英语翻译小说阅读0422《三国演义》第三回11 附单词注释

  “This Lu Bu is a marvel,” said Dong Zhuo. “If he were only on my side, I would defy the whole world!”

  At this a man advanced saying, “Be content, O my lord! I am a fellow villager of his and know him well: He is valorous, but not crafty; he will let go principles, when he sees advantages. With this little, blarneying tongue of mine, I can persuade him to put up his hands and come over to your side.”

  Dong Zhuo was delighted and gazed admiringly at the speaker. It was Li Su, a general in the Imperial Tiger Army.

  “What arguments will you use with him?” asked Dong Zhuo.

  “You have a fine horse, Red Hare, one of the best ever bred. I must have this steed, and gold and pearls to win his heart. Then will I go and persuade him. He will certainly abandon Ding Yuan's service for yours.”

  “What think you?” said Dong Zhuo to his adviser Li Ru.

  “One cannot grudge a horse to win an empire,” was the reply.

  So they gave Li Su what he demanded——a thousand ounces of gold, ten strings of beautiful pearls, a jeweled belt, and Red Hare——and these accompanied Li Su on his visit to his fellow villager.

  Li Su reached the camp and said to the guard, “Please tell General Lu Bu that a very old friend has come to visit him.”

  He was admitted forthwith.

  “Worthy brother, have you been well since we last met?” greeted Li Su while bowing.

  “How long it is since we last saw each other!” replied Lu Bu, bowing in return. “And where are you now?”

“I am a general in the Imperial Tiger Army. When I learned you were a strong supporter of the Throne, I could not say how I rejoiced. I have come now to present to you a really fine horse, a five-hundred-mile-a-day horse, one that crosses rivers and goes up mountains as if they were the level plain. Its name is Red Hare. It will be a fitting aid to your valor.”

Marvel 令人惊异的人

Content 满意的

Valorous 勇武的

Blarney 奉承

Grudge 不愿意给

Forthwith 立刻
