

More and more headstrong is because love is too deep. More and more silence is because hurt too much. More and more polite because of disappointment.


Sometimes, love is a kind of hurt. Cruel people choose to hurt others; good people choose to hurt themselves


Commitment is a struggle between men and women. Sometimes everyone is happy, but most of them are both defeated.


The knight is always the guardian of the princess, but the princess is destined to be with the prince.


I'm afraid that I'm more and more serious, but you don't have the original enthusiasm


See all the world, with eyes full of vicissitudes, a sad and hurt.


When I cry for you, because I still love you.


The moment when fireworks bloom. That's what makes me sa


Although our eyes can't really see the fairyland, but our hearts feel it, bright and confused.
10、该走的人迟早会走 ,与其费力勒紧手里的线 ,不如等风来的时候就放手。

Sooner or later, the person who should go will go. It's better to let go when the wind comes than to tighten the line in his hand.

11、如果他总爱为别人撑伞遮风挡雨 ,我又何必为他等在雨中衣衫湿透。

If he always likes to hold an umbrella for others to keep out the wind and rain, why should I get wet in the rain for him.


I don't want to be in love.


Initiative for a long time, everyone will be tired, not do not love, just tired heart

In fact, no one can tell you how to give up a person


Because I always think that the good things may not belong to me, I take them, naturally there is a price.


As long as you are willing to let go, there is nothing to hinder you.