

Keir Starmer winning UK Labour leadership election


Sir Keir Starmer has won the UK Labour leadership election with more than 56% of the vote, bringing an end to Jeremy Corbyn’s tenure① of almost five years at the top of the party. His immediate priority will be to respond to Boris Johnson’s call for all party leaders to work together to tackle the coronavirus crisis. Speaking after the result, Starmer said he was aware of the scale of the task ahead of him, with the Conservatives enjoying near-record support in December’s election. Sir Keir, known for a forensic② attention to detail, is a moderate and is expected to pull Labour back towards the political centre after five years of Corbyn’s radical socialism. (The Guardian and The Economist Epsresso)



① tenure: [ˈtenjʊə] n. the period of time when sb. holds an important job, especially a political one(在重要崗位上)任職的時間

② forensic: [fəˈrɛnzɪk] adj. belonging to, used in, or suitable to courts of judicature or to public discussion and debate 屬於/用於/適於法庭的;(在公眾前)辯論的

Keir Starmer

(Credit: The Independent)


Bernie Sanders dropping out of the 2020 race


US Sen.① Bernie Sanders ended his presidential campaign last Wednesday, clearing the way for a general election in November between the presumptive② Democratic nominee, Joe Biden, and the incumbent③ president Donald Trump. Sanders’ exit caps④ a stunning⑤ reversal of fortune following a strong performance in the first three states that voted in February. Though Mr. Sanders made it clear last Wednesday that he viewed Mr. Biden as the party’s 2020 nominee, he said he would remain on the ballot⑥ in states that still have primaries—a move that could give him leverage to influence the Democratic platform⑦ and continue carrying his message. Mr. Biden will likely need to do more to articulate an agenda⑧ on foundational Democratic issues like health care and climate change, which are central to Sanders’ candidacy. (CNN and The New York Times)



① Sen.「= Senator」參議員

② presumptive: [prɪˈzʌm(p)tɪv] adj. likely to be true, based on the facts that are available 假定的

③ incumbent: [ɪnˈkʌmbənt] adj. having an official position 現任的,在職的

④ cap: [cæp] vt. to end sth. in usually an exciting or impressive way(尤指以驚心動魄或驚豔的方式)使結束

⑤ stunning: [ˈstʌnɪŋ] adj. very surprising or shocking 令人震驚的,令人目瞪口呆的

⑥ ballot: [ˈbælət] n. a ticket or piece of paper used to vote in an election 選票

⑦ platform: [ˈplætfɔːm] n. the aims of a political party and the things that they say they will do if they are elected to power「常用單數」(競選時的)政治主張/承諾

⑧ agenda: [əˈdʒendə] n. a list of problems or subjects that a government, organization etc. is planning to deal with(政府、企業等的)待議問題/事項表

Bernie Sanders

(Credit: The New York Times)


The Fed providing an extra $2.3tn in loans


Jay Powell, the Fed chairman, said the Federal Reserve would use its powers “forcefully, proactively and aggressively” until the economy recovers from the coronavirus shock, as the US central bank moved to offer an extra $2.3tn in credit and support the market for high-yield① corporate debt. Mr. Powell’s announcement came as the economic damage inflicted by the coronavirus pandemic was highlighted by data showing that 6.6m people filed for jobless benefits in the US in the past week, bringing the total of America’s newly unemployed to 17m since the cascade② of business shutdowns caused by the virus. The Fed has already slashed③interest rates close to zero and expanded its balance sheet in a big way by buying up④ Treasury debt and government-guaranteed mortgage-backed securities. (The Financial Times)



① yield: [jiːld] n. the amount obtained from some financial transaction, impost, etc. 收益

② cascade: [kæˈskeɪd] n. a large number of things falling or coming quickly at the same time 一連串,同時大量落下/湧現的東西

③ slash: [slæʃ] vt. to reduce sth. by a large amount【口】大幅削減

④ buy up: to buy all or as much as possible of sth. 全部買下,儘量多地買入

Jobless claims surge in the US

(Credit: CNN)


