國際熱點 | LV、Burberry、Chanel等奢侈品入局口罩製作

整合 | 周梓洛 艾麗娜

>> 10名參與新冠病毒患者治療的護士因得不到N95口罩而罷工,正面臨可能長達數週的停職

>> 科學家預測,如果還不能迅速找到疫苗,美國需要繼續社交隔離至2022年

>> 路易威登、巴寶莉和香奈兒都把自己的時尚實力投入與口罩製作之中

>> 世界銀行稱,由於新冠病毒,撒哈拉以南非洲將陷入25年來的首次衰退

>> 失去榮耀的電影製片人哈維·韋恩斯坦被指控犯有性侵犯罪

>> 飢餓的國家面臨著第二次巨大的蝗災

01 新冠疫情

10 coronavirus-unit nurses are suspended, potentially for weeks, for refusing to work without N95 masks


@CNN April 17, 2020

Ten nurses were placed on administrative leave from Providence Saint John's Health Center in Santa Monica, California, for demanding they be given N95 masks while treating Covid-19 patients on April 9.


The hospital said there were no N95 masks for them and insisted they wear surgical masks instead, the nurses said, even though other healthcare workers at the hospital were provided N95 masks.


"Every one of our nurses caring for Covid-19 positive patients and patients under investigation (PUIs), was provided appropriate PPE per CDC, WHO and state guidelines," hospital spokesperson Patricia Aidem said in a statement. "These same guidelines are followed by most hospitals across the United States."

醫院發言人帕特里夏·艾登在一份聲明中說:“我們每位照顧新冠病毒確診病人和被隔離人員的護士,都按照美國疾病預防控制中心、世衛組織和州政策提供了適當的個人防護裝備。” “美國大多數醫院都遵循這些相同的準則。”

The current CDC policy recommends that healthcare professionals treating Covid-19 patients or PUIs wear N95 or higher level respirators. Although the N95 masks are "preferred," healthcare workers should only wear facemasks--surgical masks-- when respirators are not available.

當前美國疾病預防控制中心的政策建議,醫務人員在近距離接觸新冠病毒的病人或疑似患者時,應當佩戴N95口罩或防護級別更高的呼吸機。儘管 N95口罩是“首選” ,當沒有呼吸機時,醫護人員僅應佩戴普通醫用口罩。

Since the nurses refused to enter the patient rooms, the N95 policy has changed. Aidem says that's because the hospital has received "an increase" in N95 masks and is beginning to sanitize and reuse masks, "enabling us to provide them to all caregivers treating Covid-19 patients."


PSJHC's human resources has been meeting individually with the 10 nurses, according to another suspended nurse, telling them they are still under suspension while they conduct an investigation that may last weeks.


US may have to endure social distancing until 2022 if no vaccine is quickly found, scientists predict


@CNN April 15, 2020

The US may have to endure social distancing measures -- such as stay-at-home orders and school closures -- until 2022, researchers projected on Tuesday. That is, unless, a vaccine becomes quickly available.


That's according to researchers from the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health, who published their findings in the journal Science on Tuesday. Those findings directly contradict research being touted by the White House that suggests the pandemic may stop this summer.


The team at the Harvard School of Public Health used what's known about Covid-19 and other coronaviruses to create possible scenarios of the current pandemic.


"Intermittent distancing may be required into 2022 unless critical care capacity is increased substantially or a treatment or vaccine becomes available," they wrote in their report. "Even in the event of apparent elimination, SARS-CoV-2 surveillance should be maintained since a resurgence in contagion could be possible as late as 2024."


"If intermittent distancing is the approach that's chosen, it may be necessary to do it for several years, which is obviously a very long time," Dr. Marc Lipsitch, an author on the study and an epidemiology professor at the Harvard School of Public Health, told reporters.


Another important factor: Whether people become immune to the new coronavirus after they have been infected. That's not yet known.


There's also the difficult social questions around immunity certificates, which have been floated as a possibility in the UK. Would they create a kind of two-tier society, where those who have them can return to a more normal life, while others remain locked down?


The study researchers say they are aware that such prolonged distancing, even if intermittent, would likely have "profoundly negative economic, social, and educational consequences."


