
But I am going to be rich,' Johnny said. 'I've got a good story, see?" He laughed. "I'm going to sell it. A newspaper wants to give me 100,000 Euros for it. They gave me 1,000 last month, and I'm going to get the other 99,000 very soon.

"Great!' said Jude. "So what's the story then, Johnny?

Have some more coffee, and tell us all about it.

Well, you know the Tyler Drug Company?' Johnny began. They make drugs and medicines.

Yes,' Hawker said. 'It's a very big European com pany. They've got offices in all the big cities.

Yeah, that's right,' Johnny said, Well, they're taking young people off the streets, and using them for tests.

Jude laughed. 'Nobody's going to believe that!' she said. Drug companies use animals, not people, for their tests. Some new drugs can be very dangerous at first. No body wants people to die from a new medicine!

It's true!' Johnny said angrily. Think about it. All those young homeless people in London. They sleep every night along the Strand, and other streets. Nobody wants to know them, nobody asks questions about them. They've got no home, no family, nothing.

But they've got legs,' Hawker said. They can rur a way.




“你们知道泰勒药品公司吧?"约翰尼于是开始讲了,“那儿生产各种药品。” “知道,”霍克回应道,“那是个欧洲的大公司。它在各大城市都有代理处。" “对,对,”约翰尼说,“嗯,就是它搜罗浪迹街头的青年,并在他们身上做试验。”祖德笑出声儿来。“没人会相信你!"她说:“医药公司用动物做试验,不会用人的。