ZTE executive① quitting amid sex assault allegations


A prominent Chinese lawyer who served on the board of telecoms equipment giant ZTE Corp has resigned after several news articles in state-backed media reported that he was under investigation for alleged sexual assault. ZTE said in a filing② with the Shenzhen Stock Exchange that he will no longer hold any position at the company. (Reuters)



① executive: [ɪɡˈzekjʊtɪv] n. a person who has an important job as a manager of a company or an organization(公司或組織的)管理人員

② filing: [ˈfaɪlɪŋ] n. a document filed 提交的文件

(Credit: weibo.com)


Boris Johnson being discharged


UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson has left hospital after a week of treatment for COVID-19 and will go to Chequers① to continue his recovery. Johnson was the first world leader to test positive for the coronavirus and was self-isolating in his early days of infection. He was admitted to the hospital on April 5 and moved to intensive care the following day. Last Thursday night, he was moved back to the ward②. Cabinet meetings since his hospitalization③have been headed up④ by the foreign secretary, Dominic Raab, who Johnson nominated to deputize⑤ for him “where necessary.” (Time and The Guardian)



① Chequers: [ˈtʃekəz] n. the country house of the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom 契克斯〔英國首相鄉間別墅〕

② ward: [wɔːd] n. an apartment or division in a hospital, containing a certain number of beds, or allocated to a particular class of patients 病房/區

③ hospitalization: [ˈhɒspɪtəlaɪz] n. the fact of having to stay in a hospital for treatment 住院治療

④ head up: (of a person) to be the head, chief, captain, or ruler of; to be in charge or in control of 領導,帶領

⑤ deputize: [ˈdepjʊtʌɪz] vi. to act or speak (for sb. else) on a temporary basis 擔任臨時代表

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson chaired a Downing Street meeting by video link on March 28, a day after he announced that he had COVID-19.

(Credit: Getty Images)


two-thirds of severe COVID-19 cases being improved on remdesivir


Remdesivir, Gilead Sciences Inc.’s experimental drug, is viewed by researchers and doctors as one of the most promising agents against COVID-19 to enter human trials to date① because it had broad-spectrum② activity against a wide variety of coronaviruses similar to Sars-Cov-2. A recent study tracked 53 people in the US, Europe, Canada and Japan who needed respiratory support. All received a 10-day course of remdesivir on a compassionate use③ basis. During a median follow-up of 18 days, 68% of the patients had an improvement in oxygen-support class, including 17 of 30 patients receiving mechanical ventilation who were extubated④. Almost half of the patients were discharged⑤, while 13% died. 60% of the patients reported adverse events⑥during follow-up. 23% of the patients had serious adverse events, including multiple-organ dysfunction syndrome, septic shock, acute kidney injury, and low blood pressure. Measurement of efficacy will still require ongoing randomized, placebo⑦-controlled trials of remdesivir therapy. (Bloomberg and The New England Journal of Medicine)



① to date: to the present time or moment 到目前為止

② broad-spectrum: [ˌbrɔːd ˈspektrəm] adj. (of a drug) effective over a wide range of diseases or micro-organisms 對治療多種疾病有效的,能抗多種微生物的,廣譜的

③ compassionate use: the individual patient use of an investigational medicinal product outside of a clinical trial that is intended to treat a serious or life-threatening condition 同情用藥

④ extubate: [ˈekstjuːbeɪt] vt. to remove a previously inserted tube from a patient 從{病人身體}中去除管子

⑤ discharge: [dɪsˈtʃɑːdʒ] vt. to allow a patient to leave hospital because they are judged fit 允許{病人}出院

⑥ adverse event: unanticipated or unwanted effects of drugs(藥物的)不良反應

⑦ placebo: [pləˈsiːbəʊ] n. a substance with no therapeutic effect used as a control in testing new drugs, etc.(醫學實驗中的)安慰劑

Gilead's antiviral remdesivir was being tested in multiple late-stage studies in China and the US to treat COVID-19.

(Credit: AP)