Louis Vuitton, Burberry and Chanel put their fashion muscle behind face masks


@ CNN April 14, 2020

Ever at the forefront of haute couture, Louis Vuitton, Burberry and Chanel are celebrated by fashion connoisseurs for defining style in handbags, dresses and shoes.


Now they are putting their fashion muscle and supply chain expertise behind making protective clothing for those on the front lines of the coronavirus pandemic.


French couture brand Louis Vuitton said it was joining the global effort to make more supplies to protect healthcare workers. The company, via Instagram, said it had repurposed several of its workshops across France to "produce hundreds of thousands of non-surgical face masks" for healthcare workers.


"This initiative will donate the much-needed protective gear to frontline healthcare workers. Thank you to the hundreds of artisans who have volunteered to create these masks, as well as everyone doing their part to fight this global pandemic," the company said.


British fashion brand Burberry, (BURBY) too, has pivoted part of its fashion production machinery to make masks.


The company said it was using its global supply chain "to fast-track the delivery of 100,000 surgical masks to the UK National Health Service, for use by medical staff."


Another legendary French fashion house, Chanel, said it is contributing to the effort by making face masks.


The company last month said it was seeking approval for raw materials and prototypes so that its sewing specialists, who typically make the brand's haute couture and ready-to-wear fashion collections, could start to make face masks and hospital gowns.


Sub-Saharan Africa to fall into its first recession in 25 years due to coronavirus, says World Bank


@CNN April 17, 2020

Economic growth in sub-Saharan Africa is forecast to fall sharply in 2020 and the region will suffer its first recession in 25 years, according to a World Bank report published Thursday.


The bank estimates "Covid-19 will cost the region between $37 billion and $79 billion in output losses for 2020 due to a combination of effects," including trade disruption and reduced remittances, tourism and foreign aid.

世界銀行估計,由於多種因素的綜合影響,“ 2020年,新冠病毒將給該地區造成370億至790億美元的產出損失”,其中包括貿易中斷、外匯縮水、旅遊業衰退和外國援助減少。

While most countries in the region will see a decline in growth, "real gross domestic product growth is projected to fall sharply particularly in the region's three largest economies -- Nigeria, Angola, and South Africa -- as a result of persistently weak growth and investment," the report said.


The bank also warned of a potential food security crisis in Africa as a result of disrupted agricultural production and food imports.


While several African countries swiftly implemented measures to curb the spread of the outbreak, the report identified "several factors that pose challenges to the containment and mitigation measures, in particular the large and densely populated urban informal settlements, poor access to safe water and sanitation facilities, and fragile health systems."


02 社會

Disgraced film producer Harvey Weinstein charged with new count of sexual assault


@ The Daily Mali Apr 11, 2020

Disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein has been charged with a new count of sexual assault, prosecutors in Los Angeles have said.


The fallen film producer, who is serving a 23-year sentence for rape and sexual assault in New York, is alleged to have attacked a woman at a Beverly Hills hotel in May 2010, according to the Los Angeles County District Attorney.


Weinstein had already been charged with one felony count each of forcible rape, forcible oral copulation, sexual penetration by use of force and sexual battery by restraint.


Prosecutors have now added one felony count of sexual battery by restraint. If convicted as charged in the amended complaint, he faces up to 29 years in state prison.


The Los Angeles district attorney launched the extradition process to bring Weinstein, 68, to California from New York in March.


It is unknown when Weinstein, once one of Hollywood's most powerful figures, will be transferred to Los Angeles.


Starving nations face second huge locust plague


@ The Times April 15, 2020

A second, far larger wave of locusts is about to hit Africa’s poorest nations just as they recover from an infestation already considered the worst in a generation.


Somalia, Ethiopia and Kenya were especially hard hit by the first giant swarms, which started in January and laid waste to crops throughout the region. The second wave is likely to be up to 20 times larger, thanks to abundant spring rain and ideal breeding conditions.


The UN has described the situation as “extremely alarming” in a region struggling with food security and restrictions on movement that could hinder a unified response.


版面編輯 | 周梓洛

責任編輯 | 餘 昉