語法專項練習 “謂語動詞”習題及解析(精研一題,弄通一片)




1. The plant_____(bloom開花) in winter.

2. My sister _____(read) English every day.

3. Look, the students_____(play) games on the playground.

4. We____(visit) the Great Wall tomorrow.

5. ----Where is your father?

-----He_____(clean) his car over ther.

6. ----How often does Leo go the city library?

----He ____(go) to the library every week. and he ____(go) there yesterday.

7. There______(be) not any buildings here when I _____(come) here for the first time.

8.When you get there, my friend______(meet) you at the station.

9. He ______(take) some medicine and______(feel) much better.

10.It's 8 o'clock, my parents_______(watch) TV.

11.I am not who I_______(be) before.

12.----Where is your father?

-----He_____(go) to work.

13.While the teacher______(speak), the students________(listen). They all look very enjoyable.

14.When you knocked at the door, I_______(answer) a phone.

15.When my grandpa lived, every time when we went to see him, he_______(tell) us how he missed us.

16.I ______(wait) for you here for 20 minutes.

17.Rob______(live) in China since he was 10 years old.

18.When he woke up, he _______(sleep) in hospital for 4 days.

19.When I arrived at the top, the sun _______(rise) from behind the mountain.

20.We______(learn) twelve lessons until now.

語法專項練習 “謂語動詞”習題及解析(精研一題,弄通一片)


1. The plant__blooms___(bloom開花) in winter.


2. My sister __reads___(read) English every day.


3. Look, the students__are playing___(play) games on the playground.

通過look看,我們知道,play的動作必然處於進行狀態,用其進行式be playing;根據句子情景可知事情發生的時間是現在,be用其現在式複數are,答案為:are playing。句子時態為現在進行時。

4. We__are going to visit/ will visit__(visit) the Great Wall tomorrow.

“參觀"visit是一個發生在將來的一般動作,句子用將來一般時,結構:“主語+be going to +動原”或“主語+will+動原”。

be going to結構表示”計劃“ ”打算“要做的事情。

”will+動原“自然就表示非計劃打算要做的事。比如:自然界發生的”下雨“ "下雪”等等。

5. ----Where is your father?

-----He__is cleaning___(clean) his car over there.

根據情景,“洗”clean的動作處於進行狀態,用其進行式be cleaning;根據情景,時間是現在,be用其現在式is(三單)。答案為:is cleaning,句子時態為現在進行時。

6. ----How often does Leo go the city library?

----He __goes__(go) to the library every week. and he __went__(go) there yesterday.


7. There___were___(be) not any buildings here when I __came___(come) here for the first time.

根據句意,兩句均為過去一般時,兩空答案分別用過去式were, came。

8.When you get there, my friend___are going to meet/ will meet___(meet) you at the station.

根據when you get there的謂語動詞get用現在一般式可排除過去時間,只可能是將來或現在,再結合下文,可確認其時間為將來。meet是一個發生在將來的一般動作,用將來一般式are going to meet或will meet。

9. He ___took___(take) some medicine and___felt___(feel) much better.

根據句子情景,可判斷句子時態為過去一般時,兩空答案分別為took, felt。

10.It's 8 o'clock, my parents___are watching____(watch) TV.

看電視的看watch處於進行狀態,用watch的進行式be watching,時間是現在的八點,be用其現在式複數are,故答案為are watching。

11.I am not who I___was____(be) before.

我不再是從前的我了,現在的我用現在式”am", 過去的我用過去式was。

12.----Where is your father?

-----He___has gone__(go) to work.

他去上班了,“去”go的動作處於完成狀態,用其完成式have/has gone。時間是現在,have/has用現在式三單has。故答案為:have/has。句子時態為現在完成時。

13.While the teacher___is speaking___(speak), the students___are listening___(listen). They all look very enjoyable.

“老師講的時候學生聽著”,講和聽都處於進行狀態,分別用其進行式:be speaking, be listening。根據最後一句They all look very enjoyable可知時間是現在。be動詞用其現在式,兩空答案分別為:is speaking, are listening。句子時態都是現在進行時。

14.When you knocked at the door, I___was answering____(answer) a phone.

根據情景,“回電話”answer在敲門的時候處於進行狀態,用其進行式be answering,“敲”knocked用了過去式可知事情發生的時間是過去,be動詞用其過去式was。答案為was answering,句子時態為過去進行時。 

15.When my grandpa lived, every time when we went to see him, he___would tell___(tell) us how he missed us.

當我們去的時候,Grandpa“告訴”tell的動作處於將發生狀態,用其將來式will tell, 根據前兩個時間狀語從句的謂語動詞的過去式lived, went我們知道時間是過去,will用其過去式would。句子時態為過去將來時,答案為would tell。

16.I ___have waited___(wait) for you here for 20 minutes.

根據表時間的狀語for 20 minutes,wait這個動作從20分鐘前一直持續到現在,句子用現在完成時,答案為have waited。

17.Rob___has lived___(live) in China since he was 10 years old.

居住live這個動作從10年前一直持續到現在,句子用現在完成時,答案為has lived。

18.When he woke up, he ___had slept____(sleep) in hospital for 4 days.

當他醒來的時候,“睡了4天”sleep這個動作處於完成狀態,用其完成式have slept,前面時間狀語從句的謂語動詞過去式woke說明事情發生在過去,have要用其過去式had,句子為過去完成式,答案為had slept。

19.When I arrived at the top, the sun ___was rising____(rise) from behind the mountain.

當我到達山頂的時候,太陽昇起rise這個動作處於進行狀態,用其進行式be rising;到達arrived用過去式說明時間是過去,be用其過去式was。答案為was rising,句子為過去進行時。

20.We___have learnt___(learn) twelve lessons until now.

until now直到現在,動作從過去一直持續到現在,用現在完成時,答案為have learnt。 

