一起来读儿童英文绘本:PIG OUT!(小猪游记)(有音频)

儿童英文绘本:PIG OUT!(小猪游记)

儿童英文绘本:PIG OUT!(小猪游记).MP34:11



《Pig Out!》




Mama pig looked out the window.

The sun was up.

The birds were singing.

"Let's go on a picnic!"said Mama pig.

猪妈妈看了看窗外。太阳公公已经升起来啦。小鸟在唱歌。 “我们去野餐吧!”猪妈妈说。


"Yes!"said Papa pig.

"Yes!”said the little pig.

"We will get the picnic basket."

The little pig found the basket.



They carried the basket into the kitchen.

Then they put in lots of bread and butter,eggs and cheese, apples and grapes and bananas.

But was the basket full? No!



So they put in popcorns and nuts, honey and jam, cookie and cake.

But was the basket full? No!

所以他们又放进了一些爆米花和坚果、蜂蜜、果酱和蛋糕。但是篮子满了吗? 不!


"I know what we need,"said Mama pig.

And she went to the phone.



Soon a van came to the house.

What was in the van? pizza!

Lots of pizza!



Now the basket was full.

"Off we go!" said Mama pig.

But the pig family did not go anywhere.

The basket was too heavy!



"Oh, no!" said the little pig.

"We cannot have a picnic. What will we do now?"



"I know," said Mama pig.

"We will have a pizza party!"



The pig family ate all the pizza.

And what did they do with the bread and butter and cookie and cake and all the other food?



They ate it, of course!
