
一句話瑜伽,第157期Elle:推拉,保持平衡。Pushing and pulling Balancing.

與傾向於自然對立。現在,我瞭如指掌。Opposing natural tendencies.By now,I know them so well.

一方希望創造一個安全的環境,慰藉他人— 一個安靜的聽眾,在陰影中膜拜。One side with a desire to create a safe environment that comforts others - a quiet listener, in the shadows, admiring.

另一方面需要強烈堅持我的創意/身體/靈魂的火焰。The other side a strong need to remain true to my creative mind/body/soul fire.

我毫無悔意的表達自我,兩者皆可,兩個我都接受了,微調,調整,我不言棄。my unapologetic self expression.I see the good in both,I accept them both ,I tweak ,I adjust, I never give up.

每一步都是學習與成長的輝煌契機。Every step a glorious opportunity to learn and grow.

我沒變,我沒改變。I'm not changing,I'm not transforming.

只是創造空間延展到傾向於自我平衡Just creating space Expanding into self Balancing tendencies.

這是本週進行4天密集瑜伽訓練時,為自己設定的幾個目標之一。This was one of a few goals a set for myself while doing the 4 day intensive yog training this week.

