunnan. In addition to being proficient in painting, Chen Qifu also dabbled in house, ancient architecture, garden planning computer design, construction, stone carving, relief design, advertising design and production at home and abroad, tea mould carving, wood carving, national costume design and so on. People have been praised as "all talent", "ghost talent", "strange talent".

陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞




陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


He Jiaying, born in Tianjin in 1957, loved painting from his childhood, and studied Chinese painting in the Department of painting of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts in 1977. After graduating in 1980, he left school to teach. He was good at writing characters.It is now a member of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of the China American Association, vice president of the Tianjin American Association, the president of the Tianjin Academy of painting, the vice president of the contemporary art and Painting Association, the professor of the Tianjin Academy of art, the tutor of the master's degree, and the doctoral tutor of the Chinese Academy of art. Won the title of "young and middle-aged expert with outstanding contributions".The representative works include "mountain", "Nineteen autumn", "Mizhi", "sour grapes", "soul Department horses", "autumn Hades", "Sang Lu", "dance rest", "Yang Kaihui", and so on.Many times participated in the national art exhibition and won the silver award, the contemporary fine brushwork society gold medal and the first prize.The style of his works is rigorous, exquisite, simple and generous, accurate in shape, and good at depicting the inner world of static characters, with perfect pattern and symbolism.

陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


陳啟富 何家英——中國書畫兩大名家作品鑑賞


