如何能达到涅槃的境界?(一)| How Can the Realm of Nibbāna be Re




How can the realm of Nibbāna be reached?


The Nibbāna discussed above is the Truth of the Extinction of Suffering (Nirodha-sacca). Your question on how to reach the realm of Nibbāna falls under the category of the Truth of the Path Leading to the Extinction of Suffering (Magga-sacca). Magga-sacca takes Nibbāna as its goal, the elimination of the basic distresses of birth and death as its objective and uses as its method the Threefold Learning (Ti-sikkhā), which consists of morality or moral precepts (Sīla), concentration (Samādhi) and wisdom (Paññā).

(1) 戒,是防止身口意三业的过失,有五戒、十戒、具足戒三级。五戒(Panca Sīla)是不杀、不偷盗、不邪淫、不妄语、不饮酒类。这是出家与在家弟子共持的戒。十戒是沙弥(Sāmaṇera)持的戒(出家男子受十戒的叫做沙弥,一般是不满二十岁的人,满二十岁才能受具足戒为比丘)。具足戒是比丘、比丘尼持的戒。当初僧伽成立时,没有约制团体的一定规律。其后,随着问题的发生而随时制戒,到佛逝世前,已制定了二百多条。南方国家所传比丘戒二百二十七条,我国西藏二百五十三条,汉地二百五十条,大体相同,仅有某些条款分开和合并的不同,汉地比丘尼戒三百四十八条。

(1) Morality aims at preventing faults in the three kammas of body, speech and mind. There are three levels of moral precepts to follow: the five precepts, the ten precepts and the complete precepts for the higher ordained (upasampadā). The five precepts are followed by both lay believers and monastic disciples, that is, abstinence from taking life, from stealing, from illicit sexual conduct, from false speech and from intoxicants. The ten precepts are followed by novices (sāmaṇeras) who have just renounced lay life. (Novices are usually under the age of 20 and will get higher ordination to become monks or nuns at the age of 20.) The complete precepts are followed by monks and nuns (bhikkhus and bhikkhunīs). At the beginning of the establishment of the Sangha Order, there were no fixed rules set for the whole Order. Afterwards, precepts were laid whenever problems arose. By the time of the Buddha's Parinibbāna, there were more than 200 rules. The Bhikkhu precepts now number 227 in Theravadin countries, 253 in Tibet and 250 in Han-inhabited regions of China. They are mostly the same, with slight differences in grouping of certain items. There are 348 rules for bhikkhunīs in the Han regions.


Source: Answer to Common Questions

about Buddhism, by Zhao Puchu


Translated by: Zhao Tong


English Editor: Michael Crook


Proofread by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center